Disgusting Mess

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- At Night -

soobin: why you suddenly decide to visit me?
jimin: can't I
soobin: but you said you're busy.
jimin: ok then I'm going, you don't want me to stay here.
soobin: it's not like that hyung.
jimin: ok then go, I'm so hungry, make something for me.

soobin: ok. BTW you and hyung, when you become friends?
[ jimin lay on couch]
jimin: I don't want to tell you, coz I also don't know when? [ he pretended as thinking]
soobin: it's ok hyung, wait I'll just make something for you.

~Mean while yoongi~
[ yoongi is sitting on bed, while looking at door.]
yoongi: didn't come yet.[ he lay on bed]
yoongi: is you care for me jimin? but no mafia can't have heart and you, you're a monster jimin....but where are you ... you was so angry and
didn't come yet, I'm feeling scared jimin.
[ yoongi heard door open sound and take relief breathe, he look up]
yoongi: jim_
hana: Hello it's me jimin's sister.
yoongi: please leave.
hana: ok BTW, I really feel bad for you. jimin is really a monster he never care for anyone.
[ yoongi fold his hands in front of her.]
yoongi: I beg you, please go.
hana: I know you didn't eat anything from morning so take meal for you...eat it.
yoongi: where is jimin?
hana: how can I know.
yoongi: miss take food and leave from here, I don't want.
hana: I was just worried about you, but it's ok
[ she left from there,yoongi lock the door from inside and sit on floor,tears escape from his eyes.]
yoongi: please come fast I feel scared.

[ jimin lay on couch.]
soobin:- hyung are you sure you're comfortable here you can sleep on bed.
jimin:- kiddo go and sleep, I'm fine here.
soobin:- good night hyung.
jimin:- good night [ soobin left to his room.jimin close his eyes.]
jimin:- [ in mind] yoon please take care, I can't come tonight coz I don't want to hurt you, I know if I come
I will definitely throw my all anger on you.

Next Morning

[ jimin open the door by key.]
jimin:- yoongi...this bastard.
[ he lock the door and and come to yoongi he pick him in bridal, yoongi open his eyes.]
yoongi:- jimin
jimin:- why the hell you're sleeping on floor
[ he peck yoongi's cheek.]
jimin:- did you miss me d@ddy?
[ he put yoongi on bed.]

[ yoongi cup jimin's face and smile weakly.]
yoongi:- why you come jimin? why you not die somewhere?
jimin:- I know you want that, but not in even your dream d@ddy.
yoongi:- you can't control my dream baby.
jimin:- baby want you d@ddy, baby missed you come
[ he pull yoongi closer and attach their lips, he pushed yoongi on bed without breaking kiss.]
jimin:- I hate when you close your eyes.
[ jimin bite on yoongi's lips.]
jimin:- daddy..yoon [ he get up from yoongi.]
jimin:- yoongi~ah... hey baby.

[ he started shaking yoongi,.he take water and throw on yoongi's face, yoongi slowly open his eyes.]
jimin:- didn't eat anything right.
yoongi:- I'm fine jimin, you can do whatever you want.
jimin:- you just fainted f*cking.
yoongi:- so what, why you care huh, oh how can I forget if I faint then how can I f*ck you park jimin.
[ jimin look at yoongi with anger, tears escape from his eyes.]
jimin:- yes you're right,so now you're conscious na f**k me min yoongi, f**k me until I faint or i will kill your brother if you stop.
yoongi:- s**t.
jimin:- i am for you. [ yoongi smile]
yoongi:- mess... disgusting mess.
jimin:- come on d@ddy, make me mess.
yoongi:- I'm not a monster like you.
[ jimin grab yoongi's collar.]
jimin:- just do what I said, shut this f*cking mouth.

[ yoongi slowly grab jimin's shirt and started unbuttoning he touched jimin's chest, jimin wipe his tears harshly but tears again escape, yoongi lean his face on jimin's neck and pushed him on bed jimin cup yoongi's face.]
jimin:- can't you do it without crying is I am that much bad huh?
yoongi:- just shut up jimin I'm doing.
[ yoongi close his eyes and lean his face on jimin's neck and starts kissing softly.]
jimin:- y...yoon fast ..

[ jimin open yoongi's shirt's buttons, yoongi move his lips on jimin's chest.]
jimin:- yoongi~ah...[ mo@n]
[ yoongi hold jimin's hands and lock their fingers. jimin look at their hands, smile appear on his face.]
jimin:- you're mine d@ddy.... only mine.
[ yoongi bite on jimin's neck, jimin mo@n loudly.]
jimin:- good d@ddy. [ yoongi remove his shirt.]
yoongi:- where you was last night?
jimin:- why d@ddy why should I tell you.
[ yoongi grab his fist in anger.]
yoongi:- I hate you jimin.
jimin:- stop wasting our time, show me your hate.
yoongi:- if I show you my hate, then you'll not able to take it park jimin.
[ jimin wrap his hands around yoongi's neck and pull him he attach their lips and started kissing passionately.]
jimin:- when will you back kiss me, I'm waiting d@ddy.
[ yoongi pushed jimin and started giving wet kisses on his neck and chest, tears started rolling from yoongi's eyes, he wipe it harshly and remove jimin's shirt, he unbuttoned jimin's pant and lean.]

- time skip -
[ yoongi hug jimin tightly, tears continuously rolling from his eyes, he pull jimin more closer.]
yoongi:- I did with my whole permission jimin and I know
I can't run back, where you was last night? why you're not telling? Mafia can't be loyal yoongi don't give your heart but jiminie you're so beautiful, I tried but I can't stop myself.
[ he again started crying silently.]

yoongi:- see you're faint, please don't be that heartless it's hurting you. don't hurt my soobin please
I'll be yours for forever.
[ yoongi pull jimin more closer and softly kiss on jimin's lips.]
yoongi:- my mess... I'm giving you my first kiss please don't leave me.
[ he close his eyes and fall in sleep.]

~time skip at evening ~
[ jimin open his eyes and found himself in yoongi's embrace.]
jimin: you behave weird today, what happen to you... you never did without force but today_
[ jimin touch his arms]
jimin: I write my path by my hands, you also can't change it yoon, you're my destiny and I will be more selfish,more cruel for you.
[ he rest his head on yoongi's chest, suddenly he heard knock on door, jimin kiss on yoongi's chest
and slowly get up and cover yoongi.]

jimin: it's paining daddy....
[ he wear his clothes and open the door.]
kwan: I'm sorry master, master he didn't eat anything from yesterday.
jimin: What I said to you, if he sleep empty stomach then I'll kill you.... THEN WHY THE HELL YOU DIDN'T.[ she flinch]
kwan: i.. I'm sorry master but he not hear, he behave stubborn.
jimin: I know he's stubborn, you no need to tell me
kwan: last night... I was coming but madam said she'll feed him and he again refuse.

jimin: Hana. [ kwan nodded]
jimin: that bi*ch. [ jimin come downstairs]
[ she come towards jimin]
hana: why are you shouting ji_ [ harsh slap press on her face,she fall on ground]
hana: you bastard. [ jimin grab her chin]
jimin: I know you very well, don't you dare to lay your eyes on him... I'm leaving you this time,if I again come to know that you're trying to do your cheap tricks on him, then I'll not hesitate to kill you.
[ she jerk jimin's hand]

hana: he himself don't want to stay with you, I'll Snatch him park jimin.
[ jimin grab hana's neck]
jimin: say....say...[ she's trying to remove jimin's hand,but jimin grab more tightly.]
Mrs park: jimin leave my daughter.
[ jimin jerk her]
jimin: this is nothing don't make me show my worse side.
[ jimin left from there.]

jimin: open your mouth.
[ yoongi open and jimin feed him]
jimin: without beat you can't understand anything na...
how many times I told you eat on time, now finish it fast. be a good boy like this and as I already told you, don't let anyone come close to you.
now talk something, don't look down.
yoongi: I'm sorry jimin...
jimin: I love your scared, don't be stubborn or I will kill someone bcoz of you. you're not baby for feeding you, if anyone enter in room behind me then first I'll kill that person, then I'll beat you and you're not allowed to go out from room. now I'm leaving take care I'll be back till midnight.
yoongi: your family is also like you jimin, I scared.
jimin: baby, your baby is mafia, you no need to scared by anyone.
yoongi: go jimin, I wish you'll never return.[ jimin smile]
jimin: don't wish like this your wish will never granted. go sleep, talking too much.
[ he tapped on yoongi's cheek and left]

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