I hate you...

784 26 2

- Next Morning -

[ yoongi open his eyes and look beside]
yoongi: jimin...
[ he take the blanket and cover jimin]
yoongi: you take me here for f*ck you, I hate you.
[ he get up and wear his clothes, he again look at jimin]
yoongi: you're such a disgust, I feel shame on myself for losing my virginity on you.

[ yoongi come out from room and come downstairs]
kai: hey where are you going...
yoongi: water.
[ kai look at yoongi head to toe.]
kai: come here.
[ yoongi come towards him]
kai: maid take water.
[ maid come and give water to kai]
kai: drink this and go to room.
[ yoongi drink fastly]
kai: where is boss?
yoongi: sleeping.
kai: is he beat you,forc_[ he stopped]
[ tears escape from yoongi's eyes, kai come close to him and wipe his tears, yoongi jerk kai's hand]

yoongi: you're also like him.
jimin: baby what are you doing here.
kai: boss. [ he look down]
[ jimin come close to them.]
jimin: is I said you to give him water.
kai: I'm sorry.[ jimin smirked]
[ jimin turn to yoongi, yoongi look at him with anger]
jimin: down your eyes.
[ yoongi still look at him with same expression]
jimin: you're not hearing huh.
[ he press a hard punch on yoongi's face.]

jimin: don't give him anything, until I not allow.
kai: ok boss.
[ jimin grab yoongi's collar and grag him to his room he lock the door from inside and pin yoongi on wall]
jimin: seems like Mr.min don't love his brother's life.
yoongi: I did na jimin, don't do this, now please leave me.
[ jimin hug yoongi]
jimin: don't cry please.
[ yoongi backhug jimin tightly and started crying badly]
jimin: shuu... it's ok and I'm sorry to punch you, show me your face.
[ jimin broke the hug and cup yoongi's face.]
jimin: I don't like it, take care of yourself , I don't like anyone touch you,so don't let ok. come take rest.
[ he made yoongi sit on bed]
jimin: is you take bath? [ yoongi nodded as no]
jimin: come lets take together.
yoongi: why are you asking, I'm your sl*t, do whatever you want.
jimin: don't you dare to call yourself with that word. you're only my daddy, come.
[ jimin hold yoongi's hand and take him in bathroom]

~Time skip~
jimin: daddy you're looking so handsome in this clothes.
[ yoongi close his eyes,jimin close his ( yoongi's) shirt buttons]
yoongi: you're disgusting jimin.
jimin: I know [ he kiss on yoongi's forehead]
jimin: take care now I'm going.
[ he take his gun and come downstairs]
jimin: kai are you ready.
kai: yes boss.

~in car~
jimin: lucas is dead but why I'm feeling something suspicious.
kai: yes boss, bcoz police didn't found lucas's body in hotel.
jimin: What, and you're telling me now.
kai: boss actually you was busy with that _sorry.
jimin: wait...we found Joseph,he tell about lucas... I heard lot of time before but never meet and
I easily kill..... something is wrong.
kai: boss you mean that person is not lucas.
jimin: ask police about lucas.

kai: boss I already asked and there is no any criminal record of lucas's name...
jimin: then who is lucas.
kai: now what should we do boss?
jimin: can you let me think
kai: sorry boss.
jimin: stop the car[ he wear his hoodie]
kai: boss where? [ jimin smile and hug kai, kai got shock by jimin's action]
jimin: don't warry that much, now go.[ jimin left from car]
kai[ in mind]: if this is bcoz of yoongi, then it's not good.

- mean while jimin -
[ Jimin press the door Bell, door got open]
soobin:- yoongi~ah you co_ [ he look up]
soobin:- who are you?
jimin:- I'm your Yoongi hyung's friend.
soobin:- come in hyung.
[ jimin enter in room]
soobin:- do you know where is Yoongi hyung he didn't come home I find everywhere but
[ tears started rolling from his eyes.]
jimin:- fool like Yoongi [ mumble]

Jimin:- come here.
[ jimin take soonbin in his embrace and made him sit on couch.]
jimin:- why are you crying hyung said me he got good job but for that he have to stay there, but he said me
to take care of you. [ soobin wipe his tears.]
soobin:- my hyungie got job I'm so happy but I'm angry also why he didn't come to me to tell.
Jimin:- ok I'll tell Yoongi that soobin is angry on him.
soobin:- no don't tell I'm not angry.
Jimin:- that's like a good boy.
soobin:- it's mean you'll stay with me na until hyung come.
[ Jimin chuckle in shock.]

