What a Disaster

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Cale kept a close eye on Ha-Joon as he struck down monsters one after another. His face was pained, his strikes were way stronger than they needed to be, and he didn't give himself a second to rest.

"Aargh!" Ha-Joon let out a yell as he cut a monster in half, his sword clattering out of his hand as his momentum brought him to the ground. He only bothered to sit up, breathing heavily, as he covered his face and sobbed.

Another monster lumbered towards the grieving man. Cale leapt into action when Ha-Joon dropped his hands and stared in the face of death, killing it quickly before kneeling down to his level.

I thought you wanted to kill the ones that created the scenarios.

I do, it's just... I can't... I don't know how to go on without them. I don't know if I want to.

You should at least live long enough to avenge them and then mourn them properly.

Ha-Joon stilled. As tears rolled down the man's face, Cale knew that his determination had been reignited, at least for now.


Cale stood up and checked the position of the sun. "We should head back before Ra gets upset at us for missing check-in." He held out a hand for Ha-Joon to take.

It was easy pulling him up, though Cale knew he could never do so without the stat upgrades. The walk back to Chungmuro was comfortably silent. Ha-Joon killed the monsters they ran into on the way, and while Cale made sure to dodge any spraying blood, he didn't comment on the overly aggressive technique.

Ra greeted them with a smile when they returned, setting down her club. Cale couldn't help but imagine what she would have done if they had shown up late.

"We were thinking," Ha Eun started, "it would be good for us to learn Korean Sign Language. If you don't mind, could you teach us, Baek Ha-Joon?"

Ha-Joon exhaled lightly. "Ah... sure."

This should be a good distraction, plus it would be better for everyone in the long run, so Cale was impressed with the group's thinking.

[I◼c◼rnat◼◼n K◼◼ D◼kja has i◼◼◼ted you to Mid◼ay T◼ys◼.]

[ Ac◼◼pt | D◼cline ]

Cale accepted it, curious, but there was only an empty chat box hologram. He dismissed it for now.

He leaned back, letting On and Hong curl up on his lap as he watched the others begin to learn a language for someone else's benefit. Raon was lying by Igneel and having a whispered conversation Cale was pretending he didn't hear.

"You aren't Igneel?"

"No- well, I am, but not the one people talk about. The Igneel who destroyed dozens of worlds was my progenitor. I've only destroyed one, plus it was really small and nothing lived there. Don't tell anyone though. I'm only telling you because you're an awesome dragon like me."

"Does that mean you won't destroy this world?"

Igneel responded after a few seconds. "I think I'm supposed to, but I don't want to. I want to try to kill a constellation or two instead."

"I don't think you have to destroy anything you don't want to. Aren't you an incarnation now anyway? I remember when my Human asked for that to happen."

"I am an incarnation. But unless a super cool constellation offers, I'm not going to take a sponsor."

Cale stopped paying attention when they moved onto nonsensical topics.

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