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Fikis pov:
I was trying to put together a small toy for Artemi, Salam sleeping on the couch, wearing a oversized T shirt, as usual, with shorts, Artemi on the floor carpet, watching Tv and eating small amounts of banana flavored puffs, attaching the small pieces then sitting the toy down, looking in the living room at the small baby bassinet I set back up, I walked in the living room, sitting down with Artemi and watching Tv with her as Salam yawned, waking up and rolling over, smiling at me.
"Get the toy together?" Salam asked me, reaching her hand and rubbing my face as I nodded, giving her a small smile.
"Of course I you feeling?" I asked her, laying a hand on her stomach as I layed my head back on the couch, yawning.
"Hhhm....excited, little girl can come any day or minute now." Salam exclaimed, her eyes sparkling. I smiled at her, reaching up and kissing her head, before hearing Salam grunt. I pulled back looking at her.
"Whats the matter?" I asked her, before she giggled, laying a hand on her stomach.
"Shes kicking me." Salam giggled out, closing her eyes and yawning. I lifted up, noticing Artemi was staring at me, her black hair slightly curling to the side, her eyes were as beautiful as the sky.
"Whats my pretty little girl looking at?" I asked, walking over, leaning and crouching down infront of her as she grabbed my nose and pinched it.
"Stealing nose!" Artemi called out, as she giggled, pulling her hand off my nose and standing up, running away. I made a scoffing sound, playfully turning to Salam and yelling
"This little girl stole my nose!" I yelled, Salam leaning up and giggling, covering her mouth. I stood up, starting to walk after her before Salam squeaked, I turned my head back, looking at her, noticing her expression was now nervous.
"Whats the matter?" I asked, walking back over to salam before she started awkwardly giggling
"My water just broke." Salam said, staring down at the couch, I looked down, noticing the couch was wet.
"Oh...alright, uhm..I'll get artemi in the car, you want to go straight to the car?" I asked, reaching over and rubbing her hand before she quickly stood up and walked past me and outside the house, I immediately rushed, grabbing Artemis shoes, and sighing.
"Artemi! Baby we gotta go!" I yelled, before Artemi walked in, as she sat down, holding her feet up, which suprisingly already had clean socks on, and putting her shoes on, I then picked her up, brushing her hair to the side, adjusting her overalls buttons, and carrying her outside, locking the door on the way out as I pulled the keys out my pocket, opening the backseat door and helping Artemi in her carseat, buckling her in and shutting the door, opening the door and glancing at salam, who was already buckled in the passenger. I got in and shut my door, putting the keys in and starting the car, hearing the engine turn on. I started driving as i yelled for my phone to call ciara, hearing it ring through my car, as the bluetooth already connects.
"Im so glad we finally got a new car-" I said, as it was ringing, before I paused, adding on
"And YOU dont get to drive it." I added, laying a hand on salam's hand as she scoffed, before I heard Ciara pick up
"Whats up?" She asked, the speaker through the car was loud, salam reached over, turning it down and laying her head back.
"Salam's water broke, can you pick Artemi up at the hospital, keep her for a while?" I asked, feeling a ray pf sun hit my eyes as I scoffed, stopping at a red light and tapping my hand on the wheel.
"Yeah, I can do that, ill be at the hospital in 10." Ciara said, as I could hear her grab keys, hearing the 'jingle' keys make.
"Great.." I replied, before hanging up and continuing driving, til we got there, Salam opened the car door and unbuckled, getting up and out the car, as she held onto the car, closing her eyes for a moment. I got out the car, opening the passenger door, and smiling at Artemi as she had already unbuckled herself and leaped into my arms. I sat her down, walking her towards Salam, as I looked at the entrance.
"Uhh..cmon.." i said nervously, feeling the sun on my hair, feeling the warmth, as I grabbed Artemis hand and watched Salam hurrily walk to the entrance as I followed behind her, we walked in and Salam hurrily told them everything that they needed, she seemed to get a little mad at the realization she had to wait. we walked over and sat down, Artemi was on my lap looking at salam.
"Mama, okay?" Artemi asked, Salam looked over at her, smiling, clearly covering up how pissed she was.
"Mhm! Im perfect, dear. You excited to go to aunt ciara's?" Salam asked Artemi, as Artemi's cute eyes lit up, her smile turning into a grin.
"Yeah! Yeah!" Artemi said, rolling around on my lap, before I noticed Ciara walk in and glance around before walking over to us as Artemi leaped off of me as Ciara caught her, I grunted, feeling Artemi had pressed against my knee.
"Great, now fikis hurt." Salam scoffed, getting sassy, before she heard her name get called, as I watched her get up and hurrily walk off.
"Shes in a rush." Ciara said, giggling, as I nodded, before ciara added.
"10 bucks says she wont give birth until 5am." Ciara added, before I started walking, waving bye to Artemi.
"Good thing I didnt take my pills...dont kill my child." I said, walking off and rushing to salam.

Around 6AM, Bora had officially been born, and Salam was knocked out asleep while I watched over the adorable little girl, who seemed two times quieter than Artemi already, and I barely knew the girl, too bad I jinxed it, cause she started crying.

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