Take Care Of It, Or It'll Lost...

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Next Morning

[ jimin take yoongi's hand in his hands.]
jimin:- yoon I belong to you.
[ he slide the ring in yoongi's finger and kiss on his hand, he wear another ring in his finger and hold yoongi's hand.]
jimin:- you're bonded with me for forever Mr.min yoongi congratulations for your engagement
and I'm sorry I can't be more better for you.I'm selfish for you.
[ he lay beside yoongi and snuggle in his embrace.]
jimin:- my yoon is tired, sleeping like a kitten.
[ he kiss on yoongi's forehead and close his eyes.]

Time Skip at Evening

[ kook stood in front of mirror.]
kook:- my bunny is looking so beautiful...if you were here you would say this na.. smile kookie
taetae will understand you.
[ kook heard door opened, he turn.]
Mrs.jeon:- you're looking so beautiful kookie I'm glad that you're agree for this marriage.
kook:- it's not mean I forget my Taehyung i will never give him my tae's place.
Mrs.jeon:- but kookie he will not come... now you have to move on. [ kook smile]
kook:- move on... never..
[ Mr.jeon enter in room, he come close to kook and grab his chin.]
Mr.jeon:- you'll never
Mrs.jeon:- leave him dear [ she make them separate]
kook:- you can force me for this marriage but how you'll remove my tae from my heart.
[ Mr.jeon slap kook]
Mrs.jeon:- my baby. [ she take kook in her embrace.]
Mr.jeon:- it's all bcoz of you, I wanted to make him mafia but look at him always a crybaby
take him downstairs. [ she left.]
[ kook take the vase and throw it on floor.]
kook:- he never understood me, is you also feel shame eomma that I'm like this.[ she hug kook.]
Mrs.jeon:- no baby, eomma never...now forget him kookie
I can't see you like this.. I don't want him to beat you.
kook:- what he think he's doing good... everyone will regret... you'll see eomma.
Mrs.jeon:- stop baby please..
[ she wipe kook's tears.]
Mrs.jeon:- let's go baby...

[ jimin caressed his hand from yoongi's hair.]
jimin:- get well soon..why you're that much sensitive still have fever.
[ he kiss on yoongi's forehead.]
jimin:- yoonie...hey baby..talk to jimin.
[ yoongi groan and nodded as no.]
jimin:- it's ok baby..sleep.
kai:- what happen to him boss?
jimin:- kai you know na I don't like anyone enter in my room without my permission.
kai:- I'm sorry boss, boss guests are waiting for you. Mr.park said me to call you.
jimin:- you checked the security.
kai:- yes boss.
jimin:- ok keep eye on everyone and inform me immediately if you find any suspicious.
[ kai nodded and started taking steps.]
jimin:- wait.
kai:- yes boss.
jimin:- you stay here.
kai:- but boss.
jimin:- he have fever from morning please.
kai:- ok boss.
jimin:- and don't leave him alone not even for a second.
kai:- boss you really going to marry to jungkook sir.
[ jimin caressed his hand from yoongi's face.]
jimin:- take care of him until I come. [ he left.]

[ kai sit on chair beside bed.]
kai:- I thought you love him boss, don't hurt this innocent soul.... you're really beautiful yoon you know first time I heard "please" from his mouth...I feel jealous from you, don't ask why.
[ he touched yoongi's forehead.]
kai:- now what happen to you
why that much fever, boss is worried.
don't make him worried na.
yoongi:- j...jim [ mumble in sleep.]
kai:- he's not here sleep.

Mrs.jeon:- give your hand baby.
[ she hold kook's hand and give it to jimin, jimin smirk and look at kook, lean and whisper in kook's ear.]
jimin:- you didn't remove this ring I was telling you to say no but didn't heard na now you'll see who is park jimin. [ whisper]
[ kook look up with teary eyes.]
Mrs.jeon:- kookie remove that ring baby.[ kook look at her.]
jimin:- it's ok aunty, actually we tried but it tightened in his finger. [ he slide ring in kook's index finger.]

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