An unexpected visit.

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Salams pov:
"A~ahh!~ mmmmmphh!~" i yelled out, feeling every downright dirty thing fiki was doing, fiki was slightly smiling at my lewd expression. "Mmmph..fiki! A~ah..slow downn.." i said, then immediately took it back. "Nevermind..a-ah~ f..fuck..d-dont stop.." fiki poked her head up and layed her head on my lower abdomen. Her chin pressing down on me felt so nice, i moaned out. Fiki snickered. We then heard a knock on the door. "I-i'll get it...mph..." i said, i stood up and got my clothes on, fiki sat there, staying naked. "Fiki..were in the living room. You gonna lay there naked..?" I asked, slightly smiling. Fiki groaned. "I don't wanna grab my clothessss! Cmoon.." i smiled, then threw her clothes at her, i finished  getting my clothes on, i quicjly ran ky fingers through my hair, then ran to get the door. "Hello?--" i stopped, i stared at Her, ciara..surely she knows everything..what if shes here for fiki. She looks tired. "Salam? Your back in this house? I guess you cant leave my sister alone, can you?" Ciara said, her tone cold. I gulped. "Ah..yeah, is there..something you need?" I asked, kinda nervous. "Oh, just wanted to see how fikis doing. Especially after murdering the one person i loved. So, where is fiki, salam?" Ciara stated. Igot mad. "I will not let you see her, for her sake, im not an idiot." I stated, staring at her, ciara sighed, and laughed, she noticed the bandage on my head. "meh, hey..dont tell me fiki did that. Did she hurt my bestfriend? Did she?" Ciara questioned, i immediately covered the bandage up with my head. "It was a simple accident." I said. Ciara got pissed. "Oh, an accident?! Accident my ass! It clearly wasnt one! First she killed my lover, and your next! Let, me. In!" Ciara yelled, I started to shut the door, but ciara shoved her way in, she examined the house, I followed her into the living room, fiki was sitting on the couch, she had her clothes on, she was petting her cat, she looked over at ciara, fiki took a deep breath. Ciara walked over to fiki. I watched as coara and fiki stared at eachother. I noticed ciara pull a knife out of her pocket, i started to rush over, when ciara put a knife to fikis neck, fiki stared at ciara. Salam couldnt read her expression. "Ciara, it was an accident, i swear." Fiki said. Ciara smiled, then slit fikis throat. "Accident my ass. I told you id kill you, lets see how you take this bleeding out? Eh?" Ciara said, she stormed out the house, I ran over and picked fiki up. "Okay..straight to the hospital we go, alright? Fiki?" I said, running out the house. Fiki was gasping for air. I drove to the hospital quickly, and got her in a room, thankfully, they could stitch her neck shut. So they did. I watched her, in a state of unconsciousness. I rubbed her hair. They had said ciara was arrested for attempted murder. I was glad. But i knew fiki wouldnt be, she was always the type to love her family no matter what they did. They allowed me to bring her cat, i went home and brought fikis cat, i sat the cat down on fikis lap, the cat snuggled up and rested. As the hours passed i couldnt find much to do, so i slept, waiting on fiki to wake up, i couldnt help but feel guilty, i feel like its my fault shes in that bed unconscious. I wonder how long shell be asleep for. I heard the door open, i suspected it was a doctor, but it was someone I thought i would never see again, someone i hadnt seen since high school graduation. A elderly women walked in with her husband. The elderly women spoke. "Salam? Is that you deary?" Said the elderly women, it was fikis parents. They had abandoned her since she came out as lesbian to them, seeing them was, unexpected. "Ah..yes mam, its me." I replied, smiling.
Fikis dad looked pissed. "I cant believe both my daughters are gay, and ones in jail for trying to murder someone, and the other did murder someone.." fikis dad said, he looked pretty agitated, Fikis mother sighed, she sat down a box of chocolates. "Well, the one were seeing is the one you hated, so im not sure why you wanted to come." Fikis mother said. Fikis dad coughed. "Cause shes my real daughter, the other one isnt. But, I just wanted to make sure shes alive." Fikis dad said, i nodded "shell be okay. It was nice seeing you two again.." they both nodded, and left quickly, I looked at the box of chocolates, irish creme, fikis favorite.. I smiled, I looked back over at fikis resting face. i layed my head down on the bed and slept, I woke up to fiki groaning and mumbling. I sat up and watched her open her eyes, i smiled at her, fiki yelped. "This..hurtss." Fiki said, I frowned. "Dont worry, itll be over, alright?" Fiki nodded, she looked over. She looked back at me . "Should put in a mental hospital?" Fiki asked, i was shocked, but continued to talk. "Would you like to be in one?" I asked. Fiki looked around. "I dont want to..but i might need it." Fiki replied. I sighed. "If your sure, i can talk to doctors and they wont hesitate, are you sure." I asked, fiki thought for a moment, then opened her mouth to reply.

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