You have to be mine

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??:- oh joseph, you sold my information and want me to leave you ok I'll leave you just tell me whom you send that information.
Joseph :- I didn't stole, please leave me...
[ he harshly grab Joseph's chin and point gun on his head.]
?? :- you know right, I hate liers
Joseph:- please Jimin, I worked with you from long, believe on me.
[ Jimin back away and shoot on his leg.]
Joseph:- please jimin leave me, I'll tell you name.[ Jimin smirk.]
Jimin - that's like a good boy.
Joseph:- l... Lucas
[ jimin smirk and shoot on his head.]
jimin:- clean this mess and I want his
information within an hour.
kai - yes boss.

- time skip -
[ jimin enter in bar ]
kai:- boss he's in room no. 120 you wait here I'll handle him.
jimin:- is I said you?
kai:- sorry boss.
Jimin:- go and injoy drinks there. [ kai smile]
kai:- ok boss.

[ Jimin knock the door.]
jimin:- excuse me sir, i bring your order.
[ suddenly door got opened, Jimin immediately get in and point the gun on lucas's head.]
Jimin:- Hello Mr. lucas
lucas:- you...[ he try to take gun out from his pocket but jimin shoot on his hand.]
Jimin:- you want to take my position, thinking yourself oversmart,
you know jimin don't like to waste his time, not in business and nor _
[ he smirk and shoot on lucas's head.]
Jimin:- fucking bastard...
[ he come out from room and lock it, he started walking but stop when his eyes fall on half open door.]

- mean while -
[ he jerk her hand harshly.]
??:- ma'am you're a woman, that's why I'm respecting you but I'm sorry I'm not here for selling.
lady:- I'll give you money as much as you want just fullfill me.
??:- you bitch. [ he started taking steps towards door but she grab his hand.]
lady:- you bastard, this bar is my dad's how dare you to refuse me,
you're just a fu*king waiter here and showing attitude to me.
[ he again jerk her hand and left from there.]

[ Jimin smirk and left from there.]

- in car -
[ jimin look at his phone and smile]
jimin:- kai, I want his all information.
kai:- boss but why?
Jimin - that non of your business, just do what I said.
kai:- ok boss i will.
[ jimin again look at his phone and smile.]

- next morning -
[ Jimin stand under the warm shower]
Jimin:- this whole night, I can't sleep just bcoz of you now you have to be mine, just wait for me.

- someone's P.O.V-
I lose my job, only bcoz of that bitch. now what should I do I have to pay soobin's high school's fees.
[ tears escape from his eyes.]
I'm sorry eomma appa I promised you that I'll take care of him but I think I'm not a good brother.
[ suddenly someone backhug him.]
soobin - hyungie.
[ he wipe his tears and turn.]
Yoongi:- what happen you didn't get ready yet?
soobin:- yoongi~ah I don't want to study, I don't like it hyungie I don't want to go there.
Yoongi:- may I know why?
soobin:- just I don't want.
Yoongi:- after coming first in class why my baby talking like this?
[ soobin hug him tightly.]
soobin:- hyungie don't try to hide enough na i don't want you to suffer bcoz of me.
[ yoongi broke the hug.]
Yoongi:- go and study I'm here to think about it.
soobin:- hyungie...

Yoongi:- go na baby, don't bother me, don't warry hyung will manage everything now smile for me
can't you to for hyung.
[ soobin look at him with teary eyes
yoongi cup his face.]
yoongi:- don't warry na hyung will pay the fees in next month ok
now go get ready fast, I'll come to drop you.
soobin:- first eat something or I won't go.
[ yoongi playfully smack on soobin's head.]
Yoongi:- ok..

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