Waking up

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Allisons pov:
9:42 PM, its been hours since I took fiki here, they say shes fine.. but she hasn't woken up yet, and Im afraid she isn't going to. I pulled my phone out, opening my text messages app.
Allison: We wont be home tonight, Salam started worrying yet?
Ciara: yeah, shes super suspicious of me right now.
Allison: Dang, Fiki hasnt woken up yet, so I guess just take salam here without her knowing where shes going til she gets here, maybe Artemi will wake fiki up.
I put my phone away, looking over at fiki, her face patched up, I already knew she probably had a concussion, but she probably will be asleep for a while. I yawned, noticing nurses walk in, checking her vitals again and walking out, whilst writing on a board. I layed my head back, shutting my eyes and trying to sleep for a minute.
After what seemed like a few minutes, I felt someone tap my head, I opened my eyes, looking at Ciara and Salam, who was holding Artemi, Salam rushed over to fiki, laying Artemi ontop of her and running her hand over Fikis forehead.
"What happened to her?!" Salam asked, one hand on Artemi, the other on Fiki.
"A bunch of stuff crashed down on her, she should be okay though." I replied, sighing. I noticed Ciara move me to the side and sit on my lap only slightly and lay her head on my shoulder. Salam picked Fikis arm up, placing it on Artemi, and then sat down, playing with Artemi, who was making "aah" noises. I noticed fiki grumbled, opening her eyes slightly. Salam looked up at her, smiling at fikis weak expression.
"Hey babe-- how you feeling?" Salam asked, placing a kiss on fikis lips and leaning back, Ciara looked over at fiki, yawning.
"Yeah, how you feeling.." Ciara asked, laying her head back down on my shoulder, Fiki noticed Artemi, lifting her up slowly and cuddling her.
"Mmmm..? Im kinda...dizzy..." Fiki replied, playing with Artemis hand. She seemed out of her own mind, maybe she was just still waking up..

Salams pov: I reached over, laying my head on Fiki's shoulder and looking at Artemi.
"Whens your birthday?" I asked Fiki, rubbing my head against her neck, Fiki layed her finger in Artemis hand, and I watched Artemi wrap her small, soft hand around Fiki's finger.
"My birthday?...uh....October..31st.why?" Fiki replied, kissing Artemis head and hugging her gently.
"Just making sure your okay, your head got hit pretty bad." I replied, yawning.
"I got hit?" Fiki asked, as she started to play with Artemis hands.
"Yeah, wasn't too bad though." Allison said, while nudging ciara, who was asleep on her shoulder. I noticed fiki lean her head ontop of mine, trying to sleep.

Now, the rest of the chapters will be small timeskips leading up to big timeskips, like as Artemi is growing up just things that occurred during Artemis youth, kinda like episodes of a tv show.

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