Chapter 4

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Mizuki pov

I was at the border between heaven and hell, just dancing. Ayuna said to go here for some reason. I could have tried and escaped, but I knew that she could track me with the tracker collar she forced me to wear, and she has eyes everywhere. Plus, the consequences of my escaping were high.
I was just dancing when I heard footsteps. At first, I thought it was a random angel or something and tried to pretend not to hear them. The footsteps became closer and faster until they stopped.
"Mizuki? "A familiar voice said to me
"Huh? Who are you? "I yelled, sensing the voice getting closer.
"I-its me! Yuki! "
"Yuki? What are you doing here? "
"I came here since Ayuna said to go here for hints on where you are! "
"Ayuna? "I questioned
Before me and her could react, one of Ayuna's minions attacked me and her. Yuki pulled closer and blocked the attack, leading to her back getting wounded.
"Come on, Mizu. Let's go now."
"No.. I cannot leave. She'll find me, and besides, she's using me as bait. Leave now, Yuki."
"No. I looked for years to find you, and I'm not leaving you! "
I had no choice; I grabbed Yuki's hand and ran anyway before throwing her into a lake where I knew Ayuna and her monsters could not enter. I went back to the place to see Ayuna and the monster that attacked us.
"Ah, you're here," she said in an angry tone.
"So why did you let her escape? Would you like another punishment? "

"No amount of punishment will make me stop protecting the one I love."
"Fufu, how cute! It's so sickening. Very well, then. Punishment for you. Minion, take her now."
After she said that, the monster dragged me to the prison I was staying at.

"Hmm, what to do next? I already ripped your wings off, turned you into my puppet, and removed the right side of your face."
"Oh, I know! Let's complete your face now, shall we? "
I was wondering what she did since the last time she removed my face, she took it by her hands, which had sharp claws. I thought it would be the same, but no, it wasn't. Before I could see what happened, my face was blown off. My face was fully gone now. It hurts so much that I screamed, but nothing came out. My voice was more deformed, and no words came out. I can no longer see either.
"This is what happens if you keep ruining my plans; remember, you are under my curse, so unless you want me to do more, stay away from my plans."
I just sat there, not even reacting.
"Hmm, did the bomb also get rid of your hearing or what? "
"Oh well, I hate seeing your hideous face, so here, cover your face now. I don't like seeing your terrifying face."
'Not as terrifying as yours or your creatures' I thought as Ayuna threw me a mask. I put it on and wondered what would happen next, but she just left. I was just standing there, blind and unable to speak. I was wondering what Yuki was doing. I hope she's fine.

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