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A/N: 1 month from where we left off

timeline: beginning of January

Sorry if there's spelling mistakes


"Okay dad, I'll see what the record label says" I say

then I leave my dad's office, William, Alice, and Jay are standing outside the office waiting for me

"So, what did he say?" They all ask

I sigh

"He likes all the songs except..." I say

"Except for the one you wrote about Jaxx" Jay says

"Yea" I say

They all groan

"Well the label likes it so it will still be in the album" William says

"True" I say

"Besides the song is amazing, it really explains how much you miss someone and love them" Alice says

"Besides the album releases today and it's too late to make any changes" Jay says

"Can we go to the studio before we head to the arena for the concert" William says

"Sure" I say

"Release day and concert day, we never done that before" Jay says

"For the set list we will play the songs from the new album right?" Alice asks

"Yea, and also some of our hit songs" Jay says

Then we leave my dads head office

We get to the studio and outside are a bunch of fans, the security guards and our bodyguards are trying to control them all which is very chaotic

"Why exactly are we here?" Alice asks as we enter the studio

"I forgot my phone" William says

"Oh okay" Alice says

After a few minutes William still hasn't found his phone

"William where is your phone" Jay asks

"Well Jay if I knew we would've already been out of here" William says sarcastically

Me and Alice laugh

"What part of the building have you been in?" I ask

"All of them..." William says

"THATS LIKE 3 STORYS" Jay shouts

"I think I know that Jay" William says

"We won't make it to the arena on time" Jay says

"Don't worry we will, we just have to work together" Alice says

And then we all split up and go to look for the Williams phone

And to be honest, the building is huge


I finally made it to London, the squad is hoping I see Sora but I highly doubt it.

I've been here a couple of time for filming, but every time Sora is on tour.

I'm meeting up with my Co-star Candi

We've been in shows before so we are really close as friends, there's even been a rumor that we dated but that's definitely not true

I've only dated Sora and I'm hoping that we can be together again one day.

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