Be Selfish For Me...

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Next Day

[ jimin is sitting on couch while taking yoongi's head on his lap]
yoongi: jimin now you'll leave me..
jimin: no why should I when my yoon don't want me to leave him.
yoongi: and if I want then?
jimin: my dear if I was let you decide then, you would not left from here for a long time.
yoongi: then how long jimin?
jimin: who knows.
yoongi: I know.
jimin: you know?
yoongi: hmm. [ jimin smile]
jimin: yoon get up baby,get ready we'll go somewhere.
yoongi: to meet soobin. [ smile appear on his face]
jimin: if you'll be a good boy, then I'll think about soobin also but for now no soobin.
yoongi: I don't want to go.
jimin: I'm not asking you, I'm ordering you, now get up.
[ someone knock on door.]
hana: jimin appa is calling you.
yoongi: go jimin.
jimin: why this bastard always ruin our moments.
yoongi: you have family, that's why you don't have value of them.
jimin: how much you know about them huh.
yoongi: I don't know about them, but I know you. you're so selfish...devil.
jimin: I hate you yoon. [ yoongi smile]
yoongi: truth always hurting you, my jiminie.
jimin: get up from me.
[ he made yoongi sit on couch]
jimin: you know me very well baby.
[ jimin left from there]

yoongi: be selfish for me jimin, don't kick me out from your life. atleast keep me as your sult. I tried but I'm tired... I love you so much my devil.
it's forbidden yoongi.... he's going to marry and he's happy with him, you love him na don't think like this. if he'll kick you, then you'll forget him...

~Mean while ~
Mr park: Jungkook son go with jimin, select your engagement rings. [ kook look down]
[ jimin hold kook's hand]
jimin: let's go kookie for buying our engagement rings.
[ kook look up with teary eyes]
kook[ in mind] : you'll regret jimin...
jimin[ in mind] that much scared why jungkook..
jimin: let's go.

At Mall

jimin: select and tell me, which one you want. you already know that I'm not even interested to marry
with you and if this marriage will happen na, then I'll make your life as hell.
kook: what can I expect more from an devil like you.
jimin: you have time, if can then save yourself,tell me Jungkook why you want this marriage.
[ jimin grab kook's hand harshly]
jimin: and can I know, whose ring is this in my fiance's hand. [ kook jerk his hand]
kook: don't you dare to touch me.
jimin: I'm again saying Mr jeon Jungkook. I'm not at all intrested in you. so don't give yourself too much
important. you have time till marriage tell me the truth or be ready to regret.
[ he wipe kook's tears.]
jimin: don't cry kookie, I said you na tears not suit on select ring ok.
jimin: excuse me, show sir best rings.
salesman: ok sir.

jimin[ in mind] : is my decision will hurt my yoon, I don't want to do this baby, wait for right time ok.
I already said you na I will be more selfish for my yoon.
[ jimin wipe his tears.]
jimin: are you done Jungkook. [ kook nodded]
[ jimin is paying bill, kook turn,he immediately pushed jimin,
they both fall on ground,jimin look up, salesman fall on ground with blood. jimin immediately flip kook]
jimin: jay, catch him.
[ jay run behind that man.]
jimin: are you ok Jungkook...[ kook nodded]
jimin: kai take him home safely. [ kai nod]
jay: boss he run, I tried but.
jimin: let's go.
kai: boss I'm also coming with you.
jimin: didn't heard what I said.
kai: sorry boss.

jimin: what you thought you can run from me.
[ he punch on that men's face]
jimin: Jay beat him, until he not speak.
men: wait I'll make it easy for you.
[ he snatch gun from kai, and shoot himself.]
jimin: dammit. [ he kick the dead body]
[ he grab Jay's collar.]
jimin: you fucking_
Jay: I'm sorry boss, I will collect his information.
[ jimin pushed him]
jimin: I want till evening.
Jay: yes boss.
jimin: lucas if it's you then you don't know about this park jimin, you started this hide and sick.
let's see who will win.

At Midnight

[ jimin enter in house, yoongi look up with teary eyes he run and hug jimin tightly.]
jimin:- kai,. what he's doing bere?
kai:- I told him boss but he's so stubborn.
[ jimin caressed his hand from yoongi's hair]
jimin:- stop yoon I didn't die yet.
yoongi:- where you was?
jimin:- I was stuck in work baby.
[ yoongi touched jimin's forehead and
wipe the blood.]
jimin:- it's just a small wound yoon.
yoongi:- stop doing this jimin, it's hurting you.
[ jimin made yoongi sit on couch.]
jimin:- why you're that much worried?
kai:- boss he heard our conversation about attack.
[ jimin smile in disbelief and look at kai]
jimin:- you're still here, go and sleep.
[ kai look down and started taking steps.]
jimin:- ye wait.
kai:- yes boss.
jimin:- don't you dare to call my yoonie stubborn again.
kai:- sorry boss.

kai:- [ in mind] he is stubborn.
jimin:- what are you thinking.
kai:- he is stub_ [ stopped]
jimin:- you bastard. [ jimin smile]
jimin:- he's not just stubborn kai
he's too much stubborn [ kai smile]
jimin:- now enough making fun of my yoongi.
kai:- keep smiling boss, it's suit on you.
jimin:- you don't think until I not stopping you you not shutting your mouth.
kai:- sorry boss, good night
jimin:- good night idiot.
kai:- good night yoon.
jimin:- now go. [ kai nod and left.]

[ jimin turn towards yoongi and hold his hands.]
jimin:- [ in mind] don't like my man kai, he's mine I don't want to hurt you.
yoongi:- jiminie.
jimin:- is you eat baby. [ yoongi nodded]
yoongi:- kai said you'll scold me, so he feed me.
jimin:- ok, is you bothering him, why he always calling you stubborn don't bother him ok he is my only friend.
yoongi:- I didn't bother.
jimin:- ok I believe on my yoon, that he's lying.
[ yoongi smack on jimin's arm]

jimin:- already hand is paining bcoz of that bastard and you...
yoongi:- you're so bad, you killed someone right?
jimin:- I wanted to but that bastard kill himself you know someone is messing with your jimin.
[ yoongi hold jimin's arms and take him on his lap. and wrap his hands around him]
yoongi:- if something happens to you na jimin then I'll kill you.
jimin:- how senseless you talk yoon
don't warry just let me catch him.
yoongi:- you'll not hurt anyone.
jimin:- I will
yoongi:- you're more stubborn than me.
[ jimin rest his head on yoongi's chest.]
jimin:- idiot boy why I meet you.
yoongi:- you kidnapped me.
jimin:- oh I forget, I thought you kidnapped me. I'm sorry yoon, I was only have that option to make you mine.
yoongi:- I hate you jimin, don't forget.
jimin:- I know.
jimin:- yoon I'm so tired and sleepy
can we sleep here.
yoongi:- I scared jimin.
jimin:- it's your house yoon, don't scared na baby ok let's go, our room.

[ jimin come out from bathroom and lay beside yoongi and back hug him.]
jimin:- yoon I'm not sleepy, let's talk.
[ jimin look at yoongi's face.]
jimin:- already sleep. what you think I'll marry him, that's why not asking na. [ he shake yoongi]
jimin:- hey yoon... yoongi~ah... woke up.
[ yoongi turn while still eyes closed.]
yoongi:- please jim.. I d.. d ont't want it. [ mumbling]
jimin:- I also don't want it, but atleast heard me
[ he heard snore.]
jimin:- ok sleep my angel.
[ jimin snuggle in yoongi's chest
and close his eyes.]

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