You Have Me...

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[ jimin's phone started ringing,he pick the call.]
jimin: kai.
kai: boss
jimin: what happen kai why you sounding like this .
kai: boss hana die.
jimin: w... what.[ he immediately get up from bed]
jimin: oh shit but I saw her in morning.. .fuck.
kai: don't know doctor said heartattack...
jimin: and her eomma appa.
kai: they just went to hospital,boss I'm in parking is we have to go?
jimin: ofcourse duffer, wait I'm coming.

[ jimin immediately come in parking and sit in car]
jimin: shit now her parents will blame me. I didn't really wanted her to die.
kai: it's ok boss.
jimin: what ok
kai: sorry boss.

[ jimin enter in room and saw mrs. park is crying badly while taking hana's body in her embrace, Mr.park is standing beside them.]
jimin: appa. [ Mr.park look at jimin, tears escape from his eyes]
Mrs.park: you kill her basterd.... you kill my daughter..
jimin: Mrs park I didn't...[ Mrs park started crying more badly
Mr.park pull Mrs park in embrace, and caressed her hair]
Mr.park: stop... don't cry.
[ tears escape from jimin's eyes,he grab his fist tightly]
jimin[ in mind]: you have your husband for crying in his embrace and hana you have your appa for
crying on your dead body
[ jimin take steps back and left from there]

[ jimin press the door bell.]
jimin: yoon open...[ he again press]
[ yoongi open his eyes,he look at time.]
yoongi: this late....jim.
[ he slowly get up from bed. he came out from room and lock the door,he come towards door and open it.]
yoongi: jiminie...[ jimin immediately hug yoongi, yoongi sit on stair, taking jimin in embrace.]
yoongi: what happen jimin?
jimin: I'm still alone yoon, I have no one...there was no one when I was crying. [ yoongi hug jimin tightly]
yoongi: you have me jimin.... don't cry.
jimin: don't leave me please...
yoongi: I will not jimina, [ he kiss on jimin's forehead. tears escape from yoongi's eyes...he cup jimin's
face and wipe his tears]
yoongi: what happen
jimin: she die....hana die but yoon I didn't kill her... I swear of you.
yoongi: it's ok if you kill her also... you're my mafia come.

[ yoongi pick jimin in bridal...he take him in his room and made jimin lay on bed and kiss on his forehead]
yoongi: now sleep.
jimin: soobin?
yoongi: he's sleeping in his room.
jimin: come na d@ddy let's_
[ yoongi hover over on jimin and give wet kisses on his face, jimin smile]
yoongi: devil. [ he get up from jimin and sit beside him, jimin move and rest his head on yoongi's lap.]
yoongi: go before soobin woke ok now sleep.
[ jimin look at yoongi's face with smirk, yoongi slap on jimin's face ]
yoongi: don't be prevert and get lost in morning.
jimin: this is the way to talk with your baby master.
yoongi: my baby only understand this language.
[ jimin slap on yoongi's cheek playfully]
yoongi: jiminie. [ he lean and kiss on jimin's neck]
yoongi: what you was talking baby... alone... crying?
jimin: I will tell later, now leave that.
yoongi: you're behaving weird,no one can say that you're a mafia seeing you like this.
jimin: what you mean yoongi.
[ he get up and grab yoongi's collar]
[ yoongi's smile fade,he look down. jimin push yoongi on bed and hover over on him,yoongi close his eyes,jimin smile]
jimin: your body still tremble when I rise my voice,how can I'm not a mafia d@ddy? you still scared baby.
[ yoongi pushed jimin]
yoongi: get lost from my house.
jimin: I will not d@ddy.
[ yoongi hold jimin's arms and push him towards door]
jimin: SOOBI_[ yoongi grab jimin's mouth and throw him on bed]
yoongi: shut up and sleep quietly.[ jimin pout]
jimin: it's harsh, you rude.
[ yoongi lay beside jimin.]
yoongi: shut up, and if hurt na then show no need to hide.
[ jimin close his eyes,tears rolled from his cheeks, yoongi wipe his tears and pull him closer, and they fall in sleep.]

