Start of winter break

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A/N: A few weeks from where we left off

Timeline: 1 week into December

This chapter will just be the squad hanging  out, so I'll be putting the days of the week and each event that happens. This chapter is a little different from what I usually write




It's Monday today, I usually hate Mondays but today surprisingly I don't. Me and the squad made plans to hangout Monday through Thursday now that we are on winter break, well expect for Wednesday. That day me and Jaxx will just be us hanging out, just the two of us.

We made plans to go Ice skating, it was a plan that we talked about in our group chat that we have.

I was sitting down on my bed reading for a bit, when all of a sudden I then hear a knock on my bedroom door.

"Come in" I shout

It's my boyfriend Jaxx

"Hey blueberry, you ready to go?" Jaxx says

I hate when he calls be that, but at this point it feels weird if he doesn't.

"Yup, i'm ready"

I get up from my bed and walk out of my bedroom with Jaxx. We had to keep it low-key though because my dad was home. We walk out of the house and once we are far enough from my house, Jaxx holds my hand.

"Alex said to meet her and Light at the skate park" Jaxx says

"Alright, did they go skateboarding?" I ask

"yea they did"

Alex and Light have been skateboarding a lot recently, which I find cool. I think it's a way that they bond as siblings.

When we get to the skate park, we see Levi, Luca, and Charli there already, and obviously Alex and Light were already there. Alex and Light were still skate boarding, Alex seemed to be filming a small video of her and Light skating.

After a while, Alex and Light finally finish skate boarding and we finally leave to Dallas Galleria (The Mall) The mall has an Ice skating center that we can ice skate at, Levi is also old enough to drive us to places so we didn't have an issue getting there.


The squad finally gets to the mall, the mall was big and it would be easy for any of them to get lost, luckily they all stayed together.


Me and the squad are Ice skating. I'll admit, it's really fun. I'll also admit that I did fall a few times. Surprisingly Sora was really good at Ice skating, he was holding my hand and Ice skating with me so that I wouldn't fall again.

"How come your so good at Ice skating" I ask Sora

He chuckles a bit

"I've been ice skating since I was 3" Sora says

"Wait what? how come I don't know about this?"

"I thought I told you, Ice skating has been brought up so many times in the group chat, that I thought I told you" Sora says

"Nope you didn't, which is kinda bad considering how I'm your boyfriend"

He laughs

"I forgot, I swear I forgot" Sora says while laughing

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