Jimin:- no baby i also have work or my boss will fired me
soobin:- but I feel scared without hyung.
Jimin:- baby you're strong boy, look you grown up now be strong and I have something for you.
[ jimin give phone to Yoongi.]
soobin:- phone... thank you so much hyung you know my all friends have phone except me
Jimin:- there is my number call me any time and your Yoongi hyung will paid your school's fees ok
so from tomorrow go to school.
soobin:- I will and when hyung will come to meet me?
Jimin:- baby I can't say.
soobin:- ok now go cute hyung.
Jimin:- huh
soobin:- I don't know your name but you're cute go
Jimin:- ok take care kiddo.
[ jimin come out from house.]
jimin:- he's so innocent, just like my Yoongi.

- at night -
[ jimin enter in room.]
jimin:- Yoongi..why are you sleeping on floor?
[ he come close to yoongi.]
jimin:- Yoongi woke up...
[ he sit on his knees and shake Yoongi.]
Jimin:- yoon.. [ he started shaking him.]
Jimin:- Yoongi... Yoongi.. woke up.
[ he take yoongi's head on his lap
Yoongi slowly open his eyes.]
Yoongi:- jimin [ jimin hug Yoongi tightly.]
jimin:- you scared me..
Yoongi:- h... hungry
[ jimin realise and immediately broke the hug.]

Jimin:- get up [ he made Yoongi sit on bed.]
jimin:- why you not ask maid for food?
Yoongi:- stop showing your fake care
I wish I'll die soon.
[ jimin grab yoongi's collar and pull him closer.]
Jimin:- then die fucking...[ he pushed Yoongi and grab his chin.]
Jimin:- I said na don't irritate me didn't I?

Jimin:- sti*p yourself.
Yoongi:- Jimin I don't want please [ with teary eyes]
Jimin:- think before talk na baby.. now ready for punishment
now str*p in two minutes or
I'll kill your brother first then you.
Yoongi:- don't hurt soobin...
Jimin :- then do d@ddy.
[ Yoongi slowly remove his shirt, Jimin look at him with lustful eyes, he push Yoongi on bed
and hover over on him.]

Jimin:- I know my d@ddy is so tired and weak so let baby pleasure you.
[ Jimin attached his lips on yoongi's neck and started biting rudely while mo@ning.]
Yoongi:- your mo@n is world's most disgusting thing I ever heard.
[ jimin slap Yoongi and get up from him, he smack the door
and left from there, Yoongi immediately wear his shirt.]

[ Yoongi touch his neck and feel wet
he look at his hand.]
Yoongi:- b... blood a devil... you're mo@n is world's most beautiful thing I ever heard Jimin.. but you're
just a mess of my life.. I lost my everything on that person whom I hate the most. this pain is nothing
infront of my heart's pain... i wish you'll broke more than me... I wish you'll never get anyone's love
[ he heard door open sound and he grab his fist.]
Jimin:- yoongi~ah you didn't eat anything, come.
[ Yoongi look away, Jimin take plate and sit beside him.]
Jimin:- yoongi~ah eat you're weak.
[ tears started rolling from yoongi's eyes he cover his face by palm and started sobbing Jimin pull Yoongi in his embrace.]
jimin:- why are you crying, I didn't even beat you.
[ jimin started caressing yoongi's back after sometime Yoongi calm down Jimin wipe yoongi's tears.]
Jimin:- open your mouth.[ Yoongi open and jimin feed him.]
Jimin:- be a good boy like this.
[ he feed Yoongi and made him lay on bed he lay beside him and hold his waist.]
Jimin:- get well soon daddy I want you.
[ jimin kiss on yoongi's nape, Yoongi move close to Jimin and close his eyes.]

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