A stressful day

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Fikis pov: I woke up at 4am, i called my boss and told him i was finally gonna come to work, he seemed happy. I wasnt so happy about it. I got up and walked to the bathroom. I took a shower and watched some of the dye slip down my hair. I then got out and dryed off, i got my clothes on and brushed my hair, then put on my work tag and started to walk to work. I worked salary, but i tried to atleast have decent hours. I walked in, and started moving boxes to the front and unboxing them. I hated this job, but it was easy money, since i didnt finish college, unlike salam, who was a nurse. I scoffed to myself, why was i such a dumbass in highschool and college... i remember i failed almost all my classes..especially maths. All i did when i was younger was smoke weed and knock salam up. God, i was an idiot, now that i think about it, i never really thought back on highschool. None of my parents came for grad, i guess thats why. I did enjoy salams parents taking pictures of us together. I havent seen her parents in a while now, maybe when salam finally gets better we can visit her family, Im just glad shes okay. As i started to sit a box down, i looked up and saw familiar strands of white and pink dyed hair, i dropped the box and started walking towards that area, the strands werent going away, i peaked over. I saw someone in a black suit, some of her hair braided. Theres no way, isnt she dead?! I know she worked at my company cause shes is..was. The ceo there, but is that..really? Whats going on. I stepped closer, the girl turned around and looked at me. Oh my god, i felt myself start to faint. I stumbled back and fell over. My vision blurring as the flashes of me punching allison came flooding back to me. then everything came back, the girl was holding her hand out to me. "Suprise?" She said, i could see the scar on her head, i took her hand and stood up. "How is this..your dead.." I said, she giggled "yeah, but thats what salam told you, not what the police did. They saved me in the hospital." She said. So..allisons alive..thats...god. "But..why didnt you reach out to anyone.." i whispered she tapped me and yawned "me, salam, and ciara thought that if we didnt say much about it you would recover easy. But after you stopped showing to work and salam told me about your panic attacks, i thought id come back to work myself. My head still hurts, but not as bad." She said, she seemed slightly tired. "Oh." I replied. "Could i come over today? I wonder how salams doing." Allison said, oh, she didnt know "shes..uh..in the hospital." I said, her expression turned shocked. "What happened?!" She exclaimed. I explained to her and she looked like she felt bad. "Well..may i visit the hospital then?" Allison asked. I shakily nodded, i was still trying to process this. "Thanks fik, you should go. I can take the rest of it from here. I dont need you fainting on the spot." Allison said, i nodded, sighing. "Ill come by the hospital around uhh..7. Is that okay?" She asked, i nodded, i walked and clocked out, and as soon as i got outside i started running towards the hospital. I felt my blood pressure go up. If allison was alive, why did ciara try to kill me?! This made no sense.. i got to the hospital and went to salams room. Salam was resting. I sat down in a chair and breathed heavily, i couldnt take it and went to the bathroom. I walked in and locker the door, and sat on the floor. I took off my coat, looking at my scars from where i self harmed from when i was a teenager. I looked up at the mirror. My face really does deserve what happened to allison. Doesnt it. Theres glass on the sink. Maybe i could.. i stood up and stared at the mirror for a moment, before climbing up on the sink counter. 3.2.1. I slammed mt head into the mirror, glass shattering all over my face and on the ground, cutting my arms and torso.

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