You Die For Me....

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[ kook caressed his hand from tae's hair and kiss on his forehead.]
kook:- did you miss me taetae...bunny miss you so much I know you're hearing me na...bad boy only giving pain. how long taetae don't you feel pity on me. now it's enough you know na bunny is not strong
why bothering me that much.
[ tears escape from kook's eyes, he hug tae and rest his head on tae's chest.]

kook:- two years taehyung how long now... why you don't want to woke, are you that much sleepy huh..
wrap your hands around me...hug me taetae.. i need you, are you tired of me. don't want to come back to your bunny? want to leave him in this bad world? I can't live without you, don't tease me like this bunny will not forgive you... you have to pay for
this park jimin .. I'll make you feel the pain which I'm feeling every moment.. I will make you feel
that pain which you give us, without any mistake... you'll regret.
then you'll know how it's feel seeing your love like a dead body. you forced me to do every bad thing which I did... as you said it's not wrong to kill someone if they hurt your love
how can I see you happy with your lover, when my taetae is laying here only coz of you. you make me like this park jimin...if I'm in pain then you also have to feel my pain na jimin.
if my taetae is laying here then
your yoongi also have to suffer.

[ tae try to move his fingers but he can't tear rolled from his corner of eye... kook get up from tae and look at his face.]
kook:- I know you're hearing me taetae...
[ he wipe tae's tears.]
kook:- I'm not doing wrong, right taetae.
[ someone knock on door.]
man:- boss he's conscious now.
kook:- ok [ kook wipe his tears.]
kook:- I'm here hmm...

[ they was about to come out from room but jimin stop, he come inside in room. and picked the ring from floor.]
jimin:- is this really you... you said me to take care of mine but see you lost yours played very well Jungkook sorry lucas.
jay:- boss Jungkook
jimin:- look at this ring, I'm seeing this from the day I meet him see here is name also.. Taehyung..
jimin:- lucas so you was playing with my feelings you won this game but I'll end it.
[ he wipe his tears harshly.]
jay:- boss now Kai?
jimin:- his location jay?
jay:- boss his phone is switched off, yesterday around 10:30 pm , and location is showing 3 km from mansion.
jimin:- let's go.

[ jay stop the car.]
jay:- boss this is his last location, here is only forest.
[ jimin look around.]
jimin:- jay if something happen to my kai then I'll kill you.
[ jimin come out from car and started finding kai.]
jimin:- KAI...KAI..[ he walk forward
his foot fall on something, he look down.]
jimin:- phone...[ he pick the broken phone.]
jimin:- Kai's phone... where are you bastard...
jay:- BOSS...BOSS. [ jimin come towards jay.]
jay:- b...boss here is b.. blood look this broken glass.
jimin:- car's glass... Kai's car is at home let's go jay.
jay:- I'm sorry boss I...k.. Kai
jimin:- SHUT UP.... Come...
[ they sit in car and went towards mantion.]

[ jay stopped the car, jimin immediately run towards
Kai's car, he saw the window is broken he check car from inside.]
jimin:- kai where are you??
jay:- boss Kai's last location is that forest then who take car here?
jimin:- fu*king Jungkook...
[ jay touched car's dicky. ]
jay:- open [ he open it.]
jay:- KAI...[ jimin immediately come towards him and saw kai is laying with bruises and blood.]


[ kai stop the car, near cafe.]
kai:- jungkook come, let's have a coffee.
[ kook nodded as no.]
kai:- come on, yoon always said. I'm not that bad person, you can come with me.
[ kook smile they come out from car
they sit on table, kai give their order.]
kai:- oh shit... I forgot to lock the car.
[ kai come towards car, he's about to take car's key but suddenly kook's phone buzzed he take the phone from seat.]

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