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This would've been longer, but I procrastinated. Also, I have a doctors appointment in the morning, so I gotta head to bed 😭 goodnight

Happy angst:333
Also, Happy is mtf in my headcanons:33

Memories of the past could be so comforting and yet so sad. Happy knew when she woke up this morning that today would be a very sensitive day for her. All night, she had been dreaming, dreaming of a world that never went wrong, a world where many of her friends hadn't died. Being part of the Colourless Guard however, meant she'd have to be strong when on duty, no matter how much of a lump she felt in her throat, or how many tears pooled in her eyes.

So she did her duty. She stayed strong, even though it wasn't the best thing for her to do. She would keep her voice steady whenever she was spoken to. All throughout the day, all she could think about were memories of times she spent with past friends. Though, the memories would always go to her bestest friend in the whole world. Funny. Heck, he'd been her whole world.

Honestly, Happy really doesn't know how she's continued on for so long without him. Now that it was approaching the end of the day, she felt...miserable. Happy felt like she really had to talk to someone. She couldn't hold all this emotional turmoil in.

She found herself at Light's office door, hesitating, and her fist held up to knock on the door. Should she really bother him...? He...was the only one who truly would get how she was feeling right now. After another moment of hesitating, she knocked on the door, quickly being invited inside. The door opened, and she walked in, closing it behind her.

"Ah, good evening!" Light spoke, voice jovial. She leaned back against the door, her entire posture completely drooping, soon able to see how Light's smile quickly turned to a concerned frown, "Hey...are you alright?" A shuddering breath left her. She pulled her helmet off of her head, holding it in her hands as a tremble overtook her. Tears were dripping down her cheeks now that she was somewhere with someone she felt safe with.

She soon felt arms around her after her helmet had been taken from her and placed down. Happy held onto Light like a lifeline, large sobs wracking her entire body. The memory of losing people she loved and cared for so much physically hurt.

Happy didn't know when she ended up on the floor, cradled close by Light, but all she could do was wail and blubber, "Oh Light- Light I m...miss them all much-" Her voice cracks and breaks as she cries, "Oh Happy...I know..I know." She felt his grip on her tighten as he held her even closer, small tears of his own forming in his eyes.

And so they sat there, emotional, only able to reminisce on the people they both lost, and how it was unfair that life had turned out the way it had.

Chromatober|A FMS Prompt Challenge by LoneRanger253|Written by meWhere stories live. Discover now