Dreaming about you...

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Sora lately had been struggling with trying to figure out his feelings for Jaxx, although he came out to his sister he felt like if he told her his feelings she wouldn't understand, so he went to talk to a friend he knew he could trust...Charli


Lately I've been struggling with telling people my feelings especially my feelings about Jaxx...so I decided to talk to Charli because I know that she can help me....hopefully.


"Charli I really like him and a feeling inside me says that he likes me back but I keep telling myself No"

"Sora...trust yourself...with everything your telling me it sounds like there could be a chance that he likes you back!"

"And what if he doesn't, what if I'm being stupid!...and like what if he's not gay!...."

"Sora don't be silly Sora, Jaxx might not be straight to be honest" Charli says with a chuckle

"W-What do you mean?...Jaxx might not be straight?"

"I- uhh" Charli says in a panic tone

"What do you know that I don't?"

"Nothing...I know Nothing and you heard Nothing!"

"Your lying!"

"Sora...what I meant is like you and Jaxx are both having really close moments and he invited you to a dance!...i've never seen him do that"

I chuckle "maybe I should just trust my gut..."

"Yes you should!" Charli says in a happy tone




I'm going to Sora's house later to hangout, usually I only go to Sora's house to study with him but today he wanted me  to come over to hang out which i definitely don't mind...

The last time I went to his house we almost kissed! Which shocked me a bit and I left freaking out...but ever since then I've been having dreams...not normal dream's though...I've been having dreams about Sora...in those dreams every time that we are close we end up getting really close and almost end up kissing but every time I end up waking up...

I've lately found out about bisexuality and I think that I might be my sexuality but I'm still not sure...



Sora and Jaxx were hanging out in Sora's room, drawing, practicing on the piano, talking about things they have in common, etc. Stacy had gone out with her friends so it was just Jaxx and Sora at home since Sora's mom went with Stacy and Sora's dad was at work.


Me and Jaxx were just hanging out in my room talking about a lot of random stuff when we both decided to watch a movie.

We put on a random movie, I didn't pay attention to which one it was since I was tired. About 20 mins into the movie I feel myself falling asleep, I lay my head in Jaxx shoulder, I was too tired to even care.

I felt his head on my head which probably meant he fell asleep too...then I started to have a weird dream...

I was in a room with Jaxx...it was a small room but it was peaceful and calming...it was only us in the room. I felt myself walking closer towards Jaxx, I tried stopping myself but for some reason I didn't...Jaxx got closer too and it felt like little sparks kept flying around us...when I finally stop walking I see that I'm only inches away from Jaxx.

I look into his eyes...they are sparkling...he gets closer to me and kisses me...it was calming and then I woke up...

I turn to look at Jaxx which he seems to be shocked as well...I stay there in silence looking at him...I think we had the same dream...

I want to say something to break the silence but he beats me to it.

"I umm...I think it's time for me to go home now Sora..."

"Oh umm yea"

I walk with him to the door and as he opens the door to leave I grab his hand...he looks at me confused and I hug him...

He hugs me back and I whisper "I had a weird dream"  still hugging me he whispers "yea...I had a weird dream too"  we stop hugging and we smile at each other...I watch as he leaves and I just stand there thinking about everything that had happened.

I close the door and I smile...maybe I actually might have a chance...


Sorry I haven't posted in a while 😅 also this might be a bit rushed but yk that's ok 👍 the next chapter is going to be VERY interesting 👀

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