I don't want to...but we have to.

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A/N:  This chapter is the day after the last chapter, I recommend tissues for this one

Warning: This chapter contains swear words



I woke up to the sound of my phone blowing up with miscalls.

I check my phone, I had 5 miscalls from Stacy and 5 from Alex. I decided to calls Stacy back first, but she never answered, then I called Alex

"Jaxx you're supposed to be helping us today!" Alex says as soon as I answer the phone

"Oh shit, sorry I forgot. I'll be there soon" I say and quickly hang up and get ready

Our school has this thing where juniors have to make a project or invention and then present it in the beginning of the second semester. For some reason me, Alex, and Luca decided to start the project this week and we go back to school in 2 weeks so we really don't have much time.

I finish getting ready and head to school where we are doing the project.

Once I get to school I see Alex making something, it looks like outfits

Once I get closer I realize that it is outfits, matching ones for exact

"What's this" I ask

"We took a break from the project, since it's almost finished. We just need your part of it but we can do that tomorrow" Luca says

"We made matching outfits for you and Sora" Alex says excitedly

"Oh thanks but you didn't have to" I say

"Call Sora, I want you guys to try it on" Alex tells me

"Okay" I say and pull out my phone

I call Sora but he doesn't answer

"Weird" I say

"What happened?" Luca says

"I called Sora but he didn't answer, he always answers"

"Maybe he's busy" Alex says

"No Sora always answers even if he's busy, if he's busy he tells me that I'll call be back later"

"That is weird, I'll call him" Alex says

Alex calls Sora but he doesn't answer, then Luca calls him, No answer.

"Maybe his ringer is just off again" I say

I then try on the outfit. It fit nice and it was definitely my style.

After a while, we leave school and I went home. It was fun for just being at school and talking.

I took Sora's outfit home with me as well, I was planning on giving it to him later.

I get home and as I enter, I see Jacob and Marcus playing Mario Kart in the living room. I then go upstairs to my room and place the outfit on my bed. For some reason I had the urge to pull out the box of stuff that's filled with Sora's stuff

We meet again {Soraxx story}Where stories live. Discover now