I'm The One Who'll Decide...

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One Week Later

[ jimin come close to yoongi and hold his waist and pull him closer.]
jimin:- why you're so cute huh.
[ jimin put his hand on yoongi's mouth.]
jimin:- don't say anything, I have something for you.
[ jimin put his phone on yoongi's hand.]
jimin:- see our soobin, he's absolutely fine and happy without you, don't warry about him coz I can't see you like this.
[ tears escape from yoongi's eyes, and smile appear on his face.]
yoongi:- my baby, I love you so much don't warry hyung will come.
jimin:- what?
yoongi:- I will go jimin, let me go.
jimin:- that's why I hate when you talk now keep quiet.
[ jimin wear neckless to yoongi.]
jimin:- you're looking so beautiful d@ddy. this neckless means you belong to me, never remove it ok.
[ yoongi hold the neckless and throw it on floor.]
yoongi:- I'm not belong to you park jimin just bcoz of my brother I'm here.
jimin:- I said you na don't open your mouth.
[ jimin slap yoongi and forcefully make him wear the neckless.]

jimin:- you want or not you are belong to me, don't you dare to remove it again.
[ jimin smile and cup yoongi's face.]
jimin:- I'm sorry yoon, I shouldn't have to slap you na.
yoongi:- please leave me alone.
jimin:- I will, give me kiss.
[ yoongi hold his hands around jimin's neck,he lean and kiss on jimin's neck.]
jimin:- not there.
[ yoongi pushed jimin on bed and hover over on him.]
yoongi:- I want you.[ yoongi attach his lips on  jimin's neck, tears escape from jimin's eyes.]
jimin:- yoon... I have work..let me go.
[ yoongi remove jimin's shirt, tears escape from yoongi's eyes, he again started kissing jimin's neck.]
jimin:- y...yoon [ mo@n ]
yoongi:- half hour please.
[ jimin hold yoongi's shoulder and pushed him.]
jimin:- I SAID NO... I'm the one who'll decide when I want, when not.
[ jimin wear his shirt and get up from bed, yoongi immediately back hug him.]
yoongi:- don't leave me please... I'm not your toy jimin when you want to play, you play and throw me.
jimin:- you're the one who want aloneness , then take.
[ yoongi started kissing jimin's neck, jimin turn and cup yoongi's face.]
jimin:- what happen [ he wipe yoongi's tears]
yoongi:- I want you.
jimin:- don't make me your addiction, today I'm with you who know tomorrow.
yoongi:- go jimin. [ jimin left from there.]

yoongi:- your right one day you'll leave me when you'll get bored.. I'm the fu*king bastard fool,
knowing how devil you are still this heart is feeling something for you I'm your toy when you'll want you'll throw me like a trash.

- time skip at evening -
kai:- hey boy, what are you doing here, go to  your room if boss saw you here th_
yoongi:- then he'll beat me right, I don't care.
kai:- ok what are you making?
yoongi:- japchae.
[ yoongi come close to kai and hold his hand.]
yoongi:- you know you're not feel like them, they all are devils. can you tell to your boss please let me meet soobin. please I really want to talk with him please
[ kai look at yoongi's teary eyes, he look here and there and take his phone and dail soobin's number.]
yoongi:- you're calling jimin, don't tell him please.
[ suddenly Kai's eyes fall on door. he immediately cut the call and jerk yoongi's hand.]
kai:- I'm sorry I can't help you.

[ jimin started taking steps upstairs but stop and turn.]
jimin:- yoongi [ he come towards yoongi.]
jimin:- what are you doing here baby?
kai:- boss he's making something.
jimin:- i can see, don't be his lawyer.
kai:- sorry boss.
[ jimin come close to yoongi and wrap his hands around his waist.]

