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Fikis pov: i lifted my head up, looking at sweet artemi, who was asleep. Salam was asleep aswell. I sighed, looking at my knee, it had recovered long ago, but still was hurting me. I remember doctors telling me if it hurt again to visit a doctor about it, but i havent had time to, salams always had something going on where i need to take care of her, so i cant myself. But now that the child is here. Its only going to get worse and worse. I slowly stood up, limping over to the cabinet. I Slowly looked around the basic, cold room. Noticing Ciara and Allison were no- where to be seen, i nodded, starting to walk over back to salam, feeling my leg give out and fall. I grunted, placing my hands on the floor and slowly raising up, but my arms gave out and i fell down again. i sighed  Giving up and laying on the floor. I covered my head, tearing up and crying , knowing ill never be able to walk the same way again. I heard people walk in, and one get shushed. I felt someone lift me up, i opned my eyes, to see ciara wrapping her arm around my shoulder and starting to walk me to sit down. Ciara sat me down, as Allison grabbed a tissue and wiped it across my eyes, drying my tears. "Fiki, you cant keep pretending your knee hasnt been hurting you." Ciara whispered, i sighed, nodding. "i know..i just..dont want to worry her." I replied, wiping my eye gently. I noticed ciara look at my pocket, seeing a pack of cigarettes sticking out. I immediately pulled the pack back in my pocket, noticing ciara look at me oddly. "Got a lighter?" Ciara whispered, quiet enough so allison didnt hear, i sighed. Nodding on to her question, ciara took my hand and helped me up, then we walked out and up to the hospital roof, Allison sighing as we walked out. Ciara shut the door to the hospital's roof, walking over and leaning against the bars. "You really need to stop smoking, ill tell salam." Ciara said, i looked at ciara. "Damn, my sister wont even help me out? Sad." I replied, ciara laughed. "I'll tell salaaam~ unless you let me smoke with you." Ciara said, i looked up at her. "Okay then-" i said pulling out my  cigarettes and lighter, lighting a cigarette and handing it to ciara. Ciara put it in her mouth for a minute, before exhaling smoke out, slightly coughing. "I dont- see how you enjoy that-" ciara said, waving her hand infront her face. I shrugged, lighting my cigarette and holding it close to my mouth. "I dunno. But make sure to try and not smell like cigarettes." I said, putting the cigar in my mouth, inhaling the toxic smoke in. And exhaling it out. Ciara looked over at me. "You do realize salam will be freaking out when shes wakes up and your not in there, right?" She asked, i nodded. "Im aware, she wont give me ANY space whatsoever, she even stands at the bathroom door whenever im trying to use the gosh dang bathroom." I said, scoffing. Ciara sighed. "Well i dont blame salam, you tried to kill yourself, multiple times, Fiki. Shes worried your going to try and kill yourself. I know it." Ciara replied, i shrugged. "I could hop off this roof right now, but im not. Am i?" I asked, ciara sighed, nodding. "Well, shes just worried, give her a break." Ciara said, i shrugged it off, laying my head down on the bars. I heard the door open, i turned around to see Allison. "Your smoking??" Allison asked, ciara nervously hid the cigarette behind her back. I tossed mine down off the roof, turning to allison. "What do you mean?" I asked, trying to act dumb. Allison scoffed. "Im telling salam." Allison said, as she walked off, i scoffed. "You tell salam then." I mumbled, ciara looking at me. "Salams gonna beat your ass..isnt she?" Ciara asked me, i looked up, feeling the cold wind brush against me. "Probably..i dont care." I replied, climbing up on the bars and sitting on them, i looked over to see Ciara slightly nervous. "You know, you havent tried killing yourself or anything, which is good! But..your only getting worse." Ciara pointed out, i looked over. "That would be correct, i guess. And now i CANT kill myself because i have a child to take care of now." I replied, ciara sighed. "Well i promise you, things are gonna get better." Ciara said, trying to reassure me,i sighed. Leaning back against the bars.

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