Then Hold Jimin Tightly...

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[ jimin enter in resturant with taking gun in his hand. he saw a boy site, backfacing him. his hair are covering his nape.]
jimin[ in mind]:- I don't know,who are you but you're irritating me so much. you're coming in between
me and my yoon.
[ he come in front of that boy and point gun on his head. that boy look up and smile.]
??:- you wanna kill me. thank you.
[ jimin look at his eyes and take gun down.]
jimin: jeon Jungkook??
[ kook nodded]
jimin: you want me to kill you, are you mad or something then?
kook: I'm not scared for die, you can.
[ jimin sit in front of kook in shock,he put gun on table and slide it towards kook.]
jimin: do it by yourself, bcoz today I'm not in mood to kill someone.
[ tears escape from kook's eyes.]
kook: I....i.. can't...p.. please kill..
jimin: yoon.[ he wipe kook's tears.]

jimin: if you don't want me to kill you na, then go to your dad and tell him that you don't want this marriage.
kook: I can't say no.
[ jimin grab kook's chin in anger]
jimin: what is your problem huh...go and say no.
[ kook started crying badly]
[ kook jerk jimin's hand]
kook: don't touch me.
jimin: how dare you to jerk my hand.
[ he again grab kook's chin harshly.]

jimin: beautiful...
[ jimin remove his hand and wipe kook's tears]
jimin: stop crying, tears are not suit on you,now tell me what is the problem. I'll not hurt you.
[ kook look down while sobbing]
jimin: you can trust on me,coz you don't have any option.
kook: park jimin, I'm ready to marry with you. do whatever you want then.
jimin: ok baby as your wish.
[ jimin dail the number]

jimin: hello Mr jeon. I'm ready to marry with your son but for that I want to know him more.
so I want him to stay with me till marriage....
yes he said yes for marriage...ok thank you.
[ he hung up.]
jimin: you said do whatever you want, then let's go my dear kookie.
[ kook wipe his tears harshly]
kook: you will regret.[ jimin smile]
jimin: I'm already regretting.
[ he hold kook by shoulder.]
jimin: let's go.

[ jimin enter in house with kook, Mr and Mrs park look at them in shock.]
Mrs park: jimin.
jimin: hello Mr park don't want to meet with your soon to be son in law.[ Mr park smirk]
Mr park: welcome Jungkook.

[ tears escape from yoongi's eyes, he grab his fist in anger.]
yoongi: fu*king sult... I hate you jimin...
[ hana put her hand on yoongi's shoulder.]
hana: now he'll leave you, don't warry. I'm happy for you yoongi. now you can live your life peacefully.
[ yoongi jerk hana's hand.]
yoongi: stay away. [ he left to his room.]
hana: poor baby, don't cry I'm here for you, anyways let's go hana to meet your brother in law.

hana: hello brother in law, you're so beautiful.
[ she is about to hug kook,but jimin jerk her hands]
jimin: hana. [ she rolled her eyes and take step back.]
jimin: let's go kookie.

[ jimin take kook in guest room.]
jimin: my room is next to you, if want anything just call me. and one more thing, you saw na that girl stay away from her.
kook: why you're doing this.
jimin: I want to. now I'm leaving don't scared. take care of yourself. [ he left.]
[ kook fall on his knees and started crying badly]
kook: I scared taetae... I want to come to you taetae.. forgive your koo please but I promise I'm only belongs to you. world is so bad.. I will kill him taetae I promise you. take care of yourself tae... I love you so much....

[ jimin open the door]
jimin: yoonie. [ he smile and backhug yoongi]
jimin: I miss you so much baby was behaving cute at morning.
yoongi: go and change.
jimin: do it by yourself d@ddy, I'm so tired.
[ yoongi close his eyes]
jimin: it's ok if my yoon don't want. BTW you eat on time right... it's ok if you don't want to talk.
[ he pushed yoongi and went to bathroom.]
yoongi: is I'm not able to fullfill.... why jimin why.... don't do this please I love you so much... don't leave me huh.. I can't live without you.

