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I started writing this after I got my blood drawn ajdjfjf my arm is thankfully less achy now, but here's a fluffy one

Instead of lulling into a sense of security, like others, I did the other sense of lull, lulling back to sleep!

Takes place before RQ, but after SL, Orange Leader being a dad 😭

Dealing with a child who had a nightmare was the easier side of middle of the night wake up, lulling them back to sleep? Now that was the problem. The Orange Leader had... some experience with this. Especially right now. He awoke with a start to the sound of a wailing child. In a sudden burst of worry, he got out of bed, moving quickly. He opened his door and headed to another one close by. Orange Leader opened the door and peered in at the sobbing child sat in bed.

"Oh Shy..." He swiftly made it by his side, kneeling down, "Hey buddy...what's wrong?" Shy sniffled and whimpered, rubbing at his eyes, "I...I had... had a scary dream..." He looked at his dad, holding his arms out to him, quickly being pulled close into a hug. They hug in silence for a while, well, mostly silence, Shy was still crying, but the hug from his dad allowed him to begin to calm down.

After a little while, Shy was calmed down, although he looked downtrodden and a bit weary, "Do you want to talk about your dream...?" "I...uh-uh..." Orange Leader patted him on the head, "That's okay, you don't need to talk about it...are you ready to go back to sleep?" "No!!" The little Steve cried out. Shy's eyes held terror at the idea of going back to sleep because what if...what if he had a scary dream again...

Orange Leader sighed, and continued to cradle Shy close to himself, right...he had to get Shy to go back to sleep, but...he knew how much of a difficult task this would be with Shy as scared as he is right now.

An hour passed of him trying to lull the exhausted child back to sleep, then he gave a little offer he knew would get Shy to return to sleep, " about you sleep in my bed, I'll be by your side for the rest of the night and scare the bad dreams away.." "O-Okay..."

In the space of a few minutes, he carried Shy off to his room, getting into bed beside his son, holding the child close. It didn't take long, but Shy was quickly lulled back to sleep, and this time, his dreams were safe from the scary nightmares.

Chromatober|A FMS Prompt Challenge by LoneRanger253|Written by meWhere stories live. Discover now