The Red Thoughts

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Fikis pov:
As we pulled into the driveway and walked in, i hesitated to step much foward as i saw the dried blood stain on the floor. Salam looked over and noticed my nervous expression. i felt her grab my hand gently. "So...lets about we sit down, and calm down, alright? How you feel about that?" I sighed in relief as she suggested calming down. We sat down on the couch, salam turned the tv on, i let go of salams hand, nervous shed be mad. "Hey..fiki, look, im sorry that happened to you, and i promise you i wont leave you again, okay?" I looked at her, and nodded. "Okay..then." I said, playing with my fingers. I looked over at salam, her eyes on the tv, she looked so pretty. I cant help but want to kiss her, hug her, love her, do everything either way her, but she doesnt feel like that anymore. I cant..i realized she was looking at me, i looked away, my face turning a bright shade of red. I felt her gently grab my waist, i squeaked, and let out a soft moan as she rubbed my waist. I looked back at her, she was still watching tv, is she just trying to keep me comfortable? Hm, its whatever..i watched the tv with her, I couldn't keep my mind off of where her hands  were though, i yawned, feeling myself grow tired, i layed my head back ontop of Salams chest, salam looked at me and sighed, with a small laugh. I felt her rub the top of my hair gently until i fell asleep. I woke up to see salam asleep, slightly drooling on my face, i wiped the top of my head off and her face off, the tv was still on, so i continued to watch the tv, her hands were so warm. I layed my hands in hers and sighed. I heard a loud banging noise, is someone here? I dont think i invited anyone.. i stood up and walked to the door, i opened the door, no one was there, i closed the door, and turned around, wait, what?  Theres blood everywhere, on the ground..allison? is that you? "YOU KILLER" the body screamed, i gasped, panicking, i leaned against the door, feeling the tall figure approach me, i felt a sharp pain. "KILLER" "you deserve to die" "just kill yourself" thoughts echoed through my mind, i felt something sharp stab me, i screamed in pain, my knees grew weak and i fell down, leaning against the door, watching the figure surround me. I could feel myself losing consciousness.
"Fiki?" "FIKI!!" "Wake up!"
I was shook awake, is the figure still there? Wait, theres no blood, was that a hallucination. I felt a sharp pain in my chest, i looked down and noticed a kitchen knife slightly stabbing my chest, i groaned. Salam looked at me with a worried expression. "Whyd you stab yourself?! Are you insane?!" She yelled, i flinched, i could feel the tears forming in my eyes,  i felt her gently take my hand and sigh. I then felt her pull the knife that was slightly in my chest out. I let out a quiet scream. I felt her wrap something around my chest. "Alright, fiki, i need to take you to a hospital, can you stand? Or, hear me?" i hear her her, but couldnt recognize what she was saying, i mumbled in response, salam nodded, she started to pick me up, her arms and hands were so warm, and comforting, it was relaxing, she sat me down in the passenger seat in her car and buckled me in, then she ran to the drivers seat, turned the car on, and started driving as quickly as she could. I felt my vision blur, no, i dont wanna pass out, not yet..not yet..

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