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Allisons pov: its a long drive to the police station from the hospital, shockingly. I pulled in and tuned my car off, getting out. I was still in my work suit, i sighed and walked inside, asking them again how much ciaras bail was. It had only been a few days since they put her into custody. "Around 120k." The cop said. 120..thousand. Dear lord. Im so glad the job i have pays around that much every few months. I took out a pen and wrote a check, praying id never pay out that much again.. i wakted for a few hours, and they brought ciara in, uncuffing her, she looked at me awkwardly. I glared at her, she knew i was pissed, and she knew id spent hours yelling at her. They asked a few questions before we could walk out, we walked out and i pinned ciara up against the car. "Why the absolute hell did you try to kill her?!" I yelled at ciara. "I was drunk, police confirmed you cant tell me that if your love of your live almost got murdered and was in the hospital until literally three days ago that you wouldnt be getting drunk and doing stupid shit." Ciara snapped back at me, i sighed. Laughing wasnt what i shouldve been doing, but i was. "Your telling me that you tried to kill fiki because you were drunk and pissed?" I said, giggling, moving away from ciara, covering my mouth. "Shut up." Ciara said, scoffing. "I was starting to think you wasnt gonna bail me." Ciara said. I looked at her. "I wasnt gonna, but theres mad shit going on with salam and your sister, like...mental." I said, ciara looked, her expression turning to one of curiosity. "mental? Like..ones going insane and something or?" Ciara questioned, as if unlocked the car, she ran over and got in, i got in and turned the car on. "Well, salams in the hospital, somehow she lost her hand, fiki refuses to tell me why shes missing it, and as i was there talking with salam. Fiki walks in, very visible self harm marks on her, blood pouring down her face. Its like shes trying to painfully kill herself for what shes been doing or something." I said, ciara looked at me with somewhat fear and disgust. "Salams hand?! And fiki?! What the fuck?? Is the hospital still open?!" Ciara yelled. I looked at her up and down. "Yeah, its always open? But not so sure theyd wanna see you looking the way you do. You look like a  ghetto drug addict.." i said, ciara shrugged, nodding on. I started to drive home, ciara was mostly silent, until she wasnt. "I missed you. Did you get out the hospital okay? No bad conditions?" Ciara asked. "Well, i was extremely sore in the head, but doctors said i should be fine, but they don't know why my heart stopped. Im just glad to be alive though. Fiki must feel so guilty.." i said, ciara nodded. "Yeah, when my drunk ass saw her again, salam was trying to keep me out, i shoved myself inside, i looked at fiki for a moment, she seemed extremely burnt out. She had a white fluffy cat, i think that was for emotional support or something, knowing how salam is, shell do anything for fiki. But anyways, fiki had those dark circles she did in high school, like remember when she always stayed up late doing weed whenever you snuck over? She looked like that. And she was extremely pale, i could tell salam was giving me glares that she wasnt in the best state, but my drunk ass didnt seem to care." Ciara said, i sighed, nodding as we pulled in our driveway, ciara and me got out and walked inside, i tossed a towel and some of her clothes at her, she giggled and threw my hairdryer at me. "You left it plugged up!" Ciara yelled, it hit me in the head, her eyes turned to fear when she saw me put my hand over my head and stumble. "You okay?!" She yelled, i nodded. "Yeah! Just..pain tolerance isnt as good.." i said, grabbing the hairdryer and walking off, ciara sighed and went to get in the shower.
after ciara got out, she took the hairdryer and dryed her hair, i was making sure mine was okay when i saw my head from where i had been scarred bleeding. I sighed. "Ciara, we have like..bandages, right?" I asked her. "We should..did i accidentally hurt you?" Ciara said. I nodded. "Its not too bad, just..makes me look like im dieing." I said, i stood up and opened the cabinet, grabbing some bandages and sitting next to ciara, ciara nodded, she grabbed them and i held my hair up, ciara wrapped it around the spot then kissed my forehead. "There, better? Or do you need more kisses?" Ciara said, giggling. I sighed at her. "Ill be fine, lets goo, miss takes 5 hours to do your hair..." i said, she nodded, and stood up, running to the car, i followed behind, we got in our car and drove there. as we got into salams room. Fiki had moved to the chair, and was curled up sleeping there, seemed a nurse had layed a blanket over her. Ciara looked at salam and her sleeping face. "Isnt that fikis bear?" She asked. "I think, thats the wrong you gave her, that smells like flowers?" I said, she nodded. "Seems like it. They both look exhausted, salams clearly been crying.."  ciara said, she walked over and covered fikis shoulders with the blanket. Ciara bent down and took her shoes off her aswell, sitting them against the wall, she brushed fikis hair infront her face and walked back over to salam, staring at her missing hand. "Theyre not gonna be able to afford an artificial." Ciara said. "I know, think we could pay for one?" I asked, ciara looked over. "I suppose, i mean we both know they dont seem in the best mental state to work either way. And fiki just..looks like shes trying to kill herself, makes me scared to leave her alone. Salams good at keeping a eye on her but, i know how fiki is, one time when we were in highschool, she tried to kill herself in the shower, mother had to be in the bathroom with her." Ciara said, i sighed. "Yeah, your right. I dont think salams would live without her right hand anyways, knowing how many times shes used it for very hard things, and used it to uh..mess with fiki." I said, ciara giggled. "As if were any different." She said, i nodded. Elbowing her. Ciara sat down on a chair, i looked around, no chairs, i scoffed, ciara pulled me towards her and forced me on her lap, i sighed, sitting there. "Soo...we sleeping here tonight?" Ciara asked. "I suppose..."

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