First snow

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Fikis pov: I rolled over in the bed, turning on my side and looking at my wife and daughters faces, both of them at rest, a ray of sunshine beaming on Artemis's face from the curtains, a warm blanket over the three of us. I slowly sat up, rubbing my eyes, and looking at the blanket until my vision focused. I moved my legs over, Placing both on the carpet, and standing up, opening our closet and grabbing a grey and white towel, and a bra with underwear, walking to the bathroom, opening and shutting the door gently, as I sat my towel over the shower rod, and pulled my clothes off, folding them up and sitting them on the sink counter. I turned the shower on hot, waiting for the water to get warm enough for me, then i stepped in the shower, washing my hair and body off as quick as i could and getting out, drying myself off with the towel, and getting the bra and underwear on, before grabbing my robe, which was hung against the door, I put it on, yawning and opening the bathroom door, walking back into the bedroom and putting my dirty clothes in a laundry basket, looking over at my wife and daughter, still asleep in bed. I walked out of our room, and to the kitchen, looking out the window, noticing there was about 2.7 feet of snow outside, snow still falling, I quickly remembered me and Salam had bought some coats and small snow bibs for Artemi not long ago, and since this was the first time its snowed since she was born, we could take her outside. I started to walk over to cook breakfast when I heard my wife turn the coffee machine on, hearing the whirs and dripping of coffee going into a coffee pot, I turned my head, looking at her, seemed she didn't shower, but she put on a long sleeved shirt and sweatpants, her hair was slightly messy from turning in her sleep.
"Morning, snowed last night. Isn't it pretty?" I asked, walking behind her and wrapping my arms around her as she was standing in front of the coffee maker, she moved her arms, laying her hands on mine and yawning,
"Yeah, it's very pretty.." Salam replied, moving her hands and making her a cup of coffee. I lifted up, moving my arms off of her and feeling excited.
"We can take Artemi out! Its her first snow!" I exclaimed, smiling as Salam turned to look at me, letting out a sigh.
"I guess we can...give me a few more minutes though.." she replied, taking a sip of her coffee, before chugging it down and putting her cup down, walking back to the bedroom, stretching her arms out as she walked. I turned back to the window, looking at it for a few minutes, before giving up and running back to the bedroom and picking artemi up, her eyes slightly open as she rubbed her eyes, rubbing her head against my arm as I walked her to her nursery, sitting her on the changing table and grabbing Artemi's snow bibs and coat. Changing her into it, as she giggled. I picked her up, kissing her face as i walked in the bedroom, opening the closet and grabbing my warm clothes and jacket, sitting Artemi on the bed and quickly changing into my clothes, and putting my jacket on, picking artemi back up and running out to the door, opening it and gently shutting it, taking her outside, her gasped, as i sat in the snow with her, sitting her down in my lap, watching her pat her hands in the snow, giggling, before i heard the front door open, Salam standing there, seeming kinda mad, she followed, sitting down next to me, playing with Artemi as she giggled, getting snow all over her, Salam kissed her head, then reached over, kissing my lips, laying her head on my shoulder, watching artemi play.

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