I Love You Jimin...

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Next Morning

[ door bell ring.]
yoongi:-[ in mind] jimin ... [ he open the door]
yoongi:- kai
kai:- hmm...boss is waiting.
yoongi:- soobin I'm leaving baby
[ soobin come to yoongi and hug him.]
soobin:- take care... don't warry about me i will be your good boy.
yoongi:- take care bye baby.
[ he kiss on soobin's forehead and come out from house. tears escape from his eyes.]
yoongi:- I will never forgive you jimin never...

[ jimin made yoongi sit on bed.]
jimin:- now see na he's fine from now I'll not let you go ok baby.
yoongi:- how long I'll also see.
jimin:- then see and even If I leave you also na you'll beg for me, mark my words.
[ he grab yoongi's chin harshly.]
jimin:- you can't sleep without me right yoon this addiction I like it.
[ yoongi pushed jimin and wipe his tears harshly.]
yoongi:- what you did with me, universe is seeing jimin you'll go into the hell.
[ jimin smile and cup yoongi's face.]
jimin:- heaven , hell are just imaginary things the truth is alive. you're my heaven and I'm your hell yoon. [ yoongi remove jimin's hand from his chin and hug him tightly.]
yoongi:- why are you like this, keep your words ok.
jimin:- I can't understand you... Stop crying...
yoongi:- just keep your words please.. I hate myself jimin.
jimin:- it's ok yoongi... don't hate yourself hate me as much as you want...my baby is so little
your so innocent don't cry please, do you want it?
[ yoongi hug jimin more tightly and nodded as no.]
jimin:- then?[ yoongi broke the hug.]
yoongi:- jim_ [ someone knock on door.]
jimin:- wait hmm baby.

[ jimin opened the door.]
jimin:- what?
Mrs.park:- where you was last night baby, I was worried for you.[ jimin smile]
jimin:- come to the point.
Mrs.park:- I was really worried for you, now you're going to marry baby Stop your night stands.
[ yoongi look at jimin in shock, jimin smile he lean and whisper in Mrs.park's ear.]
jimin:- don't warry I'm not like you, nor like your daughter, for sleeping with everyone. [ whisper]
Mrs.park :- JIMIN...HOW DARE YOU..
jimin:- how dare you what?
[ she look at yoongi, then look at jimin
and left from there.]
jimin:- bitch...

[ jimin come towards yoongi and wrap his hands around yoongi's neck.]
jimin:- where we was? I'm hearing yoon, tell baby.
[ yoongi slowly started unbuttoning jimin's shirt.]
jimin:- d@ddy...
[ yoongi again close jimin's shirts buttons]
jimin:- what is this huh?
yoongi:- [ in mind] no yoongi, jimin will not leave you everyone lie, you're his heaven..my mess.
[ he caressed his hand from jimin's hair.]
yoongi:- go jimin
jimin:- totally fool bye don't forget rules ok.
yoongi:- I know I'm in cage no need to tell baby.
jimin:- you're making me needy but it's ok bye.
[ jimin left from there, yoongi sit on bed his eyes got teary.]
yoongi:- why god why is you only found him I don't want jimin please,. don't make me fall in for you bcoz in return I'm just getting pain and
it's hurting so much badly, I can't imagine you in someone else's embrace, someone else's hickeys on
your body... I scared jimin...


[ yoongi is standing in window while looking out]
jimin:- yoongi..yoongi...[ he come close to yoongi and shake him.]
jimin:- where you lost huh?
[ yoongi pull jimin in his embrace.]
jimin:- you wanna go out?
[ yoongi nodded as no. ]
jimin:- ok let's go.
yoongi:- I don't want.
jimin:- but d@ddy I want to take you on date.
[ he hold yoongi's hand and take him downstairs.]

hana:- yoon where he taking you, jimin why are you hurting him can't you see his pain?
jimin:- he is my yoon... don't you dare to call his name from your fu*king mouth.
hana:- just look at his face don't you feel pity on him you're forcing him right.
jimin:- do you want to know how I force him?
[ jimin wrap his hands around yoongi's waist and pull him closer.]
hana:- jimin stop this nonsense.
[ jimin lean and kiss on yoongi's law line.]

