Work incident

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Fikis pov:
"Your going to bed, both of you." I said, ciara grinned, getting up and walking over to Allison, and pulled Allison, starting to walk to the bedroom with Allison, who was exhausted. I reached over, taking Artemi in my arms.
"Bed time for us too..i put the bassinet together, right?" I asked Salam, as she stood up. She nodded at me, yawning. I walked with her to our room, i gently sat Artemi down, covering her with a light blanket. Salam gently tugged my shirt, pulling me toward the bed, I pulled the work vest off and tossed it on the ground. Salam sat down on the bed, I helped her take off her jacket. I sat her jacket on the coat hanger and sat down next to her. I kissed her on the cheek, then layed down, waiting on her to do the same. Instead, i felt her lay ontop of me, she moved her head on my neck, I looked down at her, she seemed comfortable already, so i adjusted my legs and layed a hand on her hair, shutting my eyes.

I opened my eyes, hearing Artemi crying. I looked over, noticing Salam was up already, I hopped up, walking to Artemi and picking her up, rocking her.
"Think shes hungry?" I asked, Salam sighed, and nodded.
"Probably... its 7am..ill write that down later.." Salam said, I moved over, sitting down on the bed, Salam did the same, and Salam pulled her shirt off and unclipped her bra, it took around 2 minutes though. I adjusted Artemi against Salam and yawned while I was holding her.
"I really need an artificial..." Salam mumbled, looking down at Artemi.
"I think Allison set up a appointment for you while we were in the hospital." I said, looking off at the clock.
"Yeah...oh gosh, you need to get to start getting ready for work in a few minutes, dont you..?" Salam asked, I thought for a moment.
"Yeah, ill just start going days Allison do.." I replied, noticing Artemi was done, I pulled Artemi back, patting her back til I heard her make a noise. I stood up, walking back over and sitting Artemi back down, I heard her make a small "mmeh" sound, I giggled, walking and sitting down, I clipped Salam's bra for her, she started to grab her shirt, before i cut in.
"You should probably just leave it off...not sure when shell get hungry again, and Ill probably be gone." I said, reaching my hand up and patting Salam head.
"i cant hold her head up and hold her by myself in general..." Salam said, nervous, I thought for a minute.
"Here in a minute i'll ask Allison if you can call your mom to come over, okay?" I said, kissing her forehead. Salam nodded, looking at the time, I hopped up, walking to the closet and opening it, pulling my clothes off and getting clean ones on. I then walked over, putting my vest on and grabbing my toothbrush. I ran to the bathroom, brushing my teeth and putting my hair up in a ponytail. I walked in the kitchen, noticing Allison was snacking. She looked over at me, confused.
"You gonna go in with me?" She asked, eating a banana.
"Yeah, id rather go days you do since I dont really have a schedule..and I dont think Salam would be okay with me completely alone..speaking of that, could Salam call her mom over? She cant really feed Artemi by herself.." I asked, nervously, Allison nodded, shrugging.
"Aslong as Ciara knows theres company, I dont see the problem with it, since the house is clean." Allison said, tossing me an apple, I nodded, walking to Salam and telling her it was all right for her mom to come over. I kissed her lips and smiled, covering her with the bed blanket. I walked over to artemi, kissing her on her forehead. I grabbed my work tag and walked to Allison, and we walked to the car, and Allison started driving.
"Weird question, but, what happened to your car??" Allison asked, I paused, wondering whether I should lie or be honest, I guess Ill be honest since I didn't do it.
"Salam was half asleep and she ran into a tree..." I said, I could hear Allison giggling.
"Shes always hitting something.." Allison said, sighing.
I took out my phone, putting it on its portable charger, and put it on my lap, watching Allison pull in the parking lot. She turned the car off, getting out the car, I got out, putting my phone in my pocket, and walked in, moving to the back and helping people move stuff while Allison was in her office.
I noticed some teenagers were messing around, like normal. Not doing their job. I glanced at the man in the forklift, who was driving by while the lift had a box of stuff in it. One of the teenagers ran out infront of it,and the man swerved, trying to not hit it, the stuff on the lift fell off, and hit a huge tower of stacked stuff, and it caused a chain reaction, everyone in the room yelled to clear out, I quickly closed the box i was unpacking, and started to walk to the door, before i started running, before stuff fell on me and i fell, losing consciousness quickly.

Allisons pov: I heard a bunch of stuff falling, I walked out my office, a bunch of people running out of the storage room, I walked over, tapping the storage room manager.
"Whats this?" I asked, walking and swiping my keycard and starting to open the door.
"Someone knocked into the big stacked boxes, and everything started falling. Did everyone get out okay???!" He yelled, looking at everyone. I looked around, wondering if fiki was in the storage or in the lobby today, until I heard one woman ask.
"Fedya's missing, was she working in storage today??" She asked, looking around, a teenager looked nervous, before replying.
"No, she was in storage..she was unpacking a box for a order.." he said, I immediately opened the door, and stepped back, seeing boxes piling out.
"Look for Fedya." I said, pushing the door against the door magnet, and stepping inside, ignoring the boxes.
"Send out all orders ready, and send out emails to recent orders that there is a delay, and shut down the site." I added, looking around, if Fiki was in here, im not sure shes okay. The whole place was covered in boxes, other people were looking around.
"Were gonna have to call the fire department!" One yelled, I sighed.
"Yeah, call the fire department.. I need to make a call." I said, getting out of the storage room, and turning my microphone on.
"Everyone available report to storage room, we need help clearing out." I said, before pulling my phone out and calling ciara.

Ciara: "Allison? What do you need, arent you working?"
Allison: "theres been an incident, me and fiki may not be home for a while..fiki may not be home in general."
Ciara: "what? What do you mean?"
Allison: "someone knocked over something in the storage room and everything crashed down, Fiki was working in the storage room and theres no sign of her, im about to pull up the cameras, we cant find her anywhere in that room."
Ciara: "shoot- do i tell?-"
Allison: "no, the last thing we need right now is a distressed wife. I already have to call the fire department and shut down the whole building and website til i can get this sorted. Just tell her that we have alot to do if she asks. Ill keep you updated."
I hung up the phone, and noticed people from the fire department come in, I explained to them what fiki looked like, and they started looking through aswell. I walked to my office, leaving the door open and pulling up the cameras rom 10 minutes ago. Fiki was in the middle of the room, unboxing..and clarke moved infront of a forklift, felix hit the thing trying to avoid her...and it swept Fiki under..about the corner the room... I closed the cameras, running toward the storage room.
"She should be in the lower left corner!" I yelled, running toward that way and helping them lift boxes up, til we saw a hand, I pulled fiki up, noticing there was bruises and bleeding all over her face and she was knocked out.
"Ill get her to a hospital..everyone here start cleanup!" I yelled, thanking the firefighters as they left, I carried fiki out to my car and sat her in the back, putting her phone in the passenger seat. I quickly turned my car on, starting to drive.

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