I Really Hate You Jimin...

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3 Days Later

soobin: hyungie why are you sad, what happen.
yoongi: nothing
soobin: don't lie.
yoongi: I'm not lying baby, just not feeling well.
[ soobin come close to yoongi and touched his forehead]
soobin: hyungie fever.
[ he hold yoongi's hands and made him sit on couch]
soobin: that's why I'm scolding you, why you was sitting outside last night, it's winter yoongi~ah.
yoongi[ in mind]: three days jimin, is you forget me, not even come to see.

soobin: yoongi~ah..[ he shake yoongi]
yoongi: go to school I'm fine.
soobin: no hyung I will not go.
yoongi: shut up and go[ yelled]
soobin: shout but I'll not go.
yoongi:- soobin baby please go.
soobin :- ok but first come with me.
[ he hold yoongi's hand and take him in his room, he made yoongi sit on bed, and give pills. ]
soobin: take this. [ yoongi take the pills, and gulp it]
soobin: now sleep. I will go to school but first I'll make lunch.
[ soobin turn but yoongi hold his hand, and pull him in hug.]
yoongi: my baby,hyung is so stupid na. I'm sorry to always bothering you.
soobin: let me take care of my baby. don't let anyone hurt you ok, you're so precious for me.
[ yoongi wipe his tears]
yoongi[ in mind] why you not come jiminie. atleast come to tell me that, ' yoon I don't want you anymore.
soobin: don't cry hyungie or I'll not go.
yoongi: not crying baby, just don't be like hyungie ok.
soobin: hmm then I'll protect hyungie.
yoongi: go now, make lunch.
soobin: ok.

~few minutes later ~

soobin: hyungie lunch is ready, eat on time, now I'm going.
yoongi: ok bye take care. [ soobin left]
[ yoongi close his eyes and fall in sleep.]

At Afternoon

[ yoongi open his eyes feeling wet on his forehead]
jimin: again min yoongi have fever, fucking basterd.
yoongi: jiminie you come.
jimin: you didn't care of yourself na.
yoongi: why you care, didn't even come to see.
jimin: yoon I have other work also.
yoongi: then why you bother yourself to come here,go do your work, I didn't call you.
jimin: yoon you're sick, that's why I'm hearing don't make me angry.
yoongi: get lost from here, I don't want to see you.
jimin: don't want to see me huh.

yoongi: don't shout jimin.
jimin: who is shouting here.
yoongi: just get lost.
[ jimin grab his hair in frustration, he cup yoongi's face and press his lips on his and started kissing roughly,
yoongi try to push him but jimin grab his hands. after sometime jimin broke the kiss and wipe yoongi's lips.]
jimin: are you in your mind yoon, stop your stubborn behaviour I warn you.
[ tears started rolling from yoongi's eyes.]

jimin: now why crying, didn't I said you to take care of yourself before going.
[ jimin pick yoongi in bridal]
jimin: we're going to hospital.
yoongi: I don't want put me down.
jimin: shut up.
[ jimin made yoongi sit in car]

yoongi:- I don't want.
jimin:- are you dumb or what yoon, can't you see we're worried for you.
yoongi:- yes I'm dumb, fool that's why
people make fun of me, hurting me.
[ jimin close his eyes to calm himself.]
jimin:- dear I love your beautiful face and I don't want to punch you so stop your nonsense and sit quietly.
yoongi:- yes my talk is always nonsense na.
jimin:- just let me take you hospital then eat my head as much you want.

- time skip -
dr. :- he had fever before also right.
jimin:- yes 2-3 times doctor.
dr.:- seems like normal but for your concern we'll do his some tests also.
jimin:- ok doctor.
dr.:- and Mr.yoongi you're so careless about your health. eat on time and Mr.park take care of him.
jimin:- I will doctor.
[ doctor take yoongi's blood sample.]
jimin:- Mr.min let's go home.

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