Shattered windows

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(Major TW before you read, this chapters gonna contain MULTIPLE sensitive topics, and gory details. If your under 11 i wouldnt recommend reading this..this chapters gonna contain : Attempted rape, Assault, Kidnapping, break ins and gore.)

Fikis pov: i woke up in different clothes? I guess salam changed me, i looked over and smiled at her sleeping face, i got up and hugged her, she woke up and giggled at me. I smiled at her, giggling. We both were sitting there, minding our own business, cuddling and giggling, when me and salam both heard glass shatter, was it in the living room? Me and her got still. "Ill go check it out, stay here, okay?" She said, i nodded, i pulled the blanket over my head.

Salams pov: god, what was that?! I swear if a kid threw a baseball ima take a bat and punt him! I walked into the living room, and saw someone with a gun, they had all black on, as i started to back up, **bang.** was i just shot? uck..that doesn't feel too nice...i stumbled back, i leaned against the door, making sure it was shut. my knees slowly giving out, as i could feel myself spitting out blood, and blood leaking down the door. Where did he even shoot me at? I glanced over, it was in my arm, i let out a moan in pain, my knees completely gave out, i think i slid on the floor. My head laying on the floor, my vision blurred, all i could see was the persons footsteps, as they started to move me to the side, i couldnt call out, i was too weak too, you could see my bone pointing out of my arm, i think im missing a hand. I felt everything blur to black.

Fikis pov: was that a gunshot?! Oh god.. i felt someone fall, i got up and ran, hiding in the closet, i shut the closet, holding my hands over my mouth, praying for salams life. I heard someone walk in, i watched threw the small lines revealing outside of the closet. there was someone in all black, searching through my stuff, i saw them start to step towards the closet, my eyes widened and i closed them. I felt the man grab me. "Why, your very pretty, arent you?" The man said, in a deep, dark tone. I felt him pin me down against my bed, i still had my eyes closed, thinking id get shot, i felt the man pull down my shorts and everything under those. I remained my eyes shut, worried that as if i would open them it would be the last time i did. I felt him rubbing something against that his?!...god..god no. I wanted to scream for help. i wanted to cry. But i didnt wanna die. I could hear police sirens, the man scoffed, he grabbed me and picked me up, and busted the rooms window open, and hopped out of it, carrying me. I wanted to scream. I didnt wanna die. I heard him open a door, was it a truck or van door, I couldn't tell, he threw me in and i felt my head hit the hard, dirty floor of the Car i didnt know of, when i heard him shut the door, i took off salams shirt and wrapped it around my waist, i finally opened my eyes, i backed up to the very back of the van, noticing no windows, it was completely dark. i prayed to myself. But also wondering if i deserved this.

Salam: I could feel myself waking up, i opened my eyes and groaned, im in a hospital..wheres fiki? Is she okay..i looked over at my arm, there was a bandage around my hand, it seems that i really did lose my hand, i finally noticed a doctor calling out my name, i responded to everything he said, hoping it was correct, i was just worried for fiki. After a few hours passed, i saw a police officer with a notepad walk in, he started questioning me what happened that morning, i told him about everything i could remember, i asked why he needed alot of information, and he explained to me that fiki was no where to be found at the scene, i could feel myself having a panic attack, my vision blurred, some doctors walked in, after hearing my heart rate monitor start beeping. I couldnt calm down, why should i, why would i? For all i know, someone who i was supposed to protect, could be dead, and its all my fault. I could feel myself sobbing, i couldnt tell what was going on. After a few minutes, a doctor handed me a small plush bear, I recognized that bear, it was fikis little emotional support bear. i wondered where they got it, but assumed it was from the house. I rubbed the bears fluff with the one hand i had, I calmed down, and layed down, i was super exhausted, i didnt know what from. I layed there, and fell asleep.

Fiki: i think a few hours have passed, i was super hungry, god..will i ever eat again. I saw the man open the door, he had on a black mask, he grabbed me and dragged me inside a warehouse. i didnt scream, i was too scared too. He shut the warehouses door. I knew what was gonna happen next. i stared at him, as he turned me around, I could already feel myself crying. i heard a gunshot. The man immediately got up and ran off, leaving me there, i got down and crouched, scared. I saw a bunch of police officers run in, one was a female, the female one ran over and put her gun away, she noticed how exposed i was, and she took her vest off and wrapped it around my legs. That was nice. I tried to stand up, but my legs were too weak, was i frightened, i dont know, she picked me up and started to carry me, she sat me in a police car, her and another officer got in, i think they were driving me to a station, but i fell asleep. After i felt the lady tap me, she looked at me. And smiled gently. I nodded, too scared to really say anything, after a few minutes, the lady handed me some clothes, i put them on and she took her vest back. She walked me inside, and sat me down inside, they took me in for questioning, but i was too scared to speak, so i grabbed paper and wrote all the answers down, they nodded and took the paper, i finally built up the courage to ask about someone. "Is..salam..okay.." i asked, they nodded, after getting this information, and they released me. But would still question me some, i rushed out the door, my legs didnt feel weak anymore, i knew salam would be at a hospital, so i ran to the nearest, it took a few hours, but i ran as fast as i could, i ran in, out of breath and talked to the receptionist about her, they told me to wait for a moment. I sat down, and caught my breath for a moment.

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