D@ddy I Want You...

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[yoongi open his eyes and his eyes fall on jimin who is sleeping on chair.]
yoongi: how innocent you're looking while sleeping, please leave me jimin... I'm sorry but I have no any option.
[ he wipe his tears, he look at table and saw gun... he take the gun in his hands and slowly get up from bed,
he gose near jimin and point the gun on his head.]
yoongi: I hate you.... I hate you park jimin.
[ jimin open his eyes and smile. yoongi take steps back in fear]

jimin: shoot... but can I tell you one secret, there's no bullet in gun.
[ gun slipped from yoongi's hands, jimin get up and come close to yoongi,he hug him and caressed his back.]
jimin: fool baby, don't scared, I'll not kill you.
yoongi: leave me.
jimin: still on that, I will never.
[ yoongi pushed jimin harshly]
yoongi: you bastard, let me go.
[ jimin hold yoongi's arms and made him sit on bed]

Jimin:- listen Yoongi I don't want to beat you nor hurt you don't irritate me, I just want you to be mine.
[ he rubbed his hands from yoongi's arms]
jimin:- and if you try to hurt yourself or escape from here, then I will kill your brother.
Yoongi:- you jerk, you only want to fullfill your desire go and find any sult [ he received a harsh slap.]
jimin:- how dare you I said na don't irritate me.
Yoongi:- why park Jimin truth hurt you huh.
Jimin:- you don't know my truth yet baby, be ready for tonight I will make you mine and as I said don't try to be oversmart or as I said, look
[ he show his phone to Yoongi.]
Jimin:- this is your house right, look my man, wait huh
[ he change the clip.]
Yoongi:- soobin...
Jimin:- your one move and your brother
[ tears escape from yoongi's eyes, he close his eyes Jimin peck his lips and left from there.]

- at afternoon -
kwan:- here is your meal, eat this it's an order from master.
Yoongi:- I don't want to, take this back
kwan:- why are you behaving stubborn, if you not hear then
you don't know master's anger.
Yoongi:- he will beat me na, let him.
[ kwan sit beside Yoongi and put her hand on his shoulder.]
kwan:- I don't know why you're here but
Yoongi:- can you please leave from here.. leave me alone...[ he get up.]
Yoongi:- and tell to your master I will not eat.
kwan:- ok if you don't want, I'm leaving it here if you feel then eat.[ she left from there]
Yoongi - I want to go to home...

~At Night ~

[ jimin enter in room and lock it.]
jimin:- Yoongi.. Yoongi I'm calling you
can't you hear...[ he smile ]
[ Jimin open his shirts buttons and come towards Yoongi.]
Jimin:- Yoongi look at me [ he touched yoongi's shoulder, then he touched yoongi's cheek and turn his face
towards him, Jimin move close to Yoongi and kiss on his forehead, Yoongi grab his fist in anger]
Yoongi:- do whatever you want.
[ jimin smile and press his lips on yoongi's and started kissing passionately after sometime he broke the kiss.]
Jimin:- you're not responding me.

[ Jimin slowly started unbuttoning yoongi's shirt Yoongi hold jimin's hands.]
Yoongi:- jimin please.
Jimin:- leave my hands.
[ Yoongi look down and remove jimin's hands.]
Jimin:- get up
[ he make Yoongi stand and make him lay on bed and hover over him and peck yoongi's lips.]

Jimin:- Yoongi you know na, why I took you here now do. you're the only person who make this park Jimin weak , d@ddy I want you
Don't refuse me baby..
Yoongi:- Jimin don't please I don't want to.
[ jimin grab yoongi's collar in anger.]
Jimin:- now enough d@ddy.
[ he switch their position and remove yoongi's shirt forcefully.]
Jimin:- now I don't think I have to tell you what you have to do.
[ jimin wrap his hands around yoongi's neck and pull him closer to his face.]
jimin:- from now, you're mine
[ tears escape from yoongi's eyes.]
Yoongi:- you'll pay for this jimin , you'll regret you're taking advantage of my helplessness I promise you I'll hate you till my death.
[ Jimin slap Yoongi and pull his face on his neck, Yoongi kiss on jimin's neck mo@n escape from jimin's mouth.]

-At Midnight -

[ Jimin wipe yoongi's tears and pull him more closer.]
jimin:- don't cry d@ddy.
Yoongi:- leave me please.
Jimin:- I can't you're my sugar d@ddy baby don't warry I'll take a good care of soobin, you have to no warry about his fees I'll give you anything
which you want, just be with me.
Yoongi:- if anything happen to my soobin, I will kill you.
Jimin:- don't warry I won't hurt him until you're with me
[ jimin kiss on yoongi's chest and rest his head on it.]
Jimin:- good night d@ddy now sleep.
[ Yoongi close his eyes, tears rolled from his corner of eyes.]
Yoongi:- [ in mind] soobinie forgive your hyung bcoz of me
you're in danger. hyung will do anything for protect you...

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