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[You have entered Chungmuro.]

[#GIR-8761 Channel is live.]

[#BIR-3642 Channel is live.]

[The Third Main Scenario is currently in progress.]

Just like the previous main scenario, they weren't given the information until some unknown condition was fulfilled. How annoying.

Cale looked around, seeing how people were talking quietly in small groups, appearing very nervous, and he sighed. Dokja and the four that stuck near him were in front, so he was able to look around inconspicuously while in such a large group. It was a very familiar sight.

A clearly drunk man in front of them turned around, face lighting up at the sight of the teenage girl that led the large group to this station.

"Hey, little samurai. You've brought newbies... a lot of them."

"Yeah. Have you been drinking again?" The girl leaned toward the man to smell him.

Cale let the conversation between the girl and the man fade just to where he could still comprehend it as he more closely studied the new station. Before the survival fee incident, Geumho station had gotten to a point where almost everyone was at least cordial with each other, but here, the tension was high.

He paid attention again when the girl put her sword right next to the face of a second drunk man that had been talking. Cale knew that an apocalypse made people more prone to violence, and he supposed that he couldn't judge, but it made him uneasy.

The girl turned as the men walked away, telling the group, "I've done my part. You're on your own from now. I don't wanna have to babysit you. I'm off."

Cale almost wished he could walk off like that, but it would only make things harder on him to leave the group.

Apparently Dokja wasn't content with her leaving like that.

"Yoo Joonghyuk is here too, right?" Dokja asked, which made the girl whip around to glare at him.

She popped her sword part of the way out of her sheath, asking with a menacing look, "Who are you?"

Cale narrowed his eyes. Did that chuunibyou do something? He didn't seem like the type, but... rarely anybody bad ever seemed like it to outsiders. Cale knew that very well.

He contemplated her body language and choice of words as she and Dokja talked about Joonghyuk, noting that she didn't seem nervous when Dokja claimed to be the guy's companion and that she called him 'Master.'

She told some guy to keep an eye on them, and everyone followed him to an empty hallway. As the large group settled, Cale and a few others watched Si-Woo pull something out of his jacket.

"No fucking way," Min Jung exclaimed, drawing questioning eyes from the group.

Si-Woo had brought the bag of dead rats with him in his jacket. It was starting to feel like that guy had major attachment issues or some really strange coping mechanisms.

Everyone stared as Si-Woo proudly set the bag in front of him with a concerningly somewhat squishy-sounding thud, the strong smell of rotting mammal wafting from it despite the decomposing animals being contained by plastic.

Si-Woo looked to the side for a moment to read notifications from what Cale assumed were very amused or disgusted constellations.

"It's a real-life land claim block! You know, I think we should name the rats."

There was a horrified moment of silence before most people let out a resounding, "NO!" Si-Woo pouted.

Ra stood up, walked over to Si-Woo, and said, "I'm going to throw this away now." She yanked the bag out of his hands by its tied handles, crinkling her nose as she held it an arm's length from her body.

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