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Everythings perfect.
He has a loving, caring, supportive family. He has the most loyal friends a guy could ask for. He has brothers and sisters who adore him. He has everything he's ever wanted.
So why?

Why does ge feel the way He does?
Why does he feel nothing?

It's not so much a feeling. The only real way he's been able to classify it is grey.
He's not sad, he's not crying, so its not black.
But he's also not happy, he's not smiling, so its not white.
Its nothing.
Its grey.

No pain, saddness, happiness, anger. Nothing. He's kinda just there and He doesn't click. He doesn't belong. He thinks He never will.

He has temporary, fleeting, moments of an emotion but they part just as soon as they come.
They come and go so fast He couldn't tell you what it was. But he's left overwhelemed and confused and all the sudden he's crying but He doesn't know why or how and He just lets it happen because why not? At least He knows in some way his body still works.

He's very rarely hungry.

He has no motivation.

He's so tired.

He's not black or white.

He's grey.

He's just grey.

& I'm just a girl.Where stories live. Discover now