First day back

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A/N:  this chapter is 1 month later from where we left off
(they got 2 months of summer break)

School grades: Levi: (10th grade)

Jaxx, Alex, Luca: (9th, it will be explained later why these squad members are in a higher school grade than the rest of the squad except Levi)

Sora, Charli, Light: (8th grade)

Timeline: middle of august (first day back at school)


It's the first day back at school, summer seem to go by fast but it was fun, Jaxx took me to his farm and it's was nice being there, I spent most of my summer with Jaxx and his family, my mum and Stacy would join us sometimes to places, my dad wasn't really home much because of work so most of the time we had our free time and I got to be myself without hiding.

The squad decided to walk to school together as a group since it was the first day, our school grades are a bit confusing because of our ages, it doesn't really fit all of us, if it were to be corrected than most of the squad would be in 9th grade and the other half would be in 8th, well except Levi, he's the only one who actually has his school grade correct. When I first met Jaxx, Alex, and Luca they all said that they got held back a grade because they didn't really know English well, but that they were smart and knew stuff from a school grade ahead of them.

The squad finally meets up and starts to walk to school together, we start talking about our classes together, me and Jaxx start talking about how we have 2 classes together, Band and Art. We get to school and stop walking once we see the principal walking towards us.

"May I please have Jaxx, Alex, and Luca" the principal said

We all looked at each other confused, Jaxx, Alex, and Luca didn't even questioned it and went with the principal.

Me, Charli, Light, and Levi are confused but we start walking into the school, we texted Jaxx, Alex, and Luca that we would be in the music room, probably forgot to mention that the principal emailed me and told me that the music room where we always hangout was free again so me and the squad could hangout there at free time since she knows that we hangout there most of the time.

"Did they get in trouble?" I said

"Did they do something bad?" Charli said

"I highly doubt that they did something bad, well maybe Luca, he seems like he would do something bad" Light said

Me Charli, and Levi just look at Light confused.

"You saying that light reminds me of when you guys first met, you guys didn't like each other at all" Levi said

"Weren't you guys like enemies before you guys were lovers?" I say

"OOO it's like my favorite book genre, enemies to lovers" Charli said jokingly

Light just looked at us annoyed.

We get into the music room and I go straight to the piano, I play a song with a nice melody, it's one of Jaxx's favorite songs that I play, it's unique and I made it, we sometimes joke around on how if one of us were to move that he could easily find me by playing that melody for him.


Me, Alex, and Luca got asked to go to the counselors office, we all thought that we were in trouble but at the same time we had done nothing wrong. After a while we finally get out, it turned out that we weren't in trouble at all.

"Sora said that they are in the music room" Luca said checking his phone

We go to the music room and as we are walking I hear that soft melody again, Sora is playing one of my favorite songs.

We go into the music room and Sora stops playing the piano once he hears the door open, I go to sit next to him.

"Sooo what happened?" Light said

"Oh yea we aren't 8th graders anymore" Alex said

Sora, Charli, Light, and Levi look at each other confused

"What she means is that we got a really high score on our test last year that depended on our school grade and so we got moved up to 9th grade" I corrected her

"WHAT!" Light shouted

"Aww that's cool" Levi says

"Wait so does that mean we don't have classes together?" Sora whispered to me

"We still have band, art, and lunch together , don't worry" I whispered back to him

He smiles, we turn to the squad and we can see Light being mad and Luca trying to make him calm down and we see Alex and Charli just talking and Levi reading a book, it was kinda chaotic. Me and Sora go to help Luca out with Light and try to calm him down.

"I don't know why Im so upset, it just feels like maybe I won't see Luca as much" Light says finally calming down

Luca smiles

"we still have dance and computer science together and we can still see each other at lunch" Luca says

"See, you guys won't be apart, you guys will still be together in some classes" Sora says

Luca goes up to Light and hugs him and me and Sora just stand there watching them.

After a while the bell rings and it's finally time to go to class. The squad says bye to each other and I give Sora a kiss.

"I'll see you in a bit" I say to Sora

"Yea okay" Sora says

And we go all go to our homerooms


A/N: so as I'm writing this story I realized that the ages are a bit confusing, Jaxx, Alex, Luca are a year older than Sora, Charli, and Light and it wouldn't really match with their school grade.

So in this chapter I bumped them up into the grade that fits them.

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