first eating

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Fikis pov: i looked over at allison and ciara, who were watching the crib. Salam leaned over on the bed, turning to her side and reaching her hands out towards the crib. Ciara gently picked the baby up, walking over to salam and handing the baby to her, salam took her into her arms and cradled her. Yawning. "I love heer~" salam said, as i reached my hand over, laying it on her leg and gently squeezing her leg. I heard salam squeak and giggle, salam started to try and lift the baby up but remembered shes missing a hand. I noticed her frown become visible, so i reached over and gently lifted the baby up, and placed her against salams chest, so salam could lay a hand around her and hold her like that. Allison noticed how salam was struggling, and walked up to salam. "You sure you dont want an artificial..?" Allison asked, salam looked down at her hand. "Mmoovie." salam replied, allison and ciara gave her a weird stare, i looked over at the two "i think shes on anesthesia..but honestly, i think she really does just not for you to pay for one.." i said, allison sighed. "Im getting her one. I dont care what she thinks. Ill go ask someone about it." Allison said, walking out the room as ciara followed. I looked over at salam, who was looking down at her child, who was waking up. I reached over, gently taking the child into my arms. "Artemi awake?" I asked, salam nodded on, as she yawned, wanting to sleep. She pulled the blanket over herself, shutting her eyes and mumbling. I looked at artemi, her eyes sightly open, i heard her start wailing, i lifted her up and gently rocked her back and forth and eventually she calmed down, i really liked how calm and quiet this one is. Is she hungry? I thought for a moment, before tapping salam, she opened her eyes, and looked at me, her expression slightly annoyed. I looked down at artemi and back up at salam. "I think artemi might need some food.." i whispered, salam nodded and leaned up. "How do you feed again?" Salam asked, i only shrugged, in which salam scoffed. "I think you just position her against your uh...yeah, and she figures it out??" I said, salam shrugged. "Cant be that hard." She said, i noticed how she was speaking more normally, maybe the anesthesia was wearing off. Salam took her shirt off, and ended up struggling to get her bra even moved slightly, i reached over and pulled it down slightly. And moved closer to salam, placing artemi against her chest only barely. Salam squeaked when she felt artemi, i noticed her face turn bright red, she looked over at me. "This feels weird!!" She said, i giggled, holding artemi up against salam. Salam moved her arm around artemi, closing her eyes and sighing. I moved closer to her and artemi, wrapping my arms around them both and burying my head in salams neck, glancing down at the baby who was eating. I looked up, noticing allison and ciara walk in, allison pausesd "privacy? Or no?" Allison asked nervously, salam shook her head. "Its finee." Salam mumbled, allison and ciara sat down, allison started speaking. "Salam, i talked with some people, and if youll give consent we can get you a prosthetic hand-" allison said, looking off to the side. "Allison, you know..i cant pay you back for everything youve done." Salam said, allison looked at her wall. "Fiki worked for me for my company for 7 years, and she can continue that once you guys get settled, its fine, plus i cant just let you sit there, suffering, when i know i can help you." Allison said, sighing, salam scoffed. "Fine. Just..dont expect fiki to work her ass off." Salam said, i looked over at salam and allison. "Hey i didnt sign up for wor-" i started to say, before ciara cut in and yelled. "Shut up, fiki!" She yelled, salam started giggling, as she slowly moved artemi in her lap, i reached over and helped salam get her bra on, she yawned, as she supported artemis head, but feeling hers get heavy, salam leaned her head back, making sure she had a good grip on artemi, and shut her eyes, letting herself fall asleep quickly. Allison and ciara sighed at me, as i buried my head in salams neck.

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