Going home.

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Fikis pov: I walked inside with ciara, walking down the unhealthy amount of stairs until i heard allison and salam talking, we opened the door, walking in, hearing allison and salam talking, salam looked over, smiling. I noticed Artemi wasnt in salams arms, i got nervous quick, looking around.
"Wheres artemi?" I asked, looking around.
"Oh! They needed to check up on her and I felt a little too weak to move..and allison was gone to look for a snack, so they said theyd be right back with her-" salam explained, looking at my face, which was slightly surprised, but also pissed.
"You let some random person run off with my child?!" I asked, before running off to look for Artemi.

Ciaras pov: i watched fiki hurry and run off, ignoring everyone else.
"Shell be back...right?" Salam asked, slightly nervous. I giggled, holding my hand over my mouth.
"If she comes back, itll be with your baby in her hands.." i replied, looking around the room.
"How long are you gonna be stuck here anyways, sal?" Allison asked, I noticed her looking at salams arm.
"I think theyre gonna let me out in a few hours!- if i can move around.." salam said, she laughed a little, I was feeling worried for her, I could tell Allison was too.
"You..you wanna try walking any?" Allison asked, holding her hand out to salam. Salam nodded and reached over, grabbing her hand and lifting up. Salam stepped over, standing up and grabbing onto Allison. Salam gripped harshly on Allison, as they both stepped to the small sink, and salam grabbed onto it.
"My legs feel so weaak..." salam said, stretching for a moment before she got used to it.
"Gosh, hospital gowns look awful on mee....." salam added, pulling the gown down and sighing. Allison looked at me, and shrugged.
"I..i dont think it looks that bad.." Allison said, watching salam step foward a few times, before turning around and sitting back down.
"Ah..i guess." Salam said, as I heard footsteps, the door opened, and a doctor walked in and gave Artemi to Salam, I noticed Fiki was staring the doctor down.
"Well, your free to go! Have a good night." The doctor said, rushing off.
"He..didnt even take my vitals?" Salam asked, shakily standing up, handing Artemi to me and i held her in my arms, as i was watching salam grabbing her clothes, and walking to the bathroom, Fiki following salam to the bathroom to help her.Allisons phone started ringing, she pulled it out of her pocket, putting her phone up to her ear, and talking with someone for a minute.
I watched fiki and salam walk out as Fiki helped salam get her Jacket on. Salam moved over, I handed Artemi to fiki, fiki held her in her arms, salam grabbed a small blanket she had, and I helped her and fiki get it wrapped around Artemi. I watched allison put her phone in her pocket.
"Alright, lets get home... then I gotta get to work." Allison said, she seemed slightly mad. I tossed the car keys to Allison, fiki and Salam walked to the car, salam and fiki got in right as me and allison did. I looked back, noticing both of them had a hand on Artemi, and salam had her head over on fikis shoulder, I turned back, looking down at my nails before I heard Allison
"Hey, fiki, you mind coming back to work..? I know its the worst day to ask..but one the trucks crashed, and we have to have another one out by tomorrow, and theres not enough people to get it loaded by the time limit." Allison said, sighing, as she started the car.
"Uh- yeah- ill come help...i do owe you..alot i guess." Fiki replied, Allison sighed, getting home and turning the car off.

Fikis pov: I helped salam get inside, and she sat down with artemi, rocking her since she was crying.
"Ill help salam with her, you two go on." Ciara said, sitting with salam and helping her with Artemi. I felt Allison toss a work vest at me, I put it on and noticed Allison had quickly gotten her suit on, it was super messy, worst id ever seen. She grabbed her keycard.
"Lets go, gosh we have 7 hours before they have to leave..!" Allison said, panicking as she rushed me out the house.
We got there, it was a panic, Allison and I immediately went to work moving boxes and loading the truck. It was exhausting and it took hours since alot of people werent at work or having to do other stuff.
"God, so many people are getting fired if this truck isnt sent out!!" Allison yelled, as it has been hours since we started, and only had 30 minutes to leave. after 10 minutes, they finally sent the truck out, Allison and I stopped by a 24 hour restaurant and got some food, Allison unlocked the door and we walked in the house, noticing both salam and ciara were up.
"What are you doing up? Its 2am.." I asked, walking over to salam, who was holding Artemi still, I noticed Artemi was asleep.
"You two never came home, i got worried." Salam said, before ciara lifted her head up, scoffing.
"And she wouldnt let me go to bed." Ciara said, rubbing her eyes.

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