jimin:- are you angry on me bcoz of morning? [ yoongi nodded as no.]
jimin:- ok so what are you making?
yoongi:- japchae and pastry for you.
jimin:- you hate me na then why?
Mr.park:- what is going on here?
[ jimin tight his grip around yoongi and pull him closer, yoongi look down.]
jimin:- what you think Mr.park what is going here.
Mr.park:- what should I expect more from you.
jimin:- I'm not saying to expect anything from me and this is my house who you are to telling me.
[ Mr.park come to them and pushed yoongi, yoongi fall on floor and Mr.park grab jimin's collar.]
Mr.park:- how dare you to talk to me like this, is you forget this house, position, power I gave you.
[ jimin look at yoongi then look at mr.park with anger.]
[ mr.park press harsh slap on jimin.]
mr.park :- rising your voice huh?
[ mrs.park hold jimin by shoulder.]
mrs.park :- honey don't hurt my son.
mr.park:- stop taking his side, and you throw this shit out from house
mrs.park:- he will he will right baby
jimin say appa that you'll.
jimin:- I will never.

mr.park:- you have to, don't forget what you promised your mother, you'll hear and do what I decided
I fixed your marriage in next month be ready.
[ he left from there.]
[ tears escape from yoongi's eyes he look at jimin's face jimin jerk mrs.park's hands.]
jimin - he left stop your acting.
mrs.park :- I know baby you're thinking I'm Showing fake bu_
jimin:- YOU ARE FAKE NOW GET THE HELL LOST FROM HERE... and take care of your husband
he's just teasing my patience.

jimin:- or I also don't know what I'll do I'll not think that he's my father.
mrs.park:- baby I _ [ she stopped and left from there]
jimin:- now how long you'll gonna stay on floor.
[ yoongi look down and get up, jimin back hug him tightly and started kissing on his neck harshly
kai look down and left from there.]
yoongi:- jim... hurting..
jimin:- shuu...[ he unbutton yoongi's shirts upper buttons and slide his shirt from his shoulder and started giving wet kisses on his shoulder.]
yoongi:- jim..not here please stop.
[ jimin turn yoongi and fixed his shirt.]
jimin:- baby you make something for me, I'm hungry.
[ yoongi touch jimin's cheek, jimin jerk his hand]
jimin:- hey stupid come feed me.
[ he sit on kitchen counter]
jimin:- yoon feed na.
[ he open his mouth yoongi feed him]
jimin:- my yoongi is good chef hmm.
[ jimin take bite and feed yoongi]
jimin:- I'm again saying this is my house you no need to scared by anyone ok. you wanna meet someone?
[ yoongi look at jimin's face with confused jimin hold his hand and drag him with him.]

[ jimin stop the car, yoongi look out smile appear on his face, jimin point gun on yoongi's head.]
jimin:- sorry baby but I can't trust you, go there and tell him that you got job and you have to stay there
if he come to know about me or anything then I'll kill him ok. [ yoongi nodded]
yoongi:- can I stay here tonight please. [ jimin put gun down.]
jimin:- ok [ he kiss on yoongi's head.]
jimin:- go d@ddy.

[ yoongi enter in house.]
yoongi:- baby I'm home...soobinie...
[ soobin run toward yoongi and jump on him.]
soobin:- hyungie idiot..i missed you so much.
[ he punch on yoongi's back, yoongi hug him tightly and started crying.]
yoongi:- baby I'm sorry please forgive hyung.
soobin:- hyung don't cry I'm not mad on you.
[ soobin broke the hug and cup yoongi's face.]
soobin:- hyung what happen to your face, this bruises?
yoongi:- I'm fine,. I just fall.

soobin:- you idiot, are you a kid yoongi~ah I only have you why you making me worried.
[ he started sobbing, yoongi pull him in hug.]
yoongi:- you're more stupid than me, now stop crying and tell me what you want?
soobin:- I don't want anything,. you stay here na.
yoongi:- I can't baby.
soobin:- is you eat? [ yoongi nodded]
soobin:- ok then come feed me.
[yoongi caressed his hand from soobin's hair]
yoongi:- i miss you so much.

[ yoongi started feeding soobin, soobin look at yoongi's face and smile.]
soobin:-[ in mind] hyung's height and cute hyung's height is almost same [ he giggles with blush]
yoongi:- what happen baby?
soobin:- no... nothing you know I'm studying hard.
yoongi:- I know my baby, take care of yourself ok hyung will not here...[ soobin nodded.]
soobin:- now come on hyung, I want cuddle do you have any idea how it's difficult to sleep without you.
[ tears escape from yoongi's eyes, soobin get up and hug him.]
soobin:- if you're happy, I can manage anything my strong hyungie, don't cry like this, come let's cuddle I know tomorrow you have to go.

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