C-section :3

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Fikis pov: i looked over at salam, she was asleep, sitting on the stool with her mouth slightly open and she was drooling, i heard allison giggle. Ciara looked over. "How the-- shes knocked out!" Ciara exclaimed, her face priceless. "Shes been up maybe 10 minutes, and shes already asleep?? wish i could do that!! Id sleep all day long!" She added, raising one eyebrow. Allison looked over at ciara. "Well, they have been to stores all the time, plus all they did before was work and sleep and shop. So, not surprising in my opinion.." allison said, trying to explain to ciara. Ciara thought for a moment. "Now that i think of it..fiki was never like this in highschool, all she ever did was smoke weed and cut the teachers out in russian- she never slept or was calm, like she was always acti-" ciara said, before i looked over at her and told her to shut up. "oy, zatknis', durak." I said to her, she looked over, confused. "The hell you say to me?! Sis!?" Ciara yelled back, i looked at her, snickering. Allison looked at ciara. "Was you never taught Russian?" Allison asked her, looking quite curious, ciara looked back at her. "Noo...they didnt. It was so they could talk about my christmas presents and i wouldnt know.." she said, i nodded, giggling. "Me, and our parents always spoke our language to eachother, so we wouldnt forget it, aswell as Christmas present ideas for you. You didnt catch on til i was like..a whats it called here? A senior?" I said, i couldnt quite remember the 'senior, freshman' and other concepts. Ciara looked at allison. "Well well, i remember when i was first adopted fiki didnt even know english! All she said was dog when she pointed at me!" Ciara yelled, i felt my face turn red. "We were like..six..ciara..i had just moved out of russia." I said nervously in reply. Ciara laughed in my face, before tapping salam. "Is she good? Weve been yelling for a while now-?" Ciara asked, i looked over, gently nudging her. Salam groaned, lifting up, i noticed she seemed in pain. "Whats wrong?" I asked salam, salam moved her hand to her head and groaned, ciara got up walking over and grabbing some pain relief, and handing it to salam. Salam looked up at me with a whiney face. "My chest hurts..really bad." Salam said, i looked at her, allison walked over. "Lets take her to a hospital or something, this cant be good for her." Allison said, reaching over and starting to help salam up. Salam was muttering things we couldnt hear, but she was probably complaining about going to a hospital. Ciara ran, grabbing the keys and opening the door as i walked over and helped allison outside and into the car. Allison and ciara turned the car on as i layed salam down on the seats and played with her hair. Salam looked up at me, whining and complaining. "I dont wanna go- bills will be hi-" salam started to say before Ciara butted in. "Stop worrying about costs, damnit." She said, as allison started the car and started driving. Salam huffed and leaned up, leaning against me so id have to hold her, i wrapped my arms around her, kinda noticing how she didnt care whether she and i was buckled in or not. Salam huffed continuously, i looked down at her, noticing she was somewhat strugging to breathe, i patted her back. "Hey. Salam, you good?" I asked her, she only mumbled in response, gripping on me trying to catch breath. "Allison hurry up i think she cant breathe!" I yelled at allison, who slightly sped up the car, i lifted salam up, and she glanced up at me, struggling to breathe, salam layed against me and pointed at her arm. "What, your arm?" I asked her, she shook her head, then coughed out "blood-- pressure" as she layed back on me, mumbling to herself. "Blood pressure? You think its your blood pressure, okay. your fine-- just. Relax, we'll be there soon." I said to her, holding her head against my chest so she had something to focus on. Ciara turned and looked back at us. "She alright? Were almost here." Ciara said, i looked at ciara and shrugged. "Not sure. Shes awake though." I replied, allison pull3d in and stopped the car, ciara got out and opened my door, i helped salam out and held her up. "Ill go tell the receptionist, how long is salam again?" Ciara asked, i counted real quickly. "39 weeks." I said, ciara nodded and started running, allison came over and helped me walk salam inside, she was mumbling she could walk on her own, but i wasnt about to let her fall, as soon as we got her in, we noticed ciara talking to the receptionist, panicked. The receptionist called some people out who led us to a room where we got kicked out immediately after they got salam in the room, we walked to the lobby, allison sighing. "salam thinks its her blood pressure?" Allison asked me, while walking, i nodded. "Now that i think of it, everytime shes checked it lately its been quite high.." i said, allison sighed, as we sat down, i layed my head against the chair, tired from carrying salam. Ciara and allison were whispering to each other to shut up because i was trying to sleep, until those whispers faded out and i fell asleep.
I felt allison shake me, i opened my eyes. "what..?" I asked her, allison started rambling and i couldnt understand what she was saying, i was too tired to. Ciara elbowed allison. "Fikis not barely awake yet, give her a sec." Ciara said, i took a moment until i squinted and then refocused. "Okay, what is it?" I asked, allison took a deep breath then started speaking. "A doctor came over a moment ago, they had to call salams mom and ask for permission on something." Allison started to say, i looked at her odd. "Ask what." I said, allison sighed. "Permission to do a C- section. And her mom allowed it." Allison replied, i looked at Allison, my expression to one of shock. "WHAT?! is she- is the baby okay?!" I yelled. "You shouldve woke me up!" I yelled again, standing up and running to the receptionist, asking if i could go see salam, she nodded and i darted down the hall, allison and ciara running after me. I ran to the room the receptionist said, then gently opened the door and walked in, salam was laying asleep, there was a nurse tending to something in a crib, i walked over. "Your the fa- parent?" The nurse asked, i nodded, she moved to the side and i picked the baby up, she was quite small and wrapped up in a hospital blanket. Seemee she was sound asleep, i felt myself grin, holding her as gently as i could. Allison and ciara walked in and their eyes widened at me, they slowly walked behind me and looked at the baby, allison making a small "aww" noise, ciara looked over at salam, and whispered. "theyre both asleep? Thats funny.." i walked over to salam. "Salaam, you okaay?" I whispered, salam grunted, slightly opening her eyes for a moment, looking at the baby. "Isnt she adorable?~" salam whispered, acting slightly funny. Was she on anesthesia? More likely. I nodded. "Shes pretty." I replied, sitting her back down in the small bed and laying a blanket over her, allison and ciara stared at her, as i sat down on salams bed. "Your tired, arent you?" I asked salam, she nodded, mumbling and shutting her eyes while grinning.

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