[ after sometime jimin come out from bathroom.]
jimin: stay here, I'll just come.
yoongi: where?
jimin: so now you're talking. [ jimin smack the door and left from there.]

jimin: jungbook here is your dinner.[ kook look up]
kook: I don't want.
jimin: you're also stubborn like him. and why are you still crying. I didn't even hurt don't be stubborn and eat this. you need energy.
[ he caressed kook's hair, kook jerk jimin's hand]
kook: don't touch me.
jimin: you yourself said yes to this marriage now why don't touch.
kook: leave me alone.
[ jimin sit on couch]
jimin: I'm not going anywhere, until you finish this now fast I'm also hungry.
[ kook started eating while tears continuously rolling from his eyes.]
jimin[ in mind]: why he's crying like this.
[ kook finish his dinner.]
jimin: good night and as I said,if you want anything just call me.
[ jimin left.]
kook: good night taetae.... I miss you.

[ jimin enter in room.]
jimin: my yoon...yoongi~ah I know you're not sleeping, not get up.
[ jimin put the tray on table, and come close to yoongi,he hold his hand and made him sit. and cup his face.]
jimin: what happen yoon, you cried right.
[ yoongi remove jimin's hands and hug his waist tightly and started sobbing.]
jimin: yoon...stop baby...are you angry on me.
[ yoongi nodded as no.]
jimin: then? [ yoongi nodded as no]
[ jimin caressed his hand from yoongi's hair]
jimin: my enough let's eat.
[ yoongi nodded as no]
jimin: don't behave stubborn.
[ yoongi pushed jimin harshly]
yoongi: stay away.
jimin: YOONGI.
yoongi: don't shout at me.... I'm easy for you na,when you want you use, when want you beat, when you want you shout.
jimin: bcoz your mine I have rights on you.
yoongi: you have no rights on me jimin, you can own my body but you can't _[ he stopped]
[ jimin come close to yoongi, and rub his hand from his arms.]
jimin: I can't what yoon? [ he smile.]
jimin: it's ok don't answer, but you said I own your body.
[ jimin pushed yoongi on bed and hover over on him]
jimin: no one is beautiful than my yoon.
[ he press his lips on yoongi's and started kissing passionately.
after sometime he broke the kiss.]

jimin:- don't you dare to again push me away from you and why always crying like a kid, I hate it ok.
now tell me why you are crying, is anyone hurt you, said you something just tell me yoon, you know na
jimin can kill anyone for you.
yoongi:- can you kill yourself jimin.
[ jimin get up from yoongi, he come towards table and take gun and point it on his head.]
jimin:- I can yoon.
[ jimin is about to shoot, but yoongi grab his hand and throw the gun.]
jimin:- see yoon you yourself don't want me to die.
yoongi:- you was playing there is no bullets right.
jimin:- take that gun and shoot me you'll got your answer
[ yoongi look down, tears escape from his eyes.]
yoongi:- stop this jimin.
[ jimin pull yoongi in his embrace.]
jimin:- I scared yoon don't behave like this.
yoongi:- don't leave me jiminie I can't live without you.
jimin:- I'm not going anywhere yoongi~ah...
yoongi:- promise me.
jimin:- I can't baby, I already told you.
yoongi:- I'll not let you go away from me.
jimin:- then hold jimin tightly ok.[ yoongi nodded]
yoongi:- I'm sorry... sorry for my stubborn behaviour sorry for hurting you.. I'm sorry.
jimin:- jimin will nevermind baby.
[ jimin broke the hug and wipe yoongi's tears.]
jimin:- We both are hungry yoon, let's eat.
[ they sit on couch, jimin started feeding yoongi.]
yoongi:- you eat na. [ jimin take bite.]
jimin:- I love yoon's handmade, you'll make for me tomorrow right. [ yoongi nodded]

- Time Skip at midnight -

[ jimin kiss on yoongi's forehead.]
jimin:- thank you so much for holding me, sorry for not promising you. you know na jimin only have yoon.
sorry for taking him here, he's also innocent just like you yoon I just feel that something is wrong with him and he'll be safe here, sorry yoon
sleep well my baby I know you'll hate me more when you'll know about kookie, but he need someone
you'll understand na please don't lose your grip ok.
[ he wipe his tears.]
jimin:- you make me weak yoon. thank you so much..

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