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I finally broke 400 words!! 🥳

I decided to write Yellow and Light! I enjoy them a lot so I decided this was a good idea! I love how I started this book like- angsty, and then immediately turned to fluff!

So this could be viewed as platonic or romantic. It really depends on the eye of the reader! I don't mind either interpretation:D

This takes place after RQA:3


Today was Yellow's day off, which, he supposed was alright since there weren't really any threats out in the world to worry about, which made him not have to always be on duty. Plus, it gave him time to rest and recuperate for when he was next on duty. The thing is, he didn't really like being too inactive for long, mainly because he's a Yellow Steve, and that tends to be a Yellow Steve thing.

That actually gave him an idea. He could be active while doing something that all things considered weren't too straining! Flower picking!! Something he hasn't done since he was little. He also decided to pick them for someone, as a little extra motivation. Yellow was going to pick flowers for Light, after all, Light deserves a nice gift, if it weren't for Light, he wouldn't be as good a guard as he is now, and the fact Light has been his friend for months now, it was only right to do something nice.

So now that he was out in a flower forest, well...he had no idea what kind of flowers Light liked. Yellow began to ponder. Perhaps since he was once an Orange Steve, he'd like orange tulips? But maybe he liked different colours now due to changing colour... maybe he'd like light grey tulips...? Maybe he'd like alliums?

Perhaps he should've asked him what kind of flowers he liked...aw man. Maybe he should pick a whole variety of flowers? Yeah! That will be a good idea! Yellow grinned, approaching a small group of orange tulips and began picking them, placing them in a bag he had brought either him, humming to himself all the while. He went from flower patch to flower patch, grabbing any and all flowers he could think for Light.

After a few hours, Yellow had finally realised that maybe he had grabbed... too many flowers. He chuckled a bit, shaking his head slightly. Oh well, one could never have too many flowers. He could use some of the extras to make flower crowns! One for him and one for Light! He quickly took a seat and grabbed a good handful of flowers out, quickly putting together two very pretty flower crowns. He put one on his head with a warm smile and put the other in the bag.

Wasting not even a second, he stood up, grabbed the bag, and teleported himself back to the Colourless Headquarters. When he got there, he greeted every guard he passed by with a smile and a wave. When he got to the door of Light's office, he grabbed the flowers out of the bag and held them all together, and then grabbed the flower crown, quickly putting the bag away into.

With a breath full of nerves, Yellow knocked on the door, and when given the okay to come in, he entered the room, "Hey Light!" He exclaimed, "Oh- Yellow? I thought I told you you had the day off." Light was currently at his desk, writing stuff down, not having looked up yet, "You did, but I decided to do something, and now I'm here to give you something."

"You wanted to give me something? What did you want to-" Light finally looked up, eyes widening in surprise upon seeing the bouquet of flowers in Yellow's hand, "...are those really for me?" He asked, a smile quickly making its way onto his face, "Of course! I wanted to do something to thank you for being a really good friend to me, and what better than flowers!" Yellow looked mildly flustered at how Light seemed really happy about his gift already.

Light quickly got up from his desk and walked up to Yellow, giving him a quick hug before he took the flowers, "Oh wow, these are beautiful Yellow!" He paused when something was placed upon his head, "What was that?" Light questioned, "I made a flower crown for you! Also, I didn't really know what your favourite flowers were, so I grabbed many different types.." It almost seemed impossible for Light to smile any more than he already was, but he managed it, "Oh Yellow, you didn't have to do this for me. It's a wonderful gift! Thank you so much!"

It was then that they spent the rest of the afternoon with each other, placing the flowers into individual plant pots and just enjoying each others presence. And what a wonderful afternoon it was.

Chromatober|A FMS Prompt Challenge by LoneRanger253|Written by meWhere stories live. Discover now