𝕎𝕚𝕝𝕕 𝔾𝕣𝕖𝕖𝕟 𝔼𝕪𝕖𝕤 ~ ➊➌

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A/N: HIIIIIII ITS MY BIRTHDAY!!! this is a special birthday update. Urrrrrmm. if 2day is ur birthday 2, firstly, cool! & also ur a libra!!! Idk if i'll finish this 2day, but I'm gonna try!


Just After 𝕊𝕦𝕣𝕘𝕚𝕟𝕘 ~ ①②

Sia P.O.V

Her wings beat faster and faster. She had to get Furosa and Sarisona's gift to Ariana.

This gift was more important than any single thing in Hyrule. And what Ariana decided to do with it would change the fate of Hyrule and every Hyrulian who dwelled this great land. And whether that fate was good, or bad, was in Ariana's static hands.

Finally, Sia spotted her. Oh no. 

No no no no no. How did the Yiga find the Gerudo? There must be a spy within the Gerudo. But who?

She dove, building up speed, until she was close enough, and spread her broad wings to slow down so that she didn't crash into the earth. 

She hovered in front of Ariana, flapping and screeching wildly. I am NOT going to lose our best hope to the Yiga, not to mention the only person I've let myself love since she was killed... I already lost the love of my life to those barbarians, I won't lose you too.

"SIA! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?" she yelled "I HAVE TO GET DOWN THERE! I have to..."

She collapsed in a fit of sobs "I can't just  wait here- not like before." She looked Sia dead in the eye "me waiting and watching is what got half of my family killed."

Sia wasn't sure what made her do it, but something inside of her knew it was the time.

The time to show Ariana who, and what she really was. Even if it meant Ariana would no longer trust her, she couldn't keep the truth any longer. And so, she transformed.

Back into her true form.

She transformed, into Thessia.

Ariana P.O.V




Rage built up inside of her, a deep fury that kept forming until it was almost ready to overflow. Sia was the same traitorous Gerudo who had murdered  Sarisona. Who had murdered her mother.

"YOU!" She screamed, pointing an accusing finger at the traitor "how could you!"

"Please," She said, holding up her hands in surrender "let me explain."

"What is there to explain?!?" Ariana shouted back, her anger boiling over like the Death Mountain hot springs "what is there to explain?!? Oh, Ariana I completely accidentally ruthlessly murdered your mother, soooo, still friends?" 

The traitor winced. Good.

"Please, I was forced to do it against my will. I was controlled by this," Thessia held out her left hand, where a single gold band was clasped which, Ariana realised with a wince, was identical to the one her mother was wearing the night she was murdered "it's an ancient artefact that enabled the Sheikah to control their prisoners during the war."

Ariana's stomach knotted as she fit the pieces into place.

"And mother used it on you, didn't she?" The question came out more like a whisper.

Thessia looked at her hands, and Ariana's stomach churned at the similarity to her own nervous habit. "Yes."

"But... why would she force you to kill her?"

"Because... if I didn't kill her, I would be killed." Thessia sighed, clenching her fists as flash backs of her time as a spy in the Yiga came back to her "and, Sarisona being Sarisona, didn't let anything harm her loved ones, especially if it could have been her instead."

"Wait- did you say... loved one?" Ariana said, her blue eyes widening.

"Yes, I did." She took a shaking breath, looking up and into Ariana's eyes "she was my wife, I am your step mother and technically... your rightful guardian."

"WHAT! Why would mother keep something that big from me!" Ariana exclaimed, her eyes filling with hurt.

"Because a publicly known connection with the Captain of the Guard would largely compromise my mission," Thessia said with a sigh "I was a spy for a secret underground agency working to end the Yiga Clan's reign. Once I completed this mission, I would get my code name, and be a full member of the society. But, to complete the mission, I had to go undercover as a Yiga soldier for months, and it killed us to know we wouldn't be able to see each other.

"Of course, Sarisona would still sneak away to see me, and, even though I told her it would be a danger to both us, and the mission, she kept coming." She smiled down at her hands again, blush dusting her chocolate coloured cheeks "and... I kept going to see her, even though I knew if I kept seeing her, she would be motivated to keep coming, but I couldn't stop. The funny thing about love is, it makes you do dumb things, but even if you're aware that what you're doing is dim brained, you still do it, for love's sake. Anyway, unsurprisingly we were discovered and they punished me by making me decide between my life, or her's. Obviously I chose for her to live... but Sarisona chose to not let me choose her, and... I suppose it turned out she was willing to do anything to save me. Even if it meant being murdered by her own wife." 

A tear slid down her blush dusted cheek, before she continued, "the spy's I worked for, The Blades Of Hope, finally gave me my code name," she said before bitterly adding "black widow."

Black widow was a kind of spider that ate it's mate. Wow, talk about cruel.

"Your vaba, Furosa, was the leader, and founder of the TBOH, the reason I, err as Sia, haven't been travelling with you was because Furosa needed me back at Gerudo Town and... her last wish was for you to have this," she pulled out a container that looked like it was made completely of diamonds. "It has Sarisona and Furosa's memories in it, or, at least, the ones you need to see."

The container practically radiated energy, and when Ariana held it, it felt the power she had felt when she made the lightning strike, but so much more powerful, and that's when it hit her.

There was a Zonai Secret Stone inside.

A/N: heh 1018 words is a new personal best, wow well... I did promise this would be a birthday special!

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