𝔽𝕒𝕞𝕚𝕝𝕚𝕒𝕣 𝔽𝕒𝕔𝕖 𝕋𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕀'𝕧𝕖 ℕ𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕣 𝕊𝕖𝕖𝕟 ~ ②⓪

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A Day After 𝔸𝕝𝕨𝕒𝕪𝕤 𝔸𝕟𝕕 𝔽𝕠𝕣𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕣 ~ ➊➒

Picture Is Ariana From This Chapter

Ariana P.O.V

The peaceful, dreamless sleep had been nice, but it had not lasted long.

Her nightmares were back, still the same haunting images of her mother being impaled by the ghastly blade wielded by Sarisona's own wife.

But this was standard, Ariana was used to these dreams by now, they hardly affected her.

Each passing moment of the journey that dragged them closer to rescuing Pamella and Thessia felt like an eternity.

Every noise made Ariana snap to attention, all of her senses alert with fear.


Before even Ariana knew what she was doing, a dagger had launched from her hand, targeting the source of the noise. There was a yelp from the bush that her dagger had struck, signalling that she had scared the source, but not struck it. A blond Hylian male stumbled out from behind the bush, making an unnecessary amount of noise while doing so.

"Are- are you Sarisona's daughter?" He asked, short of breath.

"What makes my identity a concern of yours?" Ariana hissed coldly "I have seen your tricks in the past, your disguises don't fool me, Yiga."

"I promise you." The Hylian said reassuringly "I am no Yiga soldier. And I have been searching for you and your mother for 16 years."

Ariana shoots him a suspicious look "why?"

He looked her straight in the eyes, and Ariana noticed that his purplish blue eyes were identical to hers "I am your father."

Ariana felt a cacophony of emotions crashing down on her all at once.




Even a little bit of joy.

But her most potent emotion, anger.

Boiling hot and threatening to come tearing out of her in a blast of electric energy.

Before she even knew what was happening, her fist was closed around the collar of her father's shirt and slamming him against a tree.

She was also screaming things at him, but unaware of the things she was saying. She was probably saying something along the lines of, 'how could you abandon us' but with a lot of unfriendly language woven in. Yeah, that sounded like what she would be saying.

Suddenly, one word cut through her numb trance of anger, and she was aware of the world again. "Why?"

She felt tears of anger and fear slide down her cheeks, and for once, she let them come. Welcomed them, even. She wanted her father to see what he had done to her. She wanted him to see he was the reason she was the broken, hot tempered person she was today. It was his fault. All his fault. And she would make him pay for every second of pain she'd had to endure. Every second.

"Why did you leave us? Why did you leave me?"

Three unspoken words echoed around in her head, uncovering what her fear had truely been for the past 16 years. Was it me? Did you leave her because of me? Should she have left me too? Should I exist... or am I just your greatest mistake?

"Ariana... I left because I didn't have a choice. The Yiga... I was allied with them once before. If they had known that I was married to your mother, we would not be here, and neither would she be."

"Well that plan worked out terribly, she isn't here anymore. And guess what? Love was the cause." She abruptly remembered that Keife was right behind her and immediately regretted her words. She did love Keife, but it did seem as though all love did was break you. 

"Ariana, if I was truly a bad person, would your mother have loved me?"

"She did seem to have unfortunate quirk of loving the wrong people." Ariana paused, feeling guilt flow through her veins. Her mother was the smartest strategist in the Gerudo army, if she trusted this Hylian, then Ariana should too. Somewhat hesitantly, Ariana released her father from her tight grip. "If you were allied with the Yiga, then take us to the base where they were holding me."

Her father nodded before walking off, indicating for her to follow.

She felt Keife place his hand on her back before hearing him whisper "we don't have to trust him, you don't have to do this."

"If we're going to find this base, we'll need his memories of being a Yiga soldier, then I can go back to pretending he never existed."

"We really don't need his help, if you aren't ready to take it."

"Not taking his help would be a selfish decision, Pamella and Thessia are the only true family I have left, and I will do whatever it takes to keep them from danger."

She could practically feel Keife's worried gaze, but she had to ignore it. This was the best chance they had.


The next day was amazing.

Her father taught her how to fish and farm, she taught him how to fight and hunt.

It made Ariana wonder if this was what having a father was like. I mean... probably.

It made up for the past 16 years, him being here now.

It was bliss.

Until she felt the sharp pain in her back.

Until she went tumbling to the ground.

Until she caught sight of her father standing over her, pointing the blade that was used to kill Sarisona at her chest, right where her heart was.

Until she was hit on the head with something large and heavy, and passed out.

✯𝔸𝕝𝕝 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕊𝕔𝕒𝕣𝕤 𝕋𝕙𝕖𝕪 𝔻𝕠𝕟'𝕥 𝕊𝕖𝕖✯Where stories live. Discover now