A Living Headache

802 40 7

What the hell? The penalty wasn't stated?

- Human, you must cross the bridge! You, you can't slack now!

Cale sighed. The group turned around, and many gasped in shock at the sight of a giant serpent looming over the bridge in the distance as if to destroy it.

[The difficulty of the scenario has been adjusted.

Difficulty E --> D]

[Evil thoughts of the dead have returned.]

[Black ether is rising from the surrounding earth.]

[Demonic beings have been resurrected!]

They could suddenly hear banging from the cabins that had previously been filled with corpses. The dokkabei in front of them scowled.

"That Bihyung... You better hurry unless you want to die," the dokkabei taunted.

They started running toward the bridge, not stopping even when it was destroyed. The sound of feet hitting the ground repeatedly couldn't block out the noise of screeching sea serpents. They could see tiny silhouettes of people a lot closer to the gap in the bridge, and Cale hoped they didn't run into each other – there were too many people around him already.

Running this fast with Ohn and Hong in his arms was very hard. His legs and lungs were aching, so he might as well use Sound of the Wind now instead of once they reached the bridge. He was startled out of his thoughts when a hologram appeared in front of them all before he could activate the ancient power.

[Someone has received the blessing of a constellation.]

[The constellation's blessing has activated Deus Ex Machina in this scenario.]

[Deus Ex Machina – Bridge of Even Numbers

A bridge of light created by the blessing of a constellation. Can be crossed only by an even number of people. The bridge will collapse if an odd number of people attempt to cross it.]

Wow. The constellations were really involved in the lives of people in this dimension. Or was it this constellation's domain? Did constellations have domains? Oh, well. Too much information just brought trouble.

A glowing bridge appeared in the gap of the concrete bridge, shining with unfamiliar power.

- I could have done better, Human! I am great and mighty!

Cale ignored the six-year-old dragon who kept talking to him telepathically as if he could respond in the middle of a crowd like this.

As they ran forward, they could see the people still far up ahead having some trouble. Four of them left behind one of their group due to the specifications of the bridge, and that person was barely holding off the small horde of zombies.

How did those zombies get there anyway? Sure, 'demonic beings' were resurrected into those bodies, but were they teleported by the 'Bihyung' the dokkabei was talking about?

Then, a large burst of light appeared by that man, and a larger man appeared. The new man choked the one that had been abandoned after saving his life, hitting him a few times, and then they started having a conversation? Why not do that after passing the scenario? Even in a different world, Cale couldn't get away from crazy people.

Cale could hear a few people struggling as they ran. He could relate to that. The pain in his legs only kept increasing, and his lungs were burning. It felt like the inside of his throat had been skinned. The Indestructible Shield was getting a good powerup, at least, but he hated exercise. He could just picture Choi Han trying not to laugh at his pathetic state. He finally gave up on hiding Sound of the Wind, which he could play off as his only average power from a constellation.

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