You're Belong To Me....

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kai:- boss he has boyfriend in University, but after second year Jungkook left the university and after
that no one saw his boyfriend also.
jimin:- who is his boyfriend.
kai:- kim Taehyung.
jimin:- do you think they are still in contact.
kai:- I don't think boss, I asked their college friends but no one knows about them some said that Taehyung left the city.
jimin:- kim Taehyung.
kai:- and boss also I hear that they was serious.
jimin:- then why jeon Jungkook leave his boyfriend for whom he's crying day and night that's why he
wanted me to kill him, bcoz his parents forcing for this marriage anyways find this kim Taehyung
if he had did something to Jungkook then I will kill him
kai:- boss but it's hard to find him.
jimin:- I don't care, I want [ kai nodded]

[ jimin enter in room and sit on couch.]
jimin:- so Mr.jeon jungkook you are so happy right after all we're going to engage tomorrow.
kook:- ofcourse park jimin, you'll see how much.
jimin:- then baby why are you still wearing this ring just throw it.
[ kook's eyes got teary, he look at jimin in anger.]
kook:- if you have that much problem with my ring then I can also ask you that what that boy is doing in your room. [ jimin come close to kook and grab his arm]
jimin:- why jungbook, you didn't know yet BTW you still have time tell me the truth kookie
believe me I'll not harm you.
[ kook pushed jimin, jimin smile.]
jimin:- be ready for tomorrow.
kook:- I will [ jimin left.]
[ tears started rolling from kook's eyes.]
kook:- taetae why you leave me, your bunny need you na I will be strong for you I will never remove your ring.
[ he kiss on the ring.]
kook:- I know you're not missing me but your bunny missing your safe embrace.

- Time Skip At Night -
jimin:- yoon get up you didn't eat anything from morning.
yoongi:- why you care.
jimin:- I think, I thousand times explained why I care now get up.
[ he grab yoongi's hand and drag him with him.]

- In Kitchen -
[ he made yoongi sit on chair.]
jimin:- my Prince [ he kiss on yoongi's cheek]
jimin:- stop doing stubbornness or I'll beat you so badly.
[ yoongi pushed the plate and it fall on floor he get up from chair.]
yoongi:- beat me jimin, now why standing silent
jimin:- I have better option yoon let me kill your brother then you'll stop doing this.
[ yoongi come close to jimin and grab his collar.]
yoongi:- I'm not scared by your threats.
jimin:- that much confidence yoongi, leave my collar.
[ yoongi's grip removed from jimin's collar he fall on his knees and started crying.]
yoongi:- you make me joke jimin... what is my fault huh you... you fu*king sl*t take me here make my
life messed did you even try to feel my much I feel shame on myself, do you have any idea..
he is sl*t, sleeping with him for money, do you even think how it's feel hearing this again and again...
[ jimin sit on his knees and take yoongi in his embrace
yoongi started crying more badly.]
yoongi:- I hate you jimin.
[ jimin wipe his tears harshly.]
jimin:- stop crying baby... you know na you're not, look at me [ he cup yoongi's face and wipe his tears.]
jimin:- I will vanish, your all pain.
yoongi:- you will not, you're just giving me pain again and again.
jimin:- then what can I do, leave you huh? can't you understand I'll die in your absence.
[ jimin hug yoongi tightly, he rest his head on yoongi's shoulder
tears started rolling from his eyes.]
jimin:- you promised me that you'll never lose your grip then why yoon?
yoongi:- bcoz you're not mine jimin, do you think I'm blind or a baby who don't understand anything.
[ jimin kiss on yoongi's neck and bite.]
jimin:- d@ddy don't talk please you're hurting me you don't like to hurt your baby na.
yoongi:- I'm sorry jimin... I want you baby i am my jimin's sl*t, I don't care about others.
jimin:- no yoon you're not, baby let's eat first please.
yoongi:- I want only you.
jimin:- no baby my yoon will become weak get up.
[ he made yoongi stand.]
jimin:- I love when you behave stubborn.
[ he made yoongi sit and started feeding him.]
jimin:- [ in mind] I'll not forgive them yoon they have to pay for your tears.
jimin:- yoon..go to room, jimin will come within hour ok
[ yoongi nodded as no. jimin cup yoongi's face and peck his lips.]
jimin:- just for hour master.
[ yoongi pushed jimin and left from there.]
jimin:- baby...still kid.

