Im sorry but it's true...

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A/N: A few minutes from where we left off
(This chapter is basically part 2 of jealous)

Timeline: 5 minutes from where we left off
(The timeline will most likely change throughout the chapter)


Sora had been acting weird lately, he had just left without saying anything. Something is definitely wrong.

Rebecca was talking about something but I wasn't paying attention, I was to worried about Sora.

"So Jaxx, can we hangout today?" Rebecca says

"Umm I can't, I think I'm just going to go home"

I didn't want to hangout with her, I wanted to check up on Sora. The squad started walking and I joined them, Rebecca followed behind me.

"But...yesterday you promis-

I turn around to look at her "No...I didn't promise you anything"

I said that in a loud tone. I probably shouldn't have done that, but I was mad and upset for some reason.

"Why are so upset?" Rebecca crossed her arms

"I'm not upset. I just don't feel good"

Something happened between Rebecca and Sora, she told him something. But what?

"If you don't feel good then I can take you home"

"No Rebecca, it's okay. I can go home by myself"

"Okay, fine" Rebecca rolled her eyes in annoyance and left

I watched Rebecca leave, but not for long. I started to run home expect I wasn't running to my house, I was running to Sora's house. I needed to talk to him.

I get to Sora's house and I knock on the door. No one answers the door the first time. I knock again and then someone answers the door.

It's Stacy.

"Is Sora home!?" I said in a worried tone

"Umm no...he's at the library"

Stacy was fidgeting with her hands, she was lying I know she was.

"Your lying" I looked at her with a serious face

"He doesn't want to talk to anyone right now"

"Just please let me talk to him"

"What exactly happened?"

"I'm not sure, that's why I came here"

"Come in, he's in his room"

Stacy moves a bit to the side and let's me go in

"Thank you"

I slowly go upstairs to Sora's bedroom, I knock on his door.

"I don't want to talk to anyone" Sora shouts

He's been crying, Sora has to be extremely hurt or exhausted to cry. What did Rebecca say to him!?

"Sora please, open the door. I want to talk"

I can hear him get up from his bed and slowly walks towards the door. The door unlocks but it doesn't open.

"Please...I just want to talk" I whisper

The door opens, I see Sora, his eyes are a bit red from crying. I don't say anything and I just hug him.

He hugs me back immediately

"I'm sorry" Sora whispers

I was confused on why he said sorry, but I didn't say anything, I just continued hugging him because I knew that's what he needed at the moment.

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