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Fikis pov: Im snuggling against salam as shes asleep, it was a really warm feeling, i was too scared to close my eyes though, what if i opened my eyes and allison was there, thatd be spooky. I looked at the time, 5Am, lord..we stayed up all night playing around..i wonder if salams legs feel okay. Maybe they hurt, uh oh, what if i hurt her legs?! Oh, just panicking, i think, i dunno. I layed my head down and stared off out the window as the minutes passed. Salam got up around ten and noticed my racoon eyes. "Did you not rest any?" She asked me, i nodded. She scoffed, then forcefully held me down and covered me with a blanket. i pouted. She stick her tounge out at me. "Now, sleep. Got it?" She said, i nodded, but was too scared to close my eyes. " good fik?" She asked, i pulled salam closer and buried my head in her chest, she wrapped her arms around me and rubbed the back of my head. "Go to sleep." She said, i layed my head down and closed my eyes, feeling my anxiety rise. I sighed, breathing into her chest, she smelt nice, kinda like lavender and berrys, i tried to calm down, but honestly couldnt for a while, i finally fell asleep after around 10 minutes, she stayed with me the whole time.
Salams pov:
Shes out, she was clearly anxious, i wonder if its her hallucinations getting to her, i really need to pry whats going on out of her, but her comfort matters more to me right now.. i wonder why shes like this, she like..swaps personalities, one moment shes a non caring little dipshit, next shes a attention needing soft spot filled person. Shes odd, but it makes me love her. I layed my head on her shoulder and slept. Around 1pm, I felt her wake up, she lifted her head up and yawned, she mumbled to herself and grabbed my shirt and pulled it towards her face, smelling it, i was somewhat confused, but shrugged it off. I felt her lift my shirt up and lay her head in my chest. I sighed, i pulled my shirt off and watched her bury her face in my bra. I continued rubbing her head. "Hey fik, do you wanna talk about what youve been seeing? I know its a sensitive subject, but i wanna help you." I asked her, she hesitated at first. "Well...i mostly see a bunch of uh....blood...everythings black...disoriented, just..,overall frightening things.." that broke my heart, shes seeing awful things. No wonder shes so on edge whenever she sees them.. i hugged her tighter. " you wanna talk more about it?" I asked her, she shook her head, i nodded, i continued rubbing her hair as she rested her face in my bra. I guess she found it comforting.. as much as i wanted to know more, i kept my mouth shut. I just sat there and rubbed her hair, a few times i felt fiki bite me through my bra, but i assumed it was accidental. I laughed it off and layed back down. I noticed her reach over and grab her switch, i watched her play animal crossing, she was humming as she did so. She played that for about a hour before she decided to get up, she put her switch down, hopped up, and looked in the closet. "Im stealing your clothes." She said, i looked over, seeing that she had none clean, i sighed and nodded. "You gonna wash your clothes today atleast?" I asked her, she nodded. She put on my sweatshirt and shorts, and then walked off to the kitchen, i got up and stretched for a moment, I completely forgot i only had shorts and a bra on, i walked over to the kitchen and to the fridge, i was gonna cook eggs for breakfast, fiki had gotten herself chocolate milk to drink, she looked over at me. "You just gonna stay home today or something?" She asked me, i shook my head "no, ill go out here in a minute, i need to buy some groceries." I replied, she looked at me and giggled. "Sooo....your gonna let the world see your chest?" She asked, i looked down and scoffed. "How in the hell do i forget something like that....god im so stupid..." i said, she giggled at me, and continued to drink the chocolate milk. I walked behind her and wrapped my arms around her and hummed, she scoffed. "You wanna go to the storeee, togetherrr?" She asked me, i thought for a moment, and nodded. "Ill go get some clothes on, alright?" I said, she nodded. And i ran to my room to get clothes on.

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