I Feel Scared Jimin...

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~at night in bar~
[ jimin is drinking, one girl come and approach him]
girl: wanna dance with me handsome.
jimin: ofcourse beautiful.
[ jimin get up and pull her on dance floor and they started dancing. that girl wrap her hand around
jimin's neck, jimin smirked]
girl: can I know your name handsome.
jimin: why so hurry? maybe you don't know me,but I know you.
[ jimin grab her waist and pull closer]
girl: what you know about me huh...[ seducing]
jimin: everything baby.
girl: really.
jimin: wanna see baby girl.[ he pull her more closer]
girl: then show me d@ddy. [ she grab jimin's hand and take him in room]

[ jimin lock the door and turn to her]
jimin: are you ready?
girl: ofcourse d@ddy.
[ jimin take off his jacket]
jimin: I saw tears in his eyes,when he left from you, you know.
girl: huh...
jimin: leave that let's enjoy.
girl: come on d@ddy.
[ jimin come close to her and lean his face on her,she close her eyes, jimin smile and point the gun on her neck, she open her eyes and got scared.]

girl: w... what are you doing?
jimin: babygirl don't scared. I didn't kill you yet.
girl: leave me please..[ tears started rolling from her eyes]
jimin: I will leave you but first be a good girl and call your dad, and say him to come here. and don't you dare to tell him about me or I will kill you.
girl: I will... I will please don't kill me.
jimin: fast...
girl: dad can you please come in club, here is some problem _
[ she cut the call]

girl: he's coming, now leave me please.
[ kai come out from bathroom with their mans]
kai: why so hurry madam.
[ she sit on bed in fear]
girl: w...who are you all... please leave me.
jimin: kai shut her mouth.
[ kai point gun on her head]
kai: one word and
[ jimin's phone ring, he pick the call]
Jay: boss he's here and his mens also with him.
jimin: Jay listen carefully, here is lots of people,so handle his mens without coming in anyone's eyes.
Jay: ok boss. [ jimin hung up the call]

[ her phone started ringing, jimin sign to kai and kai put the call on speaker]
Mr. jing: why the hell you call me hurriedly, here is all normal, where are you?
jimin: hello Mr. jing, if you want to see your daughter alive then come in xxx room alone.
girl: dad...dad please save me...
Mr.jing: hey don't hurt my daughter I'm coming.
[ he cut the call and turn to his mens, and saw all are laying on floor with blood. Jay put the gun on Mr.jing's back]
Jay: alone Mr. jing alone, now walk fast.[ he pushed him]

[ jimin heard knock on door,he sign to kai, kai open the door, Jay push Mr. jing inside.]
girl: dad...
[ jimin grab Mr. jing's chin]
jimin: I don't like to waste time, so let's come to the point, who is lucas and where he is..
Mr.jing: I don't know what are you talking jimin... please
leave us, I'm just owner here.
[ jimin smile]
jimin: you don't know anything about,but you know my name...
[ Mr.jing started sweating badly,jimin punch him on his face.]

jimin: so you want to saw your daughter's dead body right.
Mr. jing: no... don't please... leave her.
jimin: you hide fake lucas's body from police and you're selling drugs here. now don't waste my time and tell, from whom you buying this drugs and who is lucas.
Mr. jing: I don't know anything.
[ jimin kicked on his stomach and he fall on floor, jimin again kicked him]
jimin: kai kill her.

Mr jing: no no please I'm telling. I'm just a supplier of them, I don't know who's lucas. I only did as per instruction, I don't know who is lucas, believe me..... I just did this for money,  I only talk with his man on call they said me to hide that body.
jimin: now you're no use...
Mr.jing: no please leave me...
[ jimin shoot on his head]
girl: DAD...[ she started crying badly]
jimin: boys leave. [ everyone left from there]
[ jimin come close to her]

jimin: babygirl you tried to seduce my man and when my man refuse, you insult him. bcoz of you he cry.
I love his tears but only when the reason is me. how dare you to touch him huh, now look bcoz
of that you're here,die peacefully ok.
[ jimin shoot all bullets on her]
jimin: yoongi is only mine fucking...if anyone try to touch him or snatch him, he/she will get the same
death like you.
[ jimin smile and left from there]

At 2 am

[ jimin enter in room, yoongi look at him, tears escape from his eyes]
jimin: you didn't sleep yet.
yoongi: you kill someone.
[ jimin look at himself]
jimin: I'll just come hmm..
[ jimin left for bathroom,yoongi sit on bed and started crying silently]
yoongi: I hate you.... I hate you so much park jimin...
[ after sometime jimin come out from bathroom, he come to yoongi and lay beside him]

jimin: hey how long you're going to sit there, come let's sleep.
yoongi: how can you sleep peacefully jimin, after killing someone.
jimin: d@ddy come here.
[ he hold yoongi's hand and pull him, he take yoongi in his embrace.]
jimin: I can sleep peacefully in your embrace.
yoongi: afterall I'm just your stress reliever right.
jimin: are you mad yoon, sometime I really got confused that, should I angry on you,beat you or just shower you with kisses. I think you want beat
that's why talking like this.

[ jimin grab yoongi's chin harshly and made him look up]
jimin: don't behave stubborn yoongi, I'm hearing bcoz_
[ yoongi jerk jimin's hand]
yoongi: you're a psycho jimin. disgusting mess.
jimin: ok yoon. I'm so tired baby let's sleep.
[ he peck yoongi's lips and kiss on his forehead, and close his eyes, after sometime he fall in sleep.
yoongi touch jimin's cheek]
yoongi: I hate you more than anything..
[ he removed jimin's hand from his waist and move aside]
yoongi: I feel scared jimin, don't do this.
[ he touch his heart and started crying silently.]

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