Lucas...So Is This Really You.

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Next Morning

[ yoongi caressed jimin's hair]
yoongi: get well soon... I can't make habit to see you like this, it's hurt jiminie.
[ someone knock on door.]
yoongi: come in.
[ kook enter in room, yoongi look up and again look at jimin.]
kook: how he's now I heard from kai.
yoongi: fine now.
kook: ok. take care of him. [ kook turn]
yoongi: jungkookie can I request you something.
[ kook turn and nodded]

yoongi: please don't marry with jimin, don't snatch him from me. you know he's so selfish,if I leave it on him na he'll throw me. please I begging you say no...[ jimin open
his eyes, his eyes got teary,he again close it.]
yoongi: he's so bad, he can't keep you happy, he will beat you...he will not hear you. you'll regret please don't do this marriage.
[ jimin hold yoongi's hand.]
jimin: I know I'm bad... I'm sorry yoon, jungkook please leave us alone. [ kook nodded and left]
[ yoongi look at jimin, his eyes got teary]
yoongi: I didn't mean jimin... I really didn't mean.
[ jimin get up and hug yoongi.]
jimin: I promise baby.... I'll never marry with him. you no need to beg to anyone...
yoongi: I scared jiminie... I scared that you'll leave me.
jimin: I'm sorry to make you feel like this.
[ jimin broke the hug and caressed yoongi's hair]
jimin: now go take bath, didn't sleep well right, fool baby.
yoongi: come with me.
jimin: pervert.
yoongi: you really think you have to said this word, come I'll give you bath, then go to doctor ok, or I'll punch you on that wound.
jimin: I'm ok. but taking bath with you not bad option.
yoongi: only bath hmm.
jimin: it's on you, only bath or
[ yoongi pick jimin in bridal.]
yoongi: first get well soon,then we will.
jimin: ok good boy.

Time Skip at Evening

yoongi: where are you going jimin.
jimin: I'll just come.[ he take his gun, yoongi hold his hand]
yoongi: you're not going anywhere. [ jimin jerk his hand.]
jimin: what is your problem huh, didn't I said I have important work.
[ yoongi forcefully take gun from jimin's hand and throw away]
yoongi: I said not means not, look at yourself.
[ jimin slap yoongi]
jimin: how dare you.... take that gun and give it to me

[ yoongi look at jimin with anger.]
jimin: didn't you hear,go and take that gun..
yoongi: I will not. [ jimin hold yoongi's chin]
jimin: yoon go baby take that gun before I lose my temper.
[ yoongi jerk jimin's hand, and hold his wrist]
jimin: you're not my husband, don't order me, be in your limits yoon
[ yoongi leave jimin's wrist..jimin take his gun, he come close to yoongi who is looking down, while tears rolling from eyes]

jimin: I'll see you at night, be ready ok yoon.
[ jimin cup yoongi's face and wipe his tears, he press his lips on yoongi's and started kissing roughly.... he open yoongi's shirt's upper buttons, and started moving his lips on his neck,he bite and move back. he touch yoongi's hickey ]
jimin: don't warry about me, I'm not going to die that easily,  bye d@ddy. [ he look at yoongi head to toe.]
jimin: wait for me ok. [ he left from there]
[ yoongi sit on bed and started crying badly]
yoongi: why you forget your limits yoongi. see he show you na... you're nothing for him... and look at yourself how shameless you are, you still need him.

[ jimin come out from house]
jimin: I shouldn't have to slap you... I'm sorry baby... what are you doing jimin you promise him na... why
can't you control your anger... forgive me yoon.. I love you baby, you'll be my husband... wait hmm...
then I'll do everything you want. I love you so much please
don't get mad ok.

jimin: what happen jay
jay: boss I tried several times but kai is not picking my calls
jay: but his phone is switch off boss.
jimin: so what...
jay: boss do you remember yesterday,when they attack on
us,he didn't come when he was the one who give us information
that there we'll find something important against lucas, but what we got there that fucking joi who was
already ready with his mans.

jimin: what you wanted to say jay, spill it out
jay: boss that day also you said me to pick him from station, I wait there until last train but he was already
reach here, then why he lie with you. I think no...I'm sure boss that he's working for lucas.
[ tears escape from jimin's eyes.]
jimin: if I find out that you're lying with me na jay then I will kill you by my hands and if kai betrayed me then....
[ jimin sit on chair, with holding his head]

jimin: you can't do this kai...
jay: boss you said lucas getting our information maybe kai is the one who is telling him.
jimin: SHUT can joi know, we'll be there, that was secret information...
[ jimin close his eyes]
jimin: suddenly lucas come in my life,he try to destroy my all businesses, then joseph, then that fake lucas, then that sharpshooter...
[ jimin open his eyes]
jimin: jay let's go on that place.
jay: ok boss.

jay: boss this place is looking like no one living here.
jimin: if no one is living here,then how can it's that much clean, check the whole house.
[ jay nodded and they started finding.]
jimin[ in mind]:  I'm here for proving myself wrong, but if you're realated to lucas na kai, then I promise I will kill you.

~after sometime ~
jay: boss here is nothing.
[ jimin look at the room carefully]
jimin: what is Kai's last location.
jay: I didn't check boss[ jimin punch on jay's face]
jimin: he was lying and maybe he's with lucas, and you didn't track his location.
jay: I'm sorry boss.

[ they was about to come out from room but jimin look back]
jimin: this....[ he come inside the room and pick something from floor,tears escape from his eyes,
he wipe it and smile]
jimin: is this really you...

[ yoongi sitting on floor while holding his knees and resting head on it]
yoongi: I don't like this jimin... I scared.... you will never change... you promised me that you'll never beat me then why jiminie.... I fucking hate you, you're still that jimin...
if I'm nothing for you then why show your fake care...if you not care about my feelings then why the hell you make me fall for you...
I love you jiminie.... you have to love me coz you're just mine... only mine.
[ someone caressed yoongi's hair,yoongi look up]
??: yoon....
[ yoongi's face covered by handkerchief and he fall on floor.]

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