ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕚𝕟𝕖𝕕 𝕋𝕠 𝕀𝕟𝕤𝕒𝕟𝕚𝕥𝕪 ~ ①⑥

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Picture Is Ariana Basically Until She Escapes Capture

During ℂ𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 𝔸𝕟𝕕 𝔻𝕖𝕤𝕥𝕣𝕦𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 ~ ➊➎

Ariana P.O.V


Why is she screaming?

Also, who was screaming, and how could Ariana tell it was a vai?

That was the strange thing about dreams.

You are simply aware that something is true.

Ariana knew that this person was a vai, despite having no evidence to prove it.

It was just... true.

Suddenly, the vai was there, right in front of Ariana, facing the other direction but still there. Except, now she wasn't screaming.

She was doing something that scared Ariana a lot more.

She was wearing something Ariana hadn't seen in a long time.

It was something no one should be wearing.

Because it couldn't be worn.

When Ariana had last seen it, it had been nothing but a mere drawing.

A sketch of what Ariana's life should have been.

Before everything went wrong.

Before the night of the 5th of Oxtobar, Ariana would dream, draw and design her future.

A/N: Oxtobar is a Hyrulian month that I made up just then :)

And by that she meant she had drawn clothes.

Never clothes for voe, only for vai.

She didn't trust the voe enough for that.

Not after she was abandoned by her own father.

Pamella's father was off in a far away continent, doing research.

Guess that's the price of having a botanist as a father. 

Though, unlike in Ariana's case, Pamella would still get letters, and gifts from her father.

Ariana wasn't even sure what hers looks like, let alone any confirmation that her was alive at all.

She had made clothes as a sign of trust, and the voe hadn't earned that yet.

Designing clothes had been her dream, but that was before the 5th of Oxtobar, 9 years ago.

That was the day Ariana's world split in two.

The day she had decided to become part of the guard, despite her personal feelings or desires.

She had always planned on joining the guard, but only to start her off with some rupees so she could pursue her true dream.

She had only watched the guard train and do patrols so that she didn't mess up and be forced to be on the guard for longer than expected.

Oh, how sideways things had become since then.

Her mind then began drifting, thinking things like 'is it strange to remember the exact day you mother died?' and 'I wonder what things would have been like, had I kept my dream of designing clothes alive.'

Abruptly, she realised the vai with the wrong clothes had turned around and was lip sinking her thoughts, this of course startled her, but what startled her more was that the vai was Pamella.

A much older version of her too, probably about 31.

Is this the future? Or what I hope the future will be... 

Both seemed likely, because deep inside was still that girl who wanted to make clothes.

Pamella smiled and said in her own voice, "I am the key, the key is me, the link is there, use it." 

Ariana didn't even have time to mention how bad that rhyme was, before Pamella crumbled to sand. There was an electric sensation that jolted through her veins and surged in her blood, there was a sound like thunder and the sudden image of lightning striking something she couldn't see.

"PAMELLA!" she screamed her eyes shooting open, finally awake from that awful dream.

She was panting and a bead of sweat trickled down her forehead, though her cell was cold and damp.

The cell was basically just a cement rectangle, with no visible doors, meaning that one of the walls must open up. She was sitting in a pile of ash and there were links on the wall that she was leaning against that must have been chaining her to the wall because her wrists were red, as though they had had a tight band around them.

But where were these chains now? Surely the Yiga wouldn't just take them off out of the goodness in their hearts. And what is with the zapping ash?

A/N: zapping is just my trashy attempt at a Gerudo swear

I am the key, the key is me, the link is there, use it... what does that mean? ...well I was dreaming about Pamella just now when I felt the electric surge, which is probably what destroyed the chains. Which would explain the ash... and back on the cliff of the canyon, when I first discovered my ability, I had just discovered that she is my only family left. And just now she told me that she is the key... so, is she the key to controlling my power? Only me way to find out I suppose.

She focused a quarter of her energy on Pamella, and her saying, I am the key, the key is me, the link is there, use it, over and over in Ariana's head. Another quarter was used on staring at the wall across from where she sat, which is probably where the door is. The third quarter was focusing on building up that bubbling rage she felt when the ability got activated. And the last quarter was on pushing all that energy outward.

The door-wall thing developed a lightning shaped crack down the middle, and crumbled before her eyes.

Finally, she could control her ability, and now she could make sure it only got used for good, and that the Yiga clan never forced her to use it for evil.

Now, she had to get back to Keife, and attempt to unlock the box with the secret stone and Vaba and Mother's memories in it. 

Now that she knew how to control her ability, it would probably be a lot easier.

She also had to find out how this connected to Pamella.

... and also sort things out with Keife.

And admit her feelings. 

And hope that they're still returned.

But first she had to escape the Yiga Clan... wherever this is.

Easy... right?

✯𝔸𝕝𝕝 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕊𝕔𝕒𝕣𝕤 𝕋𝕙𝕖𝕪 𝔻𝕠𝕟'𝕥 𝕊𝕖𝕖✯Where stories live. Discover now