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Fikis pov:
Its around 3AM, i woke up up to a horrible headache , i glanced at salam who was asleep, i got up and walked to the bathroom and opened the cabinet to grab some medicine, i grabbed a random pill bottle and took the whole capsule, i then turned on the sink and cupped my hand under the faucet, putting water in my mouth, after i swallowed, i sighed, im so thirsty. I looked at the cabinet and grabbed a bottle, looked like water, and i drank the whole thing, god, that water tasted funny. I shut the door and stood there for a moment, i turned on the shower and dunked my head under the cold water, my clothes getting drenched, i didnt care. I stepped in the shower and sat against the wall. Gasping. God. Whats going on with me? I felt myself gasping for air as the water poured over my head. God..im so tired, i leaned against the shower and fell asleep, my lips slightly parted.
Salams pov:
I wake up around 7Am, fiki isnt there, i got up to look for her but heard the shower running, i guess shes showering. I decide to make breakfast, i decided to make her favorite, pancakes and toast, i sat it on the table, and when i heard the shower still running, i got concerned, i knocked "fiki? You In there?" I asked, no response. "Im coming in, okay?" I said, i opened the door and saw her, she was drenched and she seemed knocked out, i noticed a empty bottle of rub on alcohol and a empty bottle of her anti- depressants, I freaked out, is she trying to kill herself? God! Why didnt she talk to me?! I ran and moved in the shower, ignoring the water drenching me, i felt for fikis pulse, her heart was beating just fine, i shook her gently. She woke up, she seemed disoriented. "WHY DIDNT YOU TALK TO ME?!" I yelled at her, she looked up. "Hhng...talk to you about what.." she replied. "KILLING YOURSELF! ITS CLEAR YOU TRIED!! YOU IDIOT!!" I yelled back at her, starting to tear. She looked at me confused. "I just had a bad headache and it was burning up?" Fiki replied. "WHY DID YOU DRINK A WHOLE BOTTLE OF ALCOHOL AND TAKE ALL YOUR ANTI DEPRESSANTS THEN?!" I screamed back at her. "oh, i thought that was water and headache medicine-" fiki said, i slapped her and hugged her. "You idiot..your gonna get sick either from the water or the drugs you took...you idiot..." she was silent, but hugged me back, I picked her up and carried her out the bathroom and grabbed towels. I handed her the towels, she grabbed some different clothes and changed. I did aswell. I then wrapped a towel aound my neck and dried her hair off with another towel. "We should call poison control..dammit...when did you get up?!" I said. She counted the hours. "Like...three or four hours ago." She replied, i stared at her. "Your gonna get sick! Cold waterr for 4 hours! Fiki..." i said, sighing. Fiki reached down and petted her cat. fiki then picked her cat up and sat it on our bed, and layed down next to it, covering herself and the cat with the blanket. I stared at fiki, then i sighed. "I made you breakfast...and its probably cold...ugh..." i said, fikis eyes lit up. "Gimme." She said, i gave her a small smile, i went to the kitchen and grabbed her plate, and took it to her. Her eyes lit up and she ate it down quickly, despite it not being warm. Fiki then looked up at me. "Can we sleep in together todaaay? Pleeaaase~" she begged, i couldnt tell her no. I sighed, and layed down next to her, she layed the plate on her dresser, and she cuddled me and her cat. I sighed and layed in her grip, why is this girl so insane, adorable, seductive, and so innocent... i called in sick to work, fiki had insisted i called in sick. i turned on our tv and watched some tv shows while fiki slept, cuddling me, her cat moved against me and warmed my neck up. I could feel the cats hair and fikis purple hair laying on me, i brushed it off and watched tv, after a while, fiki poked her head up and poked my ear. "Lets have sex." Fiki said, giving me a innocent look. "Im sorry, Have WHAT now? and WHY now?!" I exclaimed, that was so random.
"Mmm..sex? Because you never have days offff." God, shes like a cat, lazy but does whatever she wants when she wants too...
"You know what. Fine, only because im in a good mood today." I replied. She grinned, she gently placed her cat on the ground, then she jumped ontop of me and pinned me to the bed, i squeaked. She really seemed eager. She  leaned and kissed my lips very passionately, she had a small makeout session with me, and then she started to unbutton my shirt, after she did, she took my vest off of me and pulled my shirt off, she stared at me for a second. "Hmmm...you can keep that bra, its cute." Fiki said, as if she was going to tear up my clothes. I found it funny how much she struggled to take off my pants, after she did, she looked down at me. "Hmmm...im gonna make you miserable." Fiki said, giggling at me, i was very confused. But nodded, pretending i knew. (Like in the middle of this scenario, you can use your imagination, my friend reads this and i dont wanna scar his poor innocent eyes.)
"Mmmhm! Heey....pleeaseeee! Stop teasing meeee!" I begged of her, she giggled at me, pressing her hands against the fabric of my panties. Teasing me through the fabric, she was still completely clothed, while she had me pinned down and vulnerable. Ugh, shes so sexy. She giggled at me. "Mmm, alright, i suppose ill make you happyyy~" she said, my face turned red, i watched her. After she had took her clothing off, all of it, she took my lower cloth off, and god. Whatever she did, reaaallly felt nice. it felt so nice that the whole situation after that is just a blur of moaning and screaming, i think i hissed or something.
I was laying down, still recovering from that little scenario that happened, fiki was playing on her switch. Right after practically killing me with her moves, shes playing on her switch..god, shes so adorable. i had the blanket over me, i still hadnt brought myself to get clothes on, fiki was wearing my pajamas cause she forgot to wash any of hers, she was always so careless, but id rather see her be like this then the way she has been. Sometimes i wonder what shes been hallucinating. When she last had one, she was too nervous to even start a sentence, i wonder if it has something to do with allisons death. It might be affecting her greatly, and her sister being in jail, god. I feel bad for her. I didnt realize she was holding a controller at my face, i grabbed it and she turned on mario kart, i never was really good at mario kart, she beat me. I sighed, she then changed the game to a different mario game, that was fun. After she had to plug her switch up, she layed down and cuddled next to me, we both were asleep the rest of the evening, we both ending up staying up all night playing board games or a very long game of devils twister. Fiki did seem happy that whole day, which made me happy.

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