Almost caught....

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A/N: 1 month from where we left off

Timeline: Middle of June


It's been about a month since the summer vacations started, I've been hanging out with Jaxx most the time, I went to his family's farm last week, it was fun! But since then, me and Jaxx haven't been able to see each other, since we both have been busy with stuff, and it's been boring without him.

I'm in my room playing the piano when I hear someone open my bedroom door, it's Stacy my sister.

She comes inside my room and shuts the door, I turn around to look at her.

"Hey Stacy, what's up?"

"Hey Sora, your boo is downstairs"

I look at her confused

"Jaxx is downstairs" she says

"Oh, okay thanks"

I stand up from the piano and go downstairs, Stacy follows behind me

I see Jaxx talking to my mom, when he sees me he smiles. I go up to him and hug him, and he hugs me back

"I missed you" I whisper to him

"I missed you too" he whispers back

"Okay guys it's been like a week since you both seen each other, you guys are acting likes it been years" Stacy's interrupts

We laugh

Me and Jaxx go upstairs into my bedroom and decide to play the piano, Me and Jaxx had been working on a song together and it's turning out well.



Me and Sora are in his bedroom playing the piano, he's playing the piano while I write lyrics for a song that we are making.

Sora looks at me and stops playing the piano, I look up from the paper that I'm writing on and look at him.

"What?" I ask him

"Nothing..." he says and looks back to the piano

I grab his hand "then why were you staring at me?"

He looks at me again

"I can't admire my beautiful boyfriend?" He says

"Oh no, you definitely can"

He laughs

He looks at me and smiles, and I kiss him. We continue kissing and I move my hands to his waist, I never really do that but for some reason this time I did. I thought it would bother Sora but it didn't.
Our kiss was really more like a make out.

We continue kissing until we hear the door open, I quickly move my hands from his waist and quickly turn towards the piano. It was Sora's dad

Sora looks at me a bit scared. His dad comes into his room.

"Hey boys! what are you two up to" his dad says

"Hi" me and Sora both say

"Umm we were just playing the piano" Sora says

"Oh well sorry for interrupting, just wanted to say that dinner is ready" Sora's dad says

"Okay, we'll be down there soon" Sora says

Sora's dad leaves and Sora just looks at me

"Do you think he saw?" I asked him

"No...if he did, he would have acted really bad" Sora says and lays his head on my shoulder

"Yea..." I kiss his forehead and we stay there for a while

"Are you going to stay for dinner" Sora asked me

"Yea, I told my mom I was going to stay"


"Are you okay though?" I asked Sora, he still seemed a bit scared

"Just...worried, that maybe one day he'll find out..."

"That's won't happen, I promise" I said and I hugged him

After a while, me and Sora go downstairs. Everything seems normal but then Stacy comes up to us.

"Hey, you guys okay?"

Sora looked at me and then back at Stacy.

"Yea we're fine, why did dad say something?" Sora said

"Dad said that you guys were acting weird, I imagine that you guys almost got caught" Stacy said

"Did he say anything, like if he saw us?" I asked Stacy, just to make sure

"No, he just said that when he walked in you guys were at the piano acting weird, like it was awkward"

"Okay...thanks for telling us" Sora said

We walked to the dinner table and started to eat, at dinner we talked about many random stuff with Sora's parents, it was fun.



I Almost got caught kissing Jaxx today by my dad...
I was honestly scared, like what if he finds out one day, he would move me back to London and I don't want that...

I walk with Jaxx to the front door of my house, he's leaving since he doesn't want to go past his curfew.

I walk outside with him, we stop and he holds my hand.

"I love you" he whispers to me

"I love you too" I whisper back and I hug him

We break apart from the hug and I kiss him. This time it wasn't long and it was a gentle and sweet kiss.

We break apart from the kiss, and we smile at each other.

We say goodbye to each other and I watch as he walks home, and I go back inside.

I love Jaxx and if my dad were to find out then it would ruin me, I'm hoping he never does.

A/N: this chapter is kinda rushed so I apologize but I hope you guys still enjoy it

I'm sorry that I haven't been posting much, I promise I will start posting more, I already have the next chapter ready to post 👀

Also...THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 1.62k READS!!!! I love you guys so much and I couldn't have done this without you guys 🥰

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