- Time Skip -
[ jimin is standing in living room, while looking at all maids with anger.]
jimin:- who talk about my yoongi
[ all look down with fear.]
jimin:- if you're not going to tell name
then I'll kill everyone.
kai:- here is the footage boss.
[ he give tab in jimin's hand, suddenly two maids fall on their knees and started begging.]
1:- please forgive us master, I'm so sorry...
2:- please master don't kill we'll not again forgive please.
jimin:- don't warry you'll not again I know.
[ he shoot them on their heads.]
jimin:- you'll not again..never.. kai clean this mess.

[ jimin look at the rings.]
jimin:- how beautiful it will look in your finger yoon. as I said I written my destiny by my hands and I only choose you for me... I know I'm hurting you baby but which you wanted na that is not easy.. forgive me
for hurting you I don't know after tomorrow how you'll react, I'm ready for what'll comes next.
[ he put the rings in coat's pocket and enter in room and lock the door
he remove his coat and put it on couch yoongi come close to him and pin him on wall.]
jimin:- is I make you wait?
yoongi:- is this new for me.
jimin:- aahm ...yoon behave like baby na feel scared d@ddy you're grabbing my arms so tightly.
yoongi:- my jimin is scared and from me you make me like this now handle.
jimin:- I can handle your every side yoon, you don't know me yet.
yoongi:- I know but for that I have to eat your beat.
[ jimin cup yoongi's face.]
jimin:- complaining huh [ yoongi nodded as no.]
yoongi:- truth.
jimin:- put yourself on my place , you don't have that much handsome man na... just I know how I handling him.
yoongi:- I'm not.
jimin:- just look at yourself in my eyes.
yoongi:- your eyes always lying.
jimin:- what they're lying tell me.
[ yoongi remove his hands from jimin's arms.]
yoongi:- why should I tell to a devil like you.
[ jimin wrap his hands around yoongi's neck.]
jimin:- then angel you should not have to fly close to me see I pull you down.
[ yoongi hold jimin's waist and pull closer.]
yoongi:- shut up.
jimin:- why? it's true.
yoongi:- I don't like your voice, so shut up
jimin:- but I like your voice... your everything
yoongi:- are you drunk...stop talking this nonsense.
jimin:- why? truth hurting you yoon..[ yoongi smile]
[ yoongi attach his lips on jimin's neck
and started kissing softly.]
jimin:- y...yoon [ mo@n ]
yoongi:- beautiful.... so beautiful [ jimin close his eyes and turn his  neck giving more space to yoongi.]
jimin:- y..yoon.. it's t.tickling..a..amm..
[ yoongi stopped and cup jimin's face.]
yoongi:- cute. [ he wipe jimin's sweat from his forehead. he hold jimin's chin and lean jimin close his eyes.
their lips are about to touch but yoongi stopped and kiss on jimin's cheek, jimin open his eyes.]
jimin:- it's ok, you will never kiss on lips right.
[ jimin hold yoongi's collar and attach their lips, he started kissing passionately. yoongi broke the kiss
and push jimin on bed.]
jimin:- yoon... [ yoongi hover over on jimin.]
yoongi:- I care for you jiminie, take care of yourself hmm.
[ jimin touched yoongi's cheek.]
jimin:- you're here na for talking care of me.
[ yoongi kiss on jimin's forehead.]
yoongi:- my baby.
[ jimin close his eyes, tears escape from his corner of eyes, yoongi started unbuttoning jimin's shirt.]
yoongi:- little.. don't close your eyes jiminie.
jimin:- let me feel your touches yoon,
you don't stop.
[ yoongi attach his lips on jimin's neck, jimin hold yoongi's neck and flip them. he removed yoongi's shirt
and stare his upper body.]
jimin:- my man let me give you pleasure d@ddy.
[ he attach his lips on yoongi's neck and started kissing passionately.]
jimin:- you are belong to me, remember this ok.
[ yoongi nodded, jimin smile and lay on his back.]
jimin:- d@ddy come..

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