jimin:- I'm forcing him or not that is our matter don't you dare to come in between us.
yoongi:- jim
jimin:- I'm sorry baby.
hana:- you're so cruel jimin, you're just using him as s*xtoy.
jimin:- YOU BI**H... [ he slap her harshly and grab her chin.]
jimin:- I warn you don't come in between us he's not my _ [ yoongi back hug jimin.]
yoongi:- leave please...
[ jimin leave her chin]
jimin:- thanks to him, bcoz of him I'm leaving you.
[ jimin jerk yoongi's hands.]
jimin:- why are you crying bastard.
[ he grab yoongi's collar.]
jimin:- look at in my eyes don't you know who you are for me...stop crying or I'll beat you.
hana:- leave him jimin [ she pushed jimin, jimin fall on floor.]
hana:- don't cry please
[ she wipe yoongi's tears, jimin look at them his eyes got teary, yoongi remove her hand]
yoongi:- jiminie...
[ yoongi made jimin stand, jimin jerk yoongi's hands. and left from there.]
yoongi:- now what I did jimin.
hana:- [ in mind] oh so my dear brother is that much soft for him... you have something special yoongi
don't warry baby after his marriage you'll be mine.
hana:- leave him yoongi, come lets eat something
kai:- ma'am I'll feed him, come yoongi.
[ he hold yoongi's hand and take him in kitchen.]
hana:- [ in mind] this bastard, it's ok hana you can't make bad image
in front of your baby, afterall you have to be his well-wisher.

kai:- yoongi stop crying, wash your face.
yoongi:- where jimin went?
kai:- how can I know
yoongi:- call him here.
kai:- you're really stubborn. he's my boss, I'm not his
[ he hold yoongi by shoulder and take him towards besin]
kai:- wash your face.
yoongi:- call him please.
[ kai shook his head in disbelief and dial jimin's number, yoongi snatch phone from kai and look at phone for response.]
yoongi:- pick please.

[ yoongi look at kai, kai take phone from his hand.]
kai:- see not picking, now be a good boy eat meal and go to your room.
yoongi:- why you not go with him?
kai:- you're... you're...just so cute.
[ he rubbed his hand from yoongi's hair.]
yoongi:- can you do something for me?
kai:- now what stubborn kid?
yoongi:- flowers.... candles..cake please [ kai hug yoongi]
kai:- ok I'll order for you.

At Night

[ yoongi look out from window smile appear on his face, he turn and look at door.]
yoongi:- you want date na.
[ door got open, jimin is about to fall
yoongi immediately catch him.]
yoongi:- jimin...[ jimin pushed yoongi]
jimin:- doNt toUcH me baStaRd...
yoongi:- why you drunk that much?
jimin:- DO YOU CARE...[ he look around and grab yoongi's collar.]

jimin:- is sHe waS heRe with you, wHat you dId Huh?
[ tears escape from yoongi's eyes.]
jimin:- teLl me yOu taKe her heRe , this is foR hEr.
[ yoongi hug jimin tightly.]
yoongi:- I love you jimin... this is for you my love... don't behave like this..
[ tears escape from jimin's eyes,
he hug yoongi more tightly.]
jimin:- yoon yoU loVe me Yoon ...my yoon love me, jimin too...
[ he smile and cup yoongi's face]
jimin:- oUr daTe [ yoongi nodded]

[ yoongi made jimin sit on couch.]
jimin:- my d@Ddy looKiNg haNdsome.[ yoongi hold jimin's hand]
yoongi:- don't leave me hmm...be mine only ok.
jimin:- ok d@ddy.
[ he rest his head on yoongi's shoulder, yoongi wrap his hands around jimin.]
yoongi:- jimin.
jimin:- hmm
yoongi:- let's make love.
[ smile appear on jimin's face.]
jimin:- d@ddy jimin is all yours.

[ yoongi pick jimin in bridal and gently made him lay on bed, he hover over on him.]
yoongi:- i love you.
jimin:- I know...
[ yoongi caressed jimin's hair.]
yoongi:- my jimin...i tried but I can't hate you.
[ yoongi press his lips on jimin's and started kissing passionately, after sometime he broke the kiss.]
yoongi:- I scared jimin, don't behave like this.
jimin:- ok yoon...now come na.
[ yoongi nodded and removed both's shirts and attach his lips on jimin's neck.]
jimin:- d..da.ddy..[ he close his eyes, yoongi look up and kiss on jimin's forehead.]
yoongi:- good night.. don't forget anything ok I'll not say this again, you're so bad...take care of
yourself.[ he hug jimin and close his eyes.]

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