The clean, white room.

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Salams POV:
I quickly drove fiki to the hospital and got her in a room, they said shed be alright, but wanted to look into if it was an attempted suicide or if shes actually having really bad hallucinations. I watched her tired, asleep, expression. i smiled weakly at the dark circles under her eyes, in highschool, she always stayed up all night, i hadnt seen those dark circles since we started living together though, cause i always made her sleep, but I guess when i left her, she completely forgot to take care of herself. I also found cookies in the cabinet, so THAT was definitely out of spite.. I wonder why she dyed her hair differently though. Fikis never been normal, she has multiple mental disorders, but she wouldnt of went as far as killing someone to get attention, would she? No, she nodded when i asked if it was an accident..ill have to talk to her when she wakes up. I sat next to her and put earbuds in my phone, and layed one in fikis ear and the other in mine, i turned some music on, fiki normally loves to listen to whatever i was, maybe thatd wake her up.

Fikis pov:
I could feel myself regaining consciousness at the sound of some music, it was an awful tune, but it woke me up, i groaned, and looked over, salam had put an earbud in my ear, she was looking at me, she paused the music and took her earbud put my ear.
"Oh, fiki, your awake, you feeling?" She asked, i scoffed in reply. "I dunno." Salam sighed and made a pouty expression "well if you wont tell me i wont talk to you. Hmph." Salam said, trying to get me in a better mood, whenever she acted childish, irregular from her normal attitude, it did always cheer me up. But i didnt really feel that this time, i just looked at my chest. "Howd that even happen to me?" I asked, i remember the event of that..scene, but not stabbing myself, id never..ever do that. "Doctors say you stabbed yourself, they think when you did you were having a major panic attack." Salam replied. I scoffed. "Sounds about right.." i said, salam looked at me, visibly concerned. " need help, i know i say it enough but, after not sure you can be left alone any there like..anything at all, that you think could help you?"
Salam asked. I scoffed, im not insane, im normal, other people are insane, im normal. God, this makes me mad, im normal. Im normal. god, maybe shes the one that needs help, maybe she needs a slight punch.. i lifted my hand up, and i started to punch her, but she grabbed my hand, I could hear the heart rate monitors beeping, salam gently moved my hand to the side. "Hey..lets not get violent..mkay? Remember, if your caught doing something like this, they may lock you up forever, look, your..your..unique, not normal, not insane, but you like that term?" Salam asked, i was slightly mad at her statement, but i complied, i didnt want her to leave me. "Its fine.." i said, salam smiled. "Oh yeah, i got an idea, how do you feel about having a cat? I think a animal for support could help you." Salam asked, calmly. A cat? I love cats, that should be fine, i dont need support though. Im in my best state. "a cat? Okay." And if i ever get hungry i guess i have a friendly sn-..what am i thinking? Its whatever, doctors must have me on anesthesia or something..

Salams pov:
she seems lost in thought, i can see her expression changing as she thinks to herself, i hate admitting it but, its very clear shes went insane. A cat would definitely help her, aslong as she doesnt kill it, i saw a doctor walk in, and i was asked to leave, while they checked up on fiki mentally, fiki god mad and tried to attack the doctor for telling me what to do, i quickly grabbed her arm, and they decided keeping me in the room would be better, i watched as they asked fiki questions, which she hesitated alot while answering, after they looked at their results, they told me it was best if she was in a psych ward, i immediately refused, who knows what theyd do to her there?! Ill make her better myself, somehow, i will! they discharged fiki, she hated stretching cause the wound from her breakdown hurt her pretty bad. We got in the car, and i started driving. "Soo, you wanna go pick out a cat?" I asked fiki, calmly. Ive been trying to keep paitent with her. "Cat? Yeah." She replied, i nodded, and started to drive to the pet store, we walked in the pet store after parking, i noticed how excited fiki seemed when she saw the birds. I looked at her. "Would you like a bird, instead of a cat?" I asked. "No, i just like the colors." Fiki scoffed back, i sighed, we walked over to where they kept the cats, the small cages made me feel bad for the cats, fiki looked and saw a small, fluffy, white kitten, she crouched down and pointed at it. "This one." She said, her eyes were sparkling, i looked at the price. 800$...for a cat...ugh..its for fiki..not for my wallet...i payed for the cat, and we bought a litter box, cat food, and some toys, i put them all in the back of the car, and when i got in the car, fiki was sitting in the passenger, gently rubbing the kittens head. She seemed calm enough, i smiled at her, and started driving home.

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