Next Morning

[ yoongi woke up and look at time, he peck jimin's lips and get up.]
yoongi: you're looking weak, don't stress yourself.
[ yoongi cover jimin properly, he come out from room and close the door. he came in kitchen]
yoongi: soobin.
soobin: I'm so hungry hyung... make something.
yoongi: g..go to room b.. baby. I'll make.
soobin: hyungie don't want, BTW why you sleep in your room, and is someone come at night I heard some sounds.
yoongi: you saw dreams, you was mumbling in sleep.
soobin: you're right maybe, but why you_ [ cut]
yoongi: aren't you hungry, wait I'll make something.
soobin: okey, why you're nervous hyung, or blushing don't tell me you're hiding something from me.
[ yoongi throw the cleaning cloth on soobin's face]
soobin: now I'm damm sure you're hiding something.
[ he get up and run towards yoongi's room,he open the door. yoongi immediately run behind him]
soobin: no one.

yoongi: what. [ he pushed soobin and enter in room,and look around]
yoongi: see I'm not hiding anything.
[ he hold soobin by sholder and take towards kitchen]
[ yoongi feed soobin]
yoongi: now go take bath.
soobin: ok...[ he left to his room]

[ yoongi enter in his room]
yoongi: he left. [ jimin backhug yoongi]
jimin: yoon. [ yoongi take relief breathe]
jimin: when I heard soobin's voice, I hide in bathroom and then I take bath. bye yoon I'm going now.
[ yoongi turn and make jimin sit on bed]
yoongi: wait I make breakfast for you.
[ jimin smile and nodded, yoongi rubbed jimin's hair]

Time Skip At Evening

[ jimin enter in house]
jimin: where are you going Mr park.
Mr.park: let's go honey, you'll feel better.
[ Mrs.park look at jimin in anger]
Mrs.park[ in mind] : I promise hana, I'll complete your revenge.
Mr.park: jimin take care of yourself.
jimin: I don't want your concern.
Mr.park: we'll return in next week for your marriage, Mr.jeon will manage everything don't warry...
jungkook is here take care of him.
jimin: Marriage. [ Mr and Mrs park left from there.]

jimin: where they left?
kai: farmhouse of busan.
jimin: Mr.park you never care for me, you only care of your family.
kook: jimin.[ jimin turn]
jimin: kai ..[ kai nodded and left from there]
jimin: what happen kookie.
kook: feel scared.
[ jimin wipe kook's tears, he made him sit on couch]

jimin: how innocent and scary you're just like my yoon. you not deserve this bad world.
kook: you love him so much right, that you can kill anyone for him right. [ jimin nodded]
kook: it's not wrong right, if anyone hurt your love then kill them right.
jimin: hmm... I can kill anyone who'll hurt my yoon.
kook: that's why you wanted to kill me that day [ jimin nodded]
jimin: don't warry, now I'll not hurt you...
kook: you really love him so much jimin,so now I have to go from here right.
jimin: no kookie I will not bcoz I saw fingerprint on my finances beautiful face at engagement day.
[ he chuckle, he wipe his tears.]
jimin: listen I will not let you go there again, no matter what will happen. and I promise I'll not marry with you. [ kook smile]
kook: then when are you going to take your yoon back.
jimin: I will soon, you know he misunderstood and he hate you also.
kook: don't warry every misunderstanding will clear soon.

jimin: is you eat[ kook nodded as no]
jimin: let's have dinner then.
kook: don't behave that much sweet devil.
jimin: I'm I devil.
[ kook stare at jimin's face and smile sadly]
kook[ in mind] : taetae he'll not marry with me and you know he also love his yoon, like I love you.
[ he look at his hand and kiss on ring]
jimin: KAI...KAI... [ kai immediately come there]
kai: yes boss.
jimin: call soobin and ask him is he had dinner.
kai: he had boss,that kid called me.
jimin: ok sit.
[ mades serve dinner to them and they started eating]
jimin[ in mind] : yoon I'm missing you, soobin you eat means my yoon also eat...

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