You Fade From My Life.

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[ yoongi snatched blanket from soobin.]
yoongi:- wake up.
[ soobin make pout and get up from bed.]
soobin:- listen Yoongi~ah now days you're scolding me too much huh.
from tomorrow I'll not tolerate this behaviour.
[ yoongi smack on soobin's back.]
yoongi:- get ready and come for breakfast.
[ soobin hold yoongi's arm and lean his head on his shoulder.]
soobin:- thank you so much for taking that much care of me appa.
yoongi:- stop buttering me... I'm getting late.
soobin:- if you take two steps out from back door you'll reach your cafe and you know that I can reach
my school in 10 minutes. so no need to bother me hyungie.
yoongi:- fine I'll not from tomorrow.
soobin:- no need to be angry on me.. I know you're kidding you'll woke me. [ yoongi smile.]
yoongi:- hmm kidding,.now take bath fast.
[ he pushed soobin in bathroom.]

[ yoongi clean the tables and open cafe's door.]
yoongi:- this city is more peaceful and beautiful I'm so happy here finally I have my own cafe.
soobin:- hyungie I'm leaving now.
yoongi:-; bye take care. [ soobin left, yoongi smile.]
yoongi:- my family, who'll never leave me.

- time skip at 10 pm-
[ soobin enter in cafe and smile.]
soobin:- stupid hyungie. [ he come to the door and turn the sign as close.
and close the door.
[ he come to yoongi and caressed his hair.]
soobin:- Mr.min get up now, let's go inside.
yoongi:- d.. don't j..jim..[ mumble in sleep.]
soobin:- this only name I'm hearing when you talk in sleep I don't want to bother you hyungie that's why not asking I Even don't know why we come here..
soobin:- but I'm happy that now my hyung is with me for 24/7
and he's not suffering bcoz of me. thank you for doing his for me baby. [ he kiss on yoongi's cheek]
soobin:- hyungie you know na I can't carry you you're heavy now get up. [ he shake yoongi, yoongi slowly open his eyes.]
soobin:- hyungie it's already ten. why you not taking care of you, come inside.
yoongi:- hmm.

[ soobin take yoongi to his room.]
yoongi:- did you complete your homework?
[ soobin nodded.]
soobin:- and I washed our plates and cleaned kitchen also.
yoongi:- ok I'm so sleepy.
soobin:- sleep hyungie good night.
yoongi:- come here.[ soobin lay beside yoongi.]
soobin:- sweet dreams hyungie..[ yoongi smile and nodded.]

- Meanwhile -
[ tae come towards kook and sit beside him.]
tae:- what happen? not sleepy. bunny look at me.
[tae hold kook's chin and made him look at him.]
tae:- I can understand you, your feelings don't hide it from me.
you know na how much jimin love his yoon. do you think he can live without him.. I already told you right
that when he leave his mansion he went to yoongi. kai told me when I saw him on station that day.
[ tae wipe kook's tears.]
kook:- I'm not feeling well taetae.. his tears I can't forget that why I did that tae.. I even beat him his yoon..
still he forgive me but I can't forgive myself tae.
[ tae pull kook in his embrace.]
tae:- you have to forgive yourself baby.. if jimin know na that you're still feeling guilty and I'm not keeping you happy. he'll be so angry, for them kookie forgive yourself.
stop crying, now let's go inside.
kook:- stay like this na it's feel good I don't want to sleep.
tae:- ok bunny but promise from now, you'll not cry like this and whatever you feel Share with me.
everyone did mistake in their life we're humans kookie but when we not forgive our selves then how can
we can accept from others.
kook:- I'm sorry I'm making you worried.
tae:- how can I not. please be happy for me.[ kook nodded.]
tae:- are you sleepy,.sit properly.
[ he make kook sit on his lap.]
tae:- not taking you inside, but if feel sleepy then sleep taetae will carry you.
kook:- I love you taetae...
tae:- love you more.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10 